The IFSW 2020 General Meeting will be held as an online forum, in our website. Details will be published on this page as documents become available.
The General Meeting is the supreme and governing body of the Federation and during those two days, member organisations will discuss and approve the policies of the Federation, elect the Executive Committee Members, and approve amendments or additions to the Constitution
The IFSW Secretariat hopes that all members organizations will actively participate through the online process. More information about registering to participate and how the online process will work will be published as soon as possible.
Click here to download the agenda as a PDF (as of July 11th)
The 2020 IFSW General Meeting will be held on the 11th, 12th, 13th July 2020.
The General meeting will run in three blocks of time over the above days. These blocks are called ‘sessions’.
- Session 1: Discussion. July 11th (07h00 UTC) – July 12th (05h00 UTC)
- Session 2: First Round of Voting. July 12th (13h00 UTC) – July 13th (01h00 UTC)
- Session 3: Second Round of Voting – July 13th (08h00 UTC) – (18h00 UTC)
- Conclusions and Results.
The timing of the sessions has been organised to maximise convenience for all time zones. The timing is listed below with the agenda items as UTC time (Coordinated Universal Time).
IFSW President, Silvana Martínez will preside as the Chairperson for all sessions. She will delegate her authority to people that the executive endorses to support her role. Nicolai Paulsen (pending confirmation by the General Meeting) will act as Parliamentarian in all sessions. He will delegate his authority to people that the executive endorses to support his role.
Each IFSW member organization is entitled to have 1 Main Representative who cast their votes and 2 Delegates participate in the General Meeting. During session 1 (discussion), the 3 Representatives of each member organization will have the opportunity to discuss, make comments, raise questions and motions, but it expected they will work together as a team. With regards to coordinating bodies, the number of delegates can be extended by written request to the President and Secretary-General, but only one person in a coordinating body can cast the votes on behalf of the body.
SESSION 1 – Discussion Agenda Items. July 11th (07h00 UTC) – July 12th (05h00 UTC)
The discussions of all agenda items are open simultaneously and will last 22 hours. There is no voting in this session. Voting will only be possible in sessions 2 and 3 to ensure all the discussion has taken place before votes are cast.
Discussion will take place on the General Meeting of the IFSW Website. Please note that the links below only work if you are logged in and if you are a confirmed Main Representative or Delegate of your organisation with relevant access rights.
Draft Agenda
Please note that the links below only work if you are logged in and if you are a confirmed Main Representative or Delegate of your organisation.
2.1 Nomination’s Committee Report
2.2 Affirmation of the Nominations Committee
(open access link to the 2018 minutes)
4.1 IFSW Africa Region Report
4.2 IFSW Asia-Pacific Region Report
4.3 IFSW Europe Region Report
4.4 IFSW Latin America & Caribbean Region Report
4.5 IFSW North America Region Report
5.1 Report from the IFSW Human Rights Commission
5.2 Report from the IFSW Ethics Commission
5.3 Report from the IFSW UN Commission
5.4 Report from the Interim Education Commission
5.5 Motion to formalize an IFSW Education Commission
5.6 Report from Indigenous Committee Representatives
5.7 Motion from Aotearoa New Zealand to formalize an IFSW Indigenous Commission
6.1 Victor Garcia for the position of IFSW Treasurer
6.2 Abu Mansaray (George) for the position of IFSW African Regional President
6.3 Noel Muridzo for the position of IFSW African Regional President
6.4 Irene Leung for the position of IFSW Asia-Pacific Regional Vice President
6.5 Liu Jing for the position of IFSW Asia-Pacific Regional Vice President
6.6 Sriganesh MV for the Position of IFSW Asia-Pacific Regional Vice President
6.7 Ana Radulescu for the position of IFSW European Regional President
6.8 Tânia Maria Ramos for the position of IFSW LAC Regional Vice President
6.9 Mildred Joyner for the Position of IFSW North America Regional President
6.10 Joan Davis for the Postion of IFSW North America Regional Vice President
7.1 Membership Application from the Republic of the Congo
7.2 Membership Application from Jordan
7.3 Membership Application from Mexico
10.1 Finance Report 2018 & 2019
10.2 Motion to appoint the auditor
11.1 Motion from Aotearoa New Zealand: Article 10. Global Treasurer
11.2 Motion from Aotearoa New Zealand: Replace the Current Article 14 f
11.3 Motion from Aotearoa New Zealand: Article 11
12.1 Global Agenda report 2018 – 2020
12.2 Global Agenda, the first decade
12.3 Global Agenda 2020 – 2030
13.1 Social Work and the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals
14.1 Award in Memory of Andrew Mouravieff-Apostol
15.1 Motion from Aotearoa New Zealand to amend the By-Laws
16.1 IFSW Archives Project
16.2 Confirmation of Resignation of Ana Lima
16.3 Ambassador’s Report
16.4 Can IFSW make a logo for Social Work Profession?
SESSION 2 – First Round of Voting. July 12th (13h00 UTC) – July 13th (01h00 UTC)
In this session, IFSW member organizations in good standing can participate.
This session will include voting on the regional representatives and all motions related to above agenda items that do not have a contingent or depended or amendmened motions. The order of the motions will be determined by the Chair and the Parliamentarian.
Only the Main Representative of who casts the votes will have access to vote.
All votes will be submitted to the committee of tellers who will count the votes. This committee will comprise regional nominated representatives, who are not themselves allowed to vote.
The results of the votes will be placed on the General Meeting website before Session 3 begins.
Instructions on how to cast your votes will be forwarded soon.
SESSION 3 – Second Round of Voting. July 13th (08h00 UTC) – (18h00 UTC)
In this session, IFSW member organizations in good standing can participate.
This session will include voting on all remaining motions.
Only the Main Representative of who casts the votes will have access to vote.
All votes will be submitted to the committee of tellers who will count the votes. This committee will comprise regional nominated representatives, who are not themselves allowed to vote.
Instructions on how to cast your votes will be forwarded soon.
IFSW President Silvana Martínez and Secretary-General Rory Truell will announce the results of the 2020 General Meeting.
Registration is open now. Please, click HERE to register
Each IFSW member organization is entitled to have 1 Main Representative who cast their votes and 2 Delegates in the General Meeting.
With regards to coordinating bodies, the number of delegates can be extended by written request to the President and Secretary-General, but only one person in a coordinating body can cast the votes on behalf of the body.
Kindly, register before June 30 to help IFSW Secretariat with the logistics
Read the Rules of Order that will be used during the General Meeting.
- Minutes of the 2018 General Meeting
- Draft_Agenda_May25th (posted May 25th)
- All the reports, proposed policies, motions and voting procedures will be listed below. We hope that delegates from all member organisations participate, contribute and make use of their voting rights.
The following positions (below) on the IFSW Global Executive are open for election and will be voted upon during the General Meeting on the 12th or 13th of July. To nominate for one of these positions, nominations should be received no later than Saturday 23rd May 2020 and be submitted to the IFSW Elections Officer David Jones () and the IFSW Secretary General ().
It is important that nominations comply fully with the IFSW Bylaws and, hence, they should include the following documentation:
- Signed and dated Profile and Curriculum Vitae of the Nominee of a maximum of five (5) pages.
- Letter of support from the nominating association, signed by the President and one other person of the executive on an association letterhead.
- Proof of a motion supporting the nomination carried by the national association.
Further documents submitted by the Nominee or Candidate can also be included providing the information is consistent with the IFSW Statement of Ethical Principles. The documentation must be sent by email. All documentation needs to be received no later than Saturday 23rd May 2020. Please note that the Constitution / Bylaws only allow late nominations by a vote of the General Meeting with at least 75% of voting members.
If you have any questions please contact the IFSW Elections Officer David Jones () or IFSW Secretary-General Rory Truell ().
Positions in 2020 open for election or appointment with links to the Job Description:
- IFSW Treasurer
- IFSW African Regional President
- IFSW Asia-Pacific Regional Vice President
- IFSW European Regional President
- IFSW Latin American and Caribbean Regional Vice President
Member organisations are reminded that nominations received by 23rd May 2020 automatically go to the General Meeting for election, provided that the Nominations Committee agrees that the proper conditions and requirements have been satisfied (see rules above). However it is also possible for late nominations (presented at any time up until the General Meeting) to be accepted, provided that the General Meeting agrees with a 75% majority.
2020 Elections Officer Report to General Meeting
Nominations will be posted here once received and validated by the nominations committee. A list of all nominees will be circulated to members on 12th June 2020.
IFSW Treasurer
The following nomination has been received as a late nomination and requires a 75% majority of voting members accepting this nomination (late nominations will be voted on in the first round of voting):
- Victor Garcia Curriculum Vitae (Late Nomination)
- Victor Garcia Profile (Late Nomination)
- Victor Garcia Endorsement Letter (Spanish) (Late Nomination)
- Victor Garcia Recommendation Letter (Spanish) (Late Nomination)
IFSW African Regional President
- Noel Muridzo_Letter of support
- Noel Muridzo_Motion supporting
- Noel Muridzo_PROFILE_of_NOMINEE_2020 (1)
- Noel Muridzo_CV (removed 2024)
IFSW Asia-Pacific Regional Vice President
The following nomination has been received as a late nomination and requires a 75% majority of voting members accepting this nomination (late nominations will be voted on in the first round of voting):
- Liu Jing CV (Late Nomination)
- Liu Jing IFSW Form (Late Nomination)
- Liu Jing Letter of Support (Late Nomination)
- Liu Jing Profile (Late Nomination)
- Liu Jing Proof of Motion (Late Nomination)
The following nomination has been received as a late nomination and requires a 75% majority of voting members accepting this nomination (late nominations will be voted on in the first round of voting):
- Sriganesh Venkatanarasiah Maralawady IFSW Profile (Late Nomination)
- Sriganesh Venkatanarasiah Maralawady INPSWA Covering Letter (Late Nomination)
- Sriganesh Venkatanarasiah Maralawady INPSWA Nomination Resolution 2020 (Late Nomination)
- Sriganesh Venkatanarasiah Maralawady INPSWA President Letter of Support Nomination 2020 (Late Nomination)
- Sriganesh Venkatanarasiah Maralawady Profile (Late Nomination)
IFSW European Regional President
- Ana Radulescu. CV-Radulescu_2020_EN
- Ana Radulescu._Nomination-of-Ana-RĂDULESCU_support-letter
- Ana Radulescu._PROFIL
- Ana Radulescu. Proof of a motion supporting the nomination carried by the national association
IFSW Latin American and Caribbean Regional Vice President
- Tânia Maria Ramos_FITS support
- Tânia Maria Ramos_Profile of nominee 2020 FITS ALC
- Tânia Maria RamosFITS renomination
IFSW North American Regional President
The following nomination has been received as a late nomination and requires a 75% majority of voting members accepting this nomination (late nominations will be voted on in the first round of voting):
- Mildred Joyner Memorandum of Understanding (Late Nomination)
- Mildred Joyner CV (Late Nomination)
- Mildred Joyner IFSW Nomination Resolution (Late Nomination)
- Mildred Joyner Profile (Late Nomination)
IFSW North American Regional Vice President
The following nomination has been received as a late nomination and requires a 75% majority of voting members accepting this nomination (late nominations will be voted on in the first round of voting):
- Joan Davis-Whelan Memorandum of Understanding (Late Nomination)
- Joan Davis-Whelan Nomination Resolution (Late Nomination)
- Joan Davis-Whelan Profile (Late Nomination)
A Member may act as proxy for another Member not in attendance. An appointment of a proxy is valid if both the organisation giving and organisation exercising the proxy are in good financial standing at the commencement of the General Meeting. The proxy must be received by the Secretary General not later than the commencement of the General Meeting. Download the proxy form.
The application for full membership has been approved by IFSW Secretary-General, Rory Truell and IFSW Africa President, Noel Muridzo. IFSW Ethics Global Commissioner, Dawn Hobdy, has stated that the Code of Ethics of the Association consists with the Global Social Work Statement of Ethical Principles.
IFSW Secretary-General recommends members vote to affirm the application
- Membership Application Republic of Congo (French)
- Constitution (original in French)
- Constitution (automated English translation)
- Constitution (automated Spanish translation)
- Code of Ethics (original in French)
- Code of Ethics (automated English translation)
- Code of Ethics (automated Spanish translation)
- By-Laws (original in French)
- By-Laws (automated English Translation)
- By-Laws (automated Spanish Translation)
The following application has been received as a late application and requires a 75% majority of voting members accepting this application (late application will be voted on in the first round of voting)
The application for full membership has been approved by IFSW Secretary-General, Rory Truell, and IFSW Latin America and The Caribbean President, Larry Alicea Rodriguez. IFSW Ethics Global Commissioner, Dawn Hobdy, has stated that the Code of Ethics of the Association consists with the Global Social Work Statement of Ethical Principles.
IFSW Secretary-General recommends members vote to affirm the application
- Código de Ética Federación TSMX +
- Code_of_Ethics_English (google translation)
- Statutes_English_(GoogleTranslator)
- Estatutos Federación Nacional de Colegios de Trabajo Social en México
- IFSW_Form_Spanish
- SupportLetter_IFSW_LAC
- SupportLetter_IFSW_LAC_English
The following application has been received as a late application and requires a 75% majority of voting members accepting this application (late application will be voted on in the first round of voting)
The application for full membership has been approved by IFSW Secretary-General, Rory Truell and IFSW Asia-Pacific President, Rose Henderson. IFSW Ethics Global Commissioner, Dawn Hobdy, has stated that the Code of Ethics of the Association consists with the Global Social Work Statement of Ethical Principles.
IFSW Secretary-General recommends members vote to affirm the application
- the-constitution (English)
- the constitution_spanish (google translation)
- Code of Ethics (Arabic)
- Code of Ethics_Spanish (google translation)
- Code of Ethics English
- IFSW Membership Application Form_
New membership applications will be published here. Applications must be filled online no later than 12th June 2020.
Joint Report from the President and Secretary General: English, Spanish
IFSW Ambassador Update to the IFSW General Meeting 2020
Global Agenda report 2018 – 2020
Global Agenda, the first decade & Global Agenda Report 2018-2020
Global Agenda 2020 – 2030
Latin America Regional Report (Spanish)
Latin America Regional Report (Automated English Translation)
Report IFSW Human Rights Commission
Report IFSW Interim Education Commission
Report IFSW UN Commission
Appendix: Full 2020 Report from IFSW UN Team Bangkok
Appendix: Full 2020 Report from IFSW UN Team Geneva
Appendix: Full 2020 Report from IFSW UN Team Nairobi
Appendix: Full 2020 Report from IFSW UN Team New York
Appendix: Full 2020 Report from IFSW UN Team Vienna
Links to each of these reports will be added when received by the Secretariat. Global Commissioners should send their consolidated reports to no later than 27th June 2020.
Motion from the Aotearoa New Zealand Co-ordinating Body to amend the Constitution:
Motion from Aotearoa New Zealand: Article 10 (Global Treasurer)
Motion from Aotearoa New Zealand: Replace the Current Article 14 f)
Motion from Aotearoa New Zealand: Article 11
Proposed motions to amend the IFSW constitution will be published here. Proposed amendments must be sent to the Secretary General () no later than 3rd April 2020.
For proposals to amend the IFSW By-Laws, please refer to ‘other motions’ below.
Motion from the Aotearoa New Zealand Co-ordinating Body to amend the By-Laws:
Motion from Aotearoa New Zealand: Article 9 By-Laws
Motion from the Aotearoa New Zealand Co-ordinating Body on the establishment of an Indigenous Commission
Motion from Aotearoa New Zealand
Motion from Aotearoa New Zealand: Executive Summary
Motion from Aotearoa New Zealand: Report
Motion from Aotearoa New Zealand: Background Paper
Motion from Aotearoa New Zealand: Appendix A
Motion from Aotearoa New Zealand: Appendix B
Motion from Aotearoa New Zealand: Appendix C
Motion from Aotearoa New Zealand: Appendix D
Proposed other motions (not affecting the IFSW constitution) will be published here. Proposals must be sent to the Secretary General () no later than 12th June 2020.