Statement issued by Palestinian Union of Social workers and Psychologists (PUSWP)
We stand today, with all humanity, professionalism and high responsibility, to extend our unwavering support and unlimited thanks to the International Federation of Social Workers (IFSW) for its support, and solidarity with the issues of our people and its endeavours to achieve justice and equality for all people.
We have been working for a just and true peace aimed at preserving the dignity of the individuals and everyone’s communities. We are committed to the ethical standards of the Union and IFSW.
The decision issued by the Executive of the International Federation of Social Workers (IFSW) on 29th March 2018 censures the Israeli Union of Social Workers for their lack of their social work voice on the issues to defend social justice and human rights of all people.
We as PUSWP, as well as social and human rights organizations, call as we did before to work to end the occupation and the adoption of resolutions of international legitimacy, the right of the Palestinian people to establish an independent state with holy Jerusalem as its capital.
We commend the IFSW censure of the Israeli Union of Social Workers as until now they have not acknowledged that Palestinians live under their Government’s military occupation. The PUSWP will work with all social workers in defending everyone’s rights
We and on behalf of all the social and psychological specialists in Palestine present to IFSW and to all the social workers in this world a message of love, peace, respect and appreciation for their efforts, humanity and professionalism.
We will be faithful to our absent present colleagues and to our great profession
PUSWP – Palestine
The IFSW Secretary General Rory Truell said, “Social workers in many parts of the world play a key role in building peace in conflict zones. Social workers in these situations are courageous in advancing an agenda of non-violent action and recognising the human rights of all peoples. We honour their efforts, skills and determination in working towards just and peaceful solutions. The message ‘will work with all social workers in defending everyone’s rights’, is an illustration of social work that the world can be proud of. It sets an example for others to follow”.
Read the IFSW Executive Censure of the Israeli Union of Social Workers here.