“The world is thirsty for peace and humanity”
Naming days for special occasions may provide chances to speak about related topics. The World Social Work Day is one of these occasions. Firstly, I congratulate this happy day to all social workers who are social health ambassadors, and bow down to them for all their endeavors towards promoting peace and friendship.
With regard to the theme of WSWD- 2020, “Promoting the Importance of Human Relationships” some points is worth mentioning: Having human relationships is one of the human beings needs. Human relationships prepare the ground for people to be kind to each other, to bestow love and care, and to be aware of one another.
Taking this theme for our societies that are undergoing various disastrous conditions and violence, etc, have a clear message that is social life is meaningless without sufficient attention to the quality of our relationships with others. So, promoting human relationships helps us not to be neglectful of people, not to be conceited, to respect differences, to do good things to others, and to promote love and kindness. As Rumi, the famous Persian poet from 13th century, said:
By love bitter things become sweet;
By love pieces of copper become golden;
By love dregs become clear;
By love pains become healing
By love the dead is made living;
By love the king is made a slave.
I do believe that treating kindly to others will expand friendship in the society and lessen sense of social isolation, which is a serious concern of contemporary societies, and can be replaced with social kindness. I think if our problems be solved through the human relationships, we will feel happier, and our sense of belonging to each other will be heightened.
Since humanity and altruism go beyond geographical and political borders, the theme of 2020 is a key, critical and fundamental choice which other than social workers and civilians, there must be an effort to attract policy makers’ attention as well because promoting human relationships will result in global peace. Let’s remember that “life is meaningless without human relationships”
I wish the best for you and the global society of social work.
Dr. Hassan Mousavi Chelak
President of Iran Association of Social Workers
And IFSW-AP Ethics Commissioner