In less than three weeks’ time many of the European Social Platform members, IFSW members as well as other representatives of European, national and local civil society organisations and governmental institutions will gather in Helsinki for European Social Platform second Flagship Conference, “Building Social Europe”.
It takes place back-to-back with the high-level conference on the economy of wellbeing organised by the Finnish Presidency of the EU, where the Social Platform will be present with a delegation comprised of members of the Management Committee, staff and members who are leading workshops in our Flagship Conference.
Don’t miss your chance to be part of this conference! Registration is open until 2 September and we still have a few places available. Register here. Still undecided? Have a look at the overview of what is planned for you in Helsinki: the conference programme includes panels, a high-level round table, workshops, study visits and a public action in the centre of Helsinki!
We are delighted that government representatives from Finland, Croatia and Germany (the current and two upcoming EU Presidencies) will participate in our high-level round table so we can hear their plans and practical steps towards building Social Europe. We will also welcome and hear from Marie-Louise Coleiro Preca, former President of Malta and current President of Eurochild, who will bring the unique perspective of a politician who advocated for social justice during her presidency and is now actively engaged in civil society organisations.
Our two panel debates will bring together activists, researchers and politicians to debate our central themes of social justice and participatory democracy: how can the pursuit of profit and economic growth be better balanced with social and environmental goals, and what is the role and place of civil dialogue in our democracies?
European Social Platform
IFSW Europea is a member of European Social Platform