In its commitment to promoting eco-wisdom and bolstering sustainability and community engagement, IFSW Europe has introduced a initiative within social centers across Ukraine: small-scale farming. Acknowledging the significance of offering nutritious food while nurturing a sense of community, these centers have set out on a path toward self-sufficiency.
After the completion of essential repairs and renovations under the project implemented by IFSW Europe, social centers like the one in Zhvanchyk turned their attention to long-term sustainability. With a significant proportion of the local population comprising older people, the center aims to extend its services beyond its walls to support the wider community.
Together with the public administration of Dunaivtsi, IFSW Europe designed a plan for the establishment of small farms. These farms comprise a variety of elements, including vegetable plots, a chicken farm and even a mushroom farm.
The decision to incorporate agriculture into the centers has a dual purpose. Not only does it provide residents with access to fresh, locally sourced food, but it also provides an engaging activity for people staying at the centre. Additionally, with challenges such as limited financial resources and high food prices prevalent in Ukraine, these mini-farms offer a sustainable solution to food insecurity in a war country.
As the first harvests approach, anticipation grows. Residents look forward to the fruits of their labor, knowing that each harvest represents not only sustenance, but also a step toward greater self-sufficiency and community resilience.
Tomashiva, a temporary social center has also embraced the initiative of creating a mushroom farm. Through initiatives like these, IFSW Europe paves the way to a sustainable and green future.
Project: Improvement of shelter conditions for internally displaced people in the district of Kamjanez- Podilskyj, Khmelntytskyj region, Western Ukraine
The project is funded by:
For more information, visit: https://www.ifsw.org/social-work-in-ukraine/