“A warm soup in the morning against the cold of the night”
Social workers in Germany supports vulnerable communities and work with food banks to guarantee that everyone has access to sufficient nutritious food.
Caritas Munich reacts to the Corona crisis and is now caring for the needy in a unique way. From now on, warm soups are distributed from a food truck. More than 200 people have already taken advantage of this offer and are happy to get something warm during these cold days. The idea for the food truck came from Caritas employees themselves.
Gabriele Stark-Angermeier, Vicepresident of Dbsh, IFSW member in Germany, comments: ‘When we started, the people on the fringes of society were actually not in focus at all and were very hardly hit. So we had to find a solution to distribute food and create a place where a little social contact can still take place which is it is very important. The recommendations of keeping a distance of 2 meters can still be followed. It is important not to forget these people.’
#IFSW Secretary-General, Rory Truell comments “The distribution of food will be a major focus for social workers worldwide. There are many people in all communities that don’t have access to income, benefits or bank accounts and under lockdown conditions are not in a position to buy food. The social work role of establishing and advocating for food banks and food distribution systems will be essential, especially in countries with inadequate state social protection systems”
Twice a day warm soups are served, and there are also snack packages to take away. This is only possible through donations and the help of many volunteers.