Last week the IFSW Regional Latin American conference was held in Costa Rica with the theme:‘Social Work: Resistances and Proposals in the Face of Economic, Social and Political Inequalities. More than 550 representatives attended from across the region.
(English below)
La región de América Latina y el Caribe de la IFSW celebró su 5to Encuentro Regional en San José Costa Rica durante los días 17 al 21 de julio de 2017. El mismo contó con la participación de 13 países /Argentina, Brasil, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Cuba, El Salvador, Nicaragua, Panamá,Perú, Puerto Rico, República Dominacana y Uruguay). En el mismo contamos con la participación del Secretario General de la IFSW Rory Truell. El tema de la conferencia fue: Social Work: Resistances and Proposals in the Face of Economic, Social and Political Inequalities.
Durante las reuniones y la conferencia fueron identificados los principales asuntos de derechos humanos que inciden sobre la profesión del trabajo social en la región. Se hizo énfasis en la precarización en las condiciones laborales de las profesionales del trabajo social de la región y cómo eso afecta la prestación de servicios a las personas que interactúan con los trabajadores sociales en nuestra profesión. Para la región, el reconocimiento de los derechos profesionales están vinculados al reconocimiendo de los derechos ciudadanos para acceder a servicios sociales de calidad. Se desarrollaron propuestas de acción y se renovó nuestro compromiso de trabajo con la IFSW y con las organizaciones de trabajo social y servicio social en nuestra región y a nivel mundial.
The IFSW Latin America and Caribbean region held its 5th Regional Meeting in San José Costa Rica from July 17 to 21, 2017. The event was attended by 13 countries / Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Cuba, El Salvador, Nicaragua, Panama, Peru, Puerto Rico, Dominica and Uruguay). We had the participation of the General Secretary of the IFSW Rory Truell. The theme of the conference was: Social Work: Resistances and Proposals in the Face of Economic, Social and Political Inequalities.
During the meetings and the conference, the main human rights issues affecting the profession of social work in the region were identified. Emphasis was placed on precariousness in the working conditions of social work professionals in the region and how this affects the provision of services to people who interact with social workers in our profession. For the region, recognition of professional rights is linked to the recognition of citizens’ rights to access quality social services. Proposals for action were developed and our commitment to working with IFSW and with social work and social service organizations in our region and worldwide was renewed.
In June the IFSW African Regional Conference was held in Livingston, Zambia with the theme: Embracing Evidence-Based Practice for Environmental Protection and Sustainable Development. 250 participants attended from across the region and beyond.
Reports will be available on the outcomes of each of the conference shortly. Here are some of the photos:

IFSW representatives at the LAC conference with Silvana Martinez (Regional President) and Larry Alicea (Regional Vice President) in the centre.
Delegates at the African Regional Conference
African Conference with (IFSW President) Ruth Stark in the centre.