Promoting the Dignity and Worth of People
Global Agenda – 2014 – 2016: Asia-Pacific Region
The attached files include the Asia Pacific chapter in the Global publication and the supporting documents from the workshop held at the Joint Asia Pacific Regional Conference held in Thailand in October 2015. The summary chapter was also informed by the pre-conference workshop on Child Labour and Children of Migrant workers as well as summary documents received separately from Malaysia, India and New Zealand. We are pleased now to make these documents available and trust that you will find them of interest.
Special thanks to Dr Bala Nikku for his assistance in this work, and to all the members who contributed to this rich and diverse resource.
Dr Mariko Kimura, Asia Pacific Regional President
Rose Henderson, Asia Pacific Regional Vice-President
July 2016
Summary of Activities
Appendix I – Presentations
Appendix II – Narrative Reports