IFSW member The Swedish Union for Social Sciences Professionals (Akademikerförbundet SSR) has developed a new Ethical Code for Social Workers. Titti Frankel, Director of Development for Akademikerförbundet SSR said, “The Swedish Organisation of Social Workers are happy to announce the New Code of Ethics for Social Workers! A Code of Ethics is not legally binding but it helps the profession to make informed decisions based on the values and norms which represents the profession. In this new code we discuss and problematize different ethical dilemmas that may arise in daily work.”
The Code promotes the Social Work Principles of:
- Humanity And Solidarity
- Human And Civil Rights
- Welfare, Resources And Security
- Liberty And Self-Determination
- Dignity And Integrity – The Right To Live In Dignity
- Democracy And Participation
- Gender Equality, Equal Opportunities, Equal Treatment – A Level Playing Field For All
- Social Justice
IFSW Secretary-General, Rory Truell said, “It’s exciting to see national social work organisation’s reviewing and updating their codes of ethics. The Swedish code sets a very good example as it reaches beyond what social workers ‘should or should not do’. It articulates a sustainable model for society based-on international social work insights and understandings: Solidarity, humanity, democracy and participation for all in socially just societies.”