Irene Leung from the Hong Kong Association of Social Workers has been successfully elected as the new Regional Vice-President.
IFSW President Silvana Martinez said, “We welcome Irene to the global Executive and look forward to benefiting from her considerable experience as a social work leader. Along with The Asia-Pacific President Rose Henderson, I am sure the region will go from strength to strength”.
Irene Leung said,
My really heartfelt thanks to all the members of Asia Pacific Region, members of my local Association and friends for the genuine support and encouragement in the past journey in IFSW and throughout the course of the election. I am fully aware of the challenges ahead in the coming two years in the Region and the Globe. But I am confident that it will not be a lonely venture. Under the leadership of Rose, the joint effort of the Executive Committee and the shared mission of the members of AP Region, we shall discover and invent new ways to make changes to the world. Together we strive for our profession, the wellbeing of people and community.
Irene Leung’s term starts with immediate effect until the 2020 General Meeting. She fulfils the vacancy left when Rose Henderson became the IFSW Asia-Pacific President.