NASW-DRC are working in Uvira , located in the south-Kivu region of the DRC, which has recently sustained heavy rains. Flooding has killed 53 people and has destroyed thousands of homes and property, leaving 7000 people with nothing.
As you can imagine, in a nation where people must go without the basics, and medical equipment is scare. This devastating flooding makes social distancing and isolation impossible. People have had take shelter in overcrowded emergency accommodation in maskeshift ca,ps, schools and churches. They desperate need access to the very basic including food, clean water, clothes and medical in order to survive.
The National Association of Social Work in the Democratic Republic of the Congo are currently assisting the victim with psychosocial support, food assistance and we would like to invite everyone to join us for assistance for the wellbeing of the community and to empower the profession of social work in the DRC.