Call for Papers for a Special Edition on
The Global Agenda for Social Work and Social Development
to be distributed at the Joint World Congress in
Melbourne in July 2014
The International Federation of Social Workers, International Association of Schools of Social Work and International Council on Social Welfare have jointly engaged in a process to develop and implement the Global Agenda for Social Work and Social Development. This makes explicit the contribution of social work and social development to building a ‘society for all’ in which every individual has an active role to play within a fair and just world.
The three global bodies, through the International Social Work journal, invites those who have innovative and exciting ideas or projects aimed at examining or promoting the work of the Global Agenda – on the theme of Promoting Socio-Economic Equalities – to submit abstracts for a special edition which will explore the academic, conceptual and practical elements providing the foundation for The Agenda.
Abstracts of 300-500 words must be sent to Abye Tassé at by 15 February 2013. The selection of articles for publication will be based on review of the abstracts.
Abstracts are especially welcome from social workers in practice.
For more information visit the website of the International Journal.