Elections for IFSW Executive positions occur every two years as part of the General Meeting. These elections are governed by the IFSW Constitution and By-Laws. The currently elected members of the IFSW Executive can be found here.
Elected positions are for terms of four years with half the Executive being elected in alternate two year periods at the General Meetings. Positions in the Executive with links to the corresponding Job Description:
In exceptional circumstances, such as the resignation of members or a position becoming vacant due to the incumbent being elected to another role, elections may also take place between General Meetings. Below, you will find information about such elections.
It is important that nominations comply fully with the IFSW By-Laws and, hence, they should include the following documentation:
- Signed and dated Profile and Curriculum Vitae of the Nominee of a maximum of five (5) pages.
- Letter of support from the nominating association, signed by the President and one other person of the executive on an association letterhead.
- Proof of a motion supporting the nomination carried by the national association.
Further documents submitted by the Nominee or Candidate can also be included providing the information is consistent with the IFSW Statement of Ethical Principles. The documentation must be sent by email.
IFSW Africa Vice President
Following the Election of Oluwatoni Adeleke as President of IFSW Africa during the General Meeting on 1-2 April 2024, the position of IFSW Africa Vice President has become vacant. The person elected will serve for a two-year period and is eligible to stand again in 2026 for a 4 year term. Key dates for this election are:
- Friday, 26 April 2024: Call for nomination opens
- Friday, 7 June 2024: Call for nomination closes
- Monday, 24 June 2024: Voting opens
- Wednesday, 24 July 2024: Voting closes
- Friday, 26 July 2024: Announcement of the outcome of the elections
To nominate candidates for this position, nominations should be received no later than Friday, 7 June 2024 and be submitted to the IFSW Elections Officer David Jones () and the IFSW Secretary-General Rory Truell ().
Members in good standing will be able to access the voting platform using the same login credentials they used for the 2024 General Meeting.
Ssekate John Mary – Profile | Letter of Support | Proof of Motion
Traduction automatique: Profil | Lettre de soutien | Preuve de motion
Abib Ndiaye – Profil | Lettre de soutien | Preuve de motion | Annexe
Automatic translation: Profile | Letter of Support | Proof of Motion | Appendix
Report of the Elections Officer David Jones: English | French
IFSW North America Vice President
Following the resignation of Joan Davis-Whelan, the position of IFSW North America Vice President has become vacant. The person elected will serve for a two-year period.
- Friday, 28 June 2024: Call for nomination opens
- Friday, 12 July 2024: Call for nomination closes
- Monday, 5 August 2024: Announcement of the outcome of the elections
Due to a mutual agreement between the two member organisations of IFSW North America, the National Association of Social Workers (USA) and the Canadian Association of Social Workers, no voting procedure is required.
Barb Whitenect – Profile | Letter of Support | Proof of Motion | Appendix