Ana Lima, IFSW European Regional President and President of the Spanish Council for Social Work said today: “Social Work is committed to PEACE and NON-VIOLENCE, we condemn all forms of terrorism. Just as recently Barcelona has suffered ominous attacks. We want to send to the victims, their families and their inner circle our heartfelt condolences. We thank and support the work of the Social and emergency Workers who are intervening, remembering in this crucial moment the great work that they are doing. We also want to express our commitment, and the commitment of other professional structures with the solidarity and support to the citizens”
Social workers are responding to terror attacks in many countries. Earlier this month IFSW member the British Association of Social Workers published comments from social workers on the profession’s role in responding to terror. See the article here.
Concrete actions in Barcelona:
– Generalidad de Cataluña: teléfonos de atención a familiares (ver)
– Ayuntamiento de Barcelona: activado el Plan básico de emergencia municipal. (ver)
– Comunicado de Unión Profesional de condena por el atentado en Barcelona (ver)
– El Ayuntamiento de Barcelona destaca el papel de los trabajadores sociales en la atención a víctimas y familiares en los atentados desde el Centro de Urgencias Sociales (ver)
– Centro de Urgencias y Emergencias Sociales de Barcelona (ver)
Monographic work in social emergencies: