Download: IFSWE_SWREG webinar flyer 01.03.22
The IFSW and Social Work Ethics Research Group (SWERG) would like to warmly invite Social Workers around the world, from different backgrounds, to join us in a webinar, with small group discussions, to reflect on learning from social workers’ rethinking of what counts as ethical practice during Covid-19. We want to consider how this can contribute towards sustainability and justice for people and the planet.
The idea for this series of webinars, hosted in the different IFSW global regions, developed from research conducted by IFSW and members of SWERG on ethical challenges for social workers during Covid-19.
A key theme in social workers’ responses to the pandemic is how practitioners have had to rethink social work values and ethics in a time of crisis. If we add to this the urgent climate crisis, there is now a need to stop and reconsider what matters for people and the planet, and how social workers can and should contribute to co-building a new eco-social world.
In these webinars, jointly organised by the IFSW Ethics Commission and SWERG, we are looking to find out more about social work ethical perspectives on the kind of world we seek as we emerge out of the pandemic.
The webinars will be recorded and findings will be submitted to the online People’s Global Summit, 29 June – 2 July 2022, as a contribution to recommendations about the kind of values, policies and practices needed to co-build a sustainable, socially just, fair world for all to live in. The Global People’s Summit is co-organised by IFSW with partners on the theme of Co-building a New Eco-Social World: Leaving No One Behind.
You are invited to participate in your regional webinar:
European Regional Webinar: 29th March 2022 1800 CET
Register here
For further information contact: