The IFSW Secretariat has a great pleasure to announce that we have three new members organizations in two new countries!
The following organizations have had their applications for Full IFSW Membership approved by a postal ballot of IFSW members:
- The Association of Social Development Professionals in Togo
- National Association of Social Workers in Democratic Republic Congo -NASW (Congo – Coordinating body)
- National Body of Social Assistants Democratic Republic Congo (Congo – Coordinating body)

The Association of Social Development Professionals in Togo

National Association of Social Workers in Democratic Republic Congo -NASW

National Body of Social Assistants Democratic Republic Congo (Congo – Coordinating body)
Successful membership applications to IFSW over the recent years show that social work is one of the fasting growing professions, and we all together continue to rise to new levels of cooperation and solidarity.
IFSW President, Silvana Martinez, has expressed ‘On behalf of IFSW, we extend a heartfelt welcome and congratulate Togo and Congo on achieving full membership. I look forward to meeting them at the next Regional Meeting in Uganda, this October’
Rory Truell, IFSW Secretary-General has said ‘“The Federation is a place of shared learning and global action and we are very excited that Congo and Togo have joined IFSW. It is a pleasure to warmly welcome and congratulates you both on your organisation’s achieving IFSW full membership.
Today while attending a social work meeting in Rwanda, Rory Truell had the opportunity to personally congratulate the NASW DRC team:
The Secretariat wishes to thank all the members that participated in the election.