IFSW General Meeting, 25-27 July 2000, Montréal, Québec, Canada
I. Please see Appendix 1 for a list of delegates, observers, guests and staff.
II: In the Minutes, member associations are often referred to by the name of their country.
III. All documents not attached to these Minutes have been disseminated to member associations and others either before or at the General Meeting. Documents are available from the IFSW Secretariat on request.
1. Opening of the General Meeting
The President, Elis Envall opened the meeting and warmly welcomed all present.
1.1. Roll call of member associations
The Secretary General conducted the roll call.
Apologies were received from the Czech Republic, the Netherlands and Nigeria.
It was noted that Switzerland had been authorised to act as proxy on behalf of the Netherlands, and that Colombia had been authorised to acts as proxy on behalf of Bolivia.
1.2. Welcome from the Canadian Association of Social Workers
John Mould, President of the Canadian Association of Social Workers (CASW), welcomed everyone present to Canada.
1.3. Introductions
All present introduced themselves.
The President proposed a moment of silence in memory of the late Dr. Celia B. Weisman and Ms. Thelma Stackhouse, IFSW Representatives to the UN-New York, who both have passed away this year.
The Secretary General informed that a plaque in memory of Celia B. Weisman will be set up at the IFSW Secretariat, and that individuals and member organisations were invited to sign and contribute.
1.4. Voting rights at the General Meeting
The Secretary General reported that member associations present had fulfilled their obligations in order to obtain voting rights at the General Meeting.
1.5. Appointment of Secretary for the meeting
Lisbeth Mattsson was appointed Secretary of the meeting.
(Moved by Austria, seconded by USA)
1.6. Appointment of Parliamentarian
Terry Bamford was appointed Parliamentarian of the meeting.
(Moved by Singapore, seconded by Colombia)
Eilis Walsh was appointed alternate Parliamentarian of the meeting.
(Moved by Spain, seconded by Zimbabwe)
1.7. Work structure and proceedings during the meeting
The President presented the suggested work structure for the meeting. The Secretary General went through the documents and other material for the meeting.
1.8. Appointment of teller(s) for the meeting
Eila Malmström, Finland and Arne Grønningsaeter, Norway were appointed tellers for the meeting.
(Moved by Ireland, seconded by Hong Kong)
2. Approval of agenda and timetable
The Agenda and timetable was adopted.
(Moved by the Philippines, seconded by Brazil)
3. Minutes from the IFSW General Meeting in Jerusalem 1998
The Minutes from the General Meeting in Jerusalem July 1-3, 1998 were adopted.
(Moved by Australia, seconded by Singapore)
4. The Eileen McGowan Kelly Tribute Fund
The Secretary General introduced the report on the Eilen McGowan Kelly Tribute Fund and the Scholarship holder for the year 2000, Munyaradzi Raphael Denhere from Zimbabwe.
In his speech Mr. Denhere expressed his deep gratitude and his intention to take back and share with his colleagues in Zimbabwe his experiences from Montreal.
5. IFSW Membership
5.1. Membership report
The Secretary General presented the membership report.
5.2. Applications
The Secretary General reported on the membership applications.
5.2.1. Bangladesh
The application from Bangladesh was not granted at this time but left pending while more information is being collected.
(Moved by Germany, seconded by Cyprus)
5.2.2. Cuba
The application from Sociedad Cubana de Trabajadores Sociales de la Salud was approved, and full membership granted.
(Moved by Spain, seconded by Bolivia)
5.2.3. Dominican Republic
The application from Asociacion Dominicana de Trabajadores Sociales Profesionales Inc was approved, and full membership granted.
(Moved by Mauritius, seconded by Denmark)
5.2.4. Kyrgyz Republic
The application from the Association of Social Institutions in the Kyrgyz Republic was approved by granting provisional membership and subject to a report by the Vice President for Asia & Pacific to the General Meeting 2002.
(Moved by Denmark, seconded by United Kingdom)
5.2.5. Latvia
There were applications from two more Latvian organisations for Social Workers.
The application from Latvian Association of Professional Social and Care Workers was approved by granting provisional membership based on conditions described in By-Law 3 d, and subject to a report by the Vice President for Europe to the General Meeting 2002.
(Moved by Austria, seconded by Israel)
The application from Union of Municipal Social Workers in Latvia was approved by granting provisional membership based on conditions described in By-Law 3 d, and subject to a report by the Vice President for Europe to the General Meeting 2002.
(Moved by Austria, seconded by France)
5.2.6. Lebanon
There were applications from two social worker’s organisations in Lebanon, Association des Assistentes Sociales du Liban (AASL) and Syndicat des Travailleurs Sociaux au Liban (STSL).
The application from Association des Assistantes Sociales du Liban was approved by granting provisional membership, without any conditions, since the organisation had expressed willingness to form a co-ordinating body with STSL.
(Moved by Hong Kong, seconded by Canada)
The application from Syndicat des Travailleurs Sociaux au Liban was approved by granting provisional membership, but under condition that they accept to form a co-ordinating body with AASL.
(Moved by Hong Kong, seconded by Singapore)
5.2.7. Lesotho
The application from the Lesotho Social Worker’ Association was approved, and full membership granted.
(Moved by Mauritius, seconded by Zimbabwe)
5.2.8. Lithuania
The application from the Lithuanian Social Worker’s Association was approved by granting provisional membership and subject to a report by the Vice President for Europe to the General Meeting 2002.
(Moved by Austria, seconded by Norway)
5.2.9. Serbia
The application from the Serbian Association of Social Workers is not granted at this time, but pending while more information is collected.
Moved by Austria, seconded by Cyprus)
5.3. Suspensions or terminations
5.3.1. Pakistan Association of Social Workers
The membership of the Pakistan Association of Social Workers was revoked. This decision was based upon available information that the organisation in provisional membership does not have a membership of professional social workers (as defined by IFSW), but mainly is an organisation of social welfare volunteers.
(Moved by New Zealand, seconded by Hong Kong)
5.4. Reinstatements
5.4.1 Peru
Colegio de Asistentes Sociales del Peru was reinstated into full membership.
(Moved by Canada, seconded by Mauritius)
5.4.2. Uruguay
Asociacion de Asistentes Sociales del Uruguay was reinstated into full membership.
(Moved by Hong Kong, seconded by Colombia)
5.5. Special assessments
5.5.1. Albanian Association of Professional Social Workers
Provisional membership elapsed as the four-year period has ended, and it has not been possible to establish sufficient information on the structure and membership situation of the organisation to grant full membership.
(Moved by United Kingdom, seconded by New Zealand)
5.5.2. Latvian Association of Social Workers
Provisional membership elapsed as the four year period has ended, and it has not been possible to establish sufficient information on the structure and membership situation of the organisation to grant full membership.
(Moved by New Zealand, seconded by Zimbabwe)
5.5.3. Mongolian Association of Social Workers
Provisional membership is prolonged for a further two years at the same terms as was decided by the General Meeting 1998.
(Moved by USA, seconded by Mauritius)
5.5.4. The Interim Committee for Social Workers’ Associations, South-Africa
Provisional membership is prolonged for a further two years at the same terms as was decided by the General Meeting 1998.
(Moved by Zimbabwe, seconded by Ghana)
5.5.5. Membership Initiative, Asia and Pacific
It was approved that IFSW in the period 2000-2002 form a project to gather information about social work education and social worker organisations in Bangladesh, the Kyrgyz Republic, Mongolia, Pakistan and other relevant countries in the Asia and Pacific region to enable an informed assessment at the General Meeting 2002. The Executive Committee was authorised to establish terms of reference for the project.
(Moved by Singapore, seconded by New Zealand)
6. Biennial Report of Activities 1998-2000
6.1. Regions
6.2. Executive Meetings
6.3. Publications
6.4. Co-operation with IASSW and ICSW
6.5. Secretariat
6.6. Human Rights Commission
6.7. Permanent Commission on Ethical Issues
6.8. Representation
6.9. Conferences
6.10. Projects (except Definition of Social Work)
6.11. Other Activities
The Officers and Representatives presented and highlighted relevant issues from the Biennial Report 1998-2000. The report was approved.
(Moved by Sweden, seconded by Singapore)
7. Finance 1998-2000
7.1. Treasurer’s Report
The report from the Treasurer, Ng Shui Lai was approved.
(Moved by Australia, seconded by Zimbabwe)
7.2. Accounts and Audit reports 1998
The accounts and audit reports for 1998 were approved.
(Moved by Australia, seconded by Denmark)
7.3. Accounts and Audit reports 1999
The accounts and audit reports for 1999 were approved.
(Moved by New Zealand, seconded by Zimbabwe)
7.4. Budget 2000
The Treasurer also presented a revised budget for 2000. The budget was adopted.
(Moved by USA, seconded by Mauritius)
Australia expressed thanks to Ng Shui Lai for the good work he has done as Treasurer.
(Moved by Australia, seconded by Canada)
7.5. New Auditor
Since IFSW has moved its Secretariat from Norway to Switzerland it was decided to change the auditor from Ernst & Young in Oslo to ATO Treuhand AG, Berne.
(Moved by Spain, seconded by Japan)
8. Policy Statements 1998-2000
8.1 Report on Policy Statements
Two Policy Statements, one on Older Persons and one on Women, had been adopted and released by the Executive Committee in 1999 in Helsinki.
8.2. Approval of released Policy Statements
8.2.1. Older Persons
The Policy Statement on Older Persons was approved.
(Moved by Brazil, seconded by USA)
8.2.2. Women
The Policy Statement on Women was approved.
(Moved by Colombia, seconded by Portugal)
8.3 New Policy Statement on Peace and Social Justice
The new Policy Statement on Peace and Social Justice was approved.
(Moved by Canada, seconded by Germany)
9. Constitutional Matters
9.1. Changes in the Constitution and By-Laws
Imelda Dodds, convenor of the Committee on Structure and Operations presented the document Discussion Paper One – Proposed Changes to the Constitution of IFSW.
The paper consisted of a series of recommended changes to amend the current constitution, but without any substantive changes in the Constitution and By-Laws.
It was decided to accept the recommendation to change the French name of the Federation to: Fédération International des Travailleurs Sociaux (Art. 1).
(Moved by Canada, seconded by Bolivia: In favour 26 countries, against 1 and abstentions 5)
As a result of this decision Switzerland withdrew its motion concerning change of the name of the federation.
It was decided to accept the recommendation to change the text in Art 5 to:
“Membership is limited to one national organisation of professional social workers in any country.
If there are two or more organisations within a country representing social workers qualifying for membership of IFSW and both/all apply for membership in IFSW these organisations shall form a national co-ordinating body and seek membership through that body.
Organisations or bodies, other than national bodies – wanting to join the IFSW may link with the IFSW through the Friends Program.”
(Moved by Denmark, seconded by Canada)
In favour 22 countries, against 2 and abstentions 4.
Denmark proposed a new formulation concerning Article 17 C (Personal Alternate to Executive Committee members – see appendix No 2). Since it was considered substantive, and that proposals need to be distributed to all member organisations 90 days ahead, the proposal will be considered in phase 2.
It was unanimously decided to remove the proposed Article 20.
(Moved by Canada, seconded by Zimbabwe)
With the earlier decisions taken it was decided to accept the remaining recommendations for minor changes from the Executive Committee.
(Moved by Spain, seconded by United Kingdom)
In favour 29, against none, abstentions 2
9.2. Substantive Constitutional Issues for IFSW
Imelda Dodds then presented Discussion Paper Two – Substantive Constitutional Issues for IFSW. She also informed the meeting that the development of the substantive constitutional issues will go on and encouraged the member organisations to consider this paper, which will form the basis for decisions to be made at the General Meeting in 2002.
Imelda Dodds expressed her sincere thanks to the members of the Sub-Committee on Structure and Operations for their contributions.
10. Strategic Direction and Proposed Model for IFSW
Imelda Dodds presented Discussion Paper Three – Strategic Direction & Proposed Model for IFSW. She encouraged the member organisations to consider also this background paper, which will form the basis for a work towards the General Meeting in 2002.
In the discussion that followed the participants emphasised among other things:
Twinning programmes among member organisations, necessity of having sub-regions, more possibilities for discussions during General Meetings, participants being better prepared when they meet. These issues were noted by the Convenor and will be taken into consideration in the next stage.
12. Action Plan 2000-2002
12.1. Policy
12.2. Profession
12.3. Organisation
12.4. Membership
12.5. External Relationships
12.6. Other organisations
Imelda Dodds presented a proposal for Action Plan for the years 2000-2002. The Action Plan was adopted as presented and the Executive Committee was authorised to carry out the decisions.
(Moved by Colombia, seconded by Japan)
13. Appointment of IFSW Representatives
13.1. Human Rights Commission, Secretary
Jim Ife, Australia was appointed Secretary of the Human Rights Commission.
(Moved by Australia, seconded by Finland)
13.2. Permanent Committee on Ethical Issues, Secretary
Gail MacDougall, Canada was appointed Secretary of the Permanent Committee on Ethical Issues.
(Moved by Canada, seconded by Norway)
13.3. United Nations, Geneva (incl. ILO, UNHCR, WHO)
Ellen Mouravieff-Apostol, Andrew Mouravieff-Apostol, Catherine Aeschbach-Michel and Franziska Stocker all Switzerland and Nils Dahlquist, Sweden/United Kingdom were appointed representatives to the UN, Geneva.
(Moved by Spain, seconded by Germany)
13.4. United Nations, New York
Andrèas Jorge Adams, C. Richard Donahue, Winifred Kagwa and Norman Sugarman, all USA, were appointed representatives to the UN, New York.
(Moved by Hong Kong, seconded by Israel)
13.5. United Nations, Vienna
Monika Vysouzil, Elisabeth Baum-Breuer, Christian Schigutt and Irmgard Winkler, all Austria, were appointed representatives to the UN, Vienna.
(Moved by Austria, seconded by Ghana)
13.6. UNESCO
Françoise Coppin, France, was appointed contact person to UNESCO.
(Moved by Portugal, seconded by France)
13.7. Amnesty International
Terry Bamford, United Kingdom, was appointed representative to Amnesty International.
(Moved by United Kingdom, seconded by Ireland)
13.8. IFSW Ambassador
Suzanne Dworak-Peck, USA was appointed IFSW Ambassador.
(Moved by USA, seconded by Canada)
13.9. Sage Publications
Karen Lyons, United Kingdom was appointed representative to Sage Publications.
(Moved by United Kingdom, seconded by Cyprus)
13.10. Other appointments
During this item Nigel Hall as first Vice President took the chair.
Elis Envall was appointed Immediate Past President (Ex Officio) after Imelda Dodds -on behalf of the Executive Committee – had presented a paper describing the background of this new position.
(Moved by United Kingdom, seconded by Mauritius)
14. Finance 2001-2002
14.1. Membership dues
14.1.1. Dues formula for 2001
It was decided that Memberships dues for 2001 are set at 1.40 CHF per member in the member association. The minimum fee remains at 250 CHF.
The maximum fee can be no more than 25% of the annual membership fee budget.
(Moved by Colombia, seconded by Finland)
14.1.2. Dues formula for 2002
It was decided that Memberships dues for 2002 are set at 1.40 CHF per member in the member association. The minimum fee remains at 250 CHF. The maximum fee can be no more than 25% of the annual membership fee budget
(Moved by Norway, seconded by Zimbabwe)
14.2. Budget 2001
The Treasurer, Ng Shui Lai presented a budget for 2001. The proposal was adopted as presented.
(Moved by Australia, seconded by Cyprus)
14.3. Budget 2002
The Treasurer, Ng Shui Lai also presented a budget for 2002. The proposal was adopted as presented.
(Moved by Kenya, seconded by Lesotho
15. Resolutions of Member Associations
15.1. Resolution from Pakistan on Minimum Standards for Social Work Training
The Secretary General referred to a proposal from the Pakistan Association of Social Workers concerning changes in the document “Minimum Standards for Social Work Training”.
The resolution was not seconded and the motion lapsed.
15.2. Resolution from Canada on Ageing
15.3. Resolution from Canada on Globalisation
15.4. Resolution from Canada on HIV/AIDS
15.5. Resolution from Canada on Human Rights and Social Justice
Canada presented four resolutions (see appendix 6-9), which all were adopted.
The resolutions have the status as papers of intent and will not immediately be part of the Action Plan. The incoming Executive Committee will decide whether it is possible to carry out the intentions of the resolutions or not.
(Ageing: moved by Canada, seconded by Lesotho)
(Globalisation: moved by Canada, seconded by Colombia)
(HIV/AIDS: moved by Canada, seconded by Australia)
(Human Rights and Social Justice: moved by Canada, seconded by Brazil)
15.6. Motion from Colombia concerning Vice President for Latin America
In a motion from Colombia it was moved that the General Meeting decide to temporarily suspend Article 16 b) of the Constitution during the election to enable Juan Manuel Latorre Carvajal to stand for election in spite of the fact that he had been elected for the first time in 1992. The motion was supported by all the members of the region Latin America and the Caribbean and seconded by Brazil.
A lengthy discussion took place on principles of suspending the constitution, where the Parliamentarian clarified that such an action was possible although not regulated in the Constitution.
The President gave background information concerning the elections in 1994. Due to an error in the election procedure the seat of Member at large for Latin America and the Caribbean was not filled. The Executive Committee therefore appointed Juan Manuel Latorre Caravajal to that position as representative for the region.
Austria moved that the General Meeting decided that the time in office counted for Juan Manuel Latorre Caravajal in accordance with article 16 b) should commence from the elections in 1996. This would in his case make a total of four years consecutively on the Executive Committee and thus make Juan Manuel eligible for the office of Vice President as nominated.
(Moved by Austria and seconded by Brazil)
Germany raised as a point of order that the Colombian motion must be dealt with first, but the President used his right of President’s rule and decided to put the Austrian motion to a vote.
With the result of the vote, 23 for, 4 against and 8 abstentions, the motion was carried.
Colombia as a consequence withdrew its motion.
16. 17th IFSW World Conference (2002)
The Conference Committee presented a report (Appendix 10) to the General Meeting on background of recent political events in Zimbabwe and other factors that could influence the possibility of holding the World Conference 2002 in the country as decided in 1998. The General Meeting confirmed on basis of the report its previous decision and asked the Executive Committee to continue preparing to arrange the World Conference 2002 in Zimbabwe in co-operation with the National Association of Social Workers, Zimbabwe.
At the same time, the General Meeting empowered the Executive Committee to move the venue for the 2002 General Meeting and Biennial Conference in the event that circumstances warrant such action.
(Moved by New Zealand, seconded by Israel)
17. 18th IFSW World Conference (2004)
The invitation from the Australian Association of Social Workers to hold the IFSW World Conference in September 2004 was accepted, and the General Meeting confirmed that the 2004 18th IFSW World Conference will be held in Adelaide, Australia.
(Moved by Canada, seconded by Singapore)
18. World Conferences 2006 and beyond
Germany presented a bid to hold the IFSW World Conference in Munich in 2006 in connection with the celebration of the 50th anniversary of the reestablishment of the federation after World War II in the very same city. The invitation was received, and the General Meeting decided to make it known that Deutscher Berufsverband für Sozialarbeit, Sozialpädagogik und Heilpädagogik e.V. has offered to host the 19th IFSW World Conference in Munich, Germany.
United Kingdom expressed an interest to host the IFSW World Conference in the United Kingdom in 2008. Also Brazil expressed an interest to host the World Conference the same year.
19. Reports on Regional Seminars
19.1. IFSW European Seminar 2001
Austria and Slovakia reported on the IFSW European Seminar – The Danube-Conference: Managing Conflicts in Social Work, which will take place in Vienna and Bratislava 27-30 August 2001.
19.2. IFSW Asia & Pacific Conference 2001
Singapore reported on the IFSW Asia & Pacific seminar Millennium Challenges and Action for Social Work Education and Practice, is scheduled for 11-14 July 2001 in Singapore (later changed to 31 July – 3 August 2001).
19.3. IFSW European Seminar 2003
Denmark reported they will host the European seminar in Copenhagen in 2003.
19.4. IFSW Asia & Pacific Conference 2003
Japan reported they are planning an Asia & Pacific conference in 2003.
19.5. IFSW Asia & Pacific Conference 2005
Hong Kong reported that they intend to invite to an Asia & Pacific conference in 2005.
20. Other business
A resolution about Chilean Social Workers who disappeared during the military dictatorship under Pinochet (see Appendix No 11) was adopted.
(Moved by Norway, seconded by Sweden)
A resolution about World Debt (see Appendix No 12) was adopted.
(Moved by Zimbabwe, seconded by United Kingdom)
A resolution on Article 25, The Universal Declaration of Human Rights (see Appendix No 13) was adopted.
(Moved by Denmark, seconded by USA)
21. Election of Officers and Members at Large of the Executive Committee for 2000 – 2002
21.1. Report from the Elections Officer
The Elections Officer, Eugenia R. Moreno provided a report about the procedures to be adopted during the elections. The report was received, and the President left the chair to the Elections Officer to conduct the elections.
21.2. Elections
The results of the Elections are:
President – Imelda Dodds, Australia
Vice President Africa – Kishore C. Ramgoolam, Mauritius
Vice President Asia & Pacific – Tan Ngoh Tiong, Singapore
Vice President Europe – Herbert Paulischin, Austria
Vice President Latin America & Caribbean – Juan Manuel Latorre Carvajal, Colombia
Vice President North America – John Mould, Canada
Treasurer – Fiona Robertson, New Zealand
Members at Large:
Brian Auslander, Israel – Buster Curson, New Zealand – Monica Egan, Ireland
David Jones, United Kingdom – Patricia B. Luna, Philippines
Valdete de Barros Martins, Brazil – Josphat M. Mathe, Zimbabwe
Charles N. Mbugua, Kenya – Terry Mizrahi, USA – Anne Worning, Denmark
The President resumed the chair.
22. Election of Elections Officer and Alternates
Eugenia R. Moreno was elected Elections Officer
(Moved by Canada, seconded by Singapore)
Evelyn Balais Serrano was elected 1. Alternate Elections Officer.
(Moved by the Philippines, seconded by Finland)
Eila Malmström was elected 2. Alternate Elections Officer.
(Moved by Finland, seconded by United Kingdom)
23. Date and place of the next General Meeting
The next General Meeting was decided to take place in Zimbabwe 24-26 July, 2002.
(Moved by New Zealand, seconded by Lesotho)
24. Closing of General Meeting
Before the meeting was declared closed the President Elis Envall expressed thanks to the participants, outgoing and incoming members of the Executive Committee, the interpreters and the Secretariat.
The newly elected President, Imelda Dodds, the Secretary General, the Swedish delegation and the Nordic Co-operative Body of Social Worker Organisations expressed thanks to Elis Envall for his Presidency 1994-2000.
The General Meeting was closed.
Signed by
Elis Envall, President 1994-2000
Imelda Dodds, President 2000-
Tom Johannesen, Secretary General
Footnote General Meeting
Berne, 2 December 2000
In accordance with Article 13 h) of the IFSW Constitution these Minutes have been passed as a true and correct record of the meeting.
Signed on behalf of the following Officers Kishore C. Ramgoolam, Tan Ngoh Tiong, Herbert Paulischin, Juan Manuel Latorre Carvajal, John Mould and Fiona Robertson and the two Members-at-Large Buster Curson and Josphat M. Mathe.
Tom Johannesen
Secretary General