Stay home and stay say. Let´s fight against Corona Virus.
Corona virus and it effect became pandemic since couple of months. It has killed more than 18000 people where as more the four hundred thousand people got infected around the world. Many countries have sealed their boarders and stop their airline connections to control the outbreak worldwide. In this fight Nepal government has not only stopped most of the services and products providing instructions to control and prevent the outbreak but eve lock down the country for a week with effective frim 11th Chaitra 2076 (24th March 2020) Social Worker´s Association Nepal (SWAN) highly appreciates this initiative of the Government of Nepal and expressed our support along with our solidarity in this venture
It is a crucial situation all around the world. Every country is fighting with their sources and knowledge. Social workers are proactively supporting the communities and societies specially to maintain physical distance and social solidarity. Therefore, all the social workers of Nepal are requested to support the people in need who are traumatized and in anxiety taking necessary safety measure for self as well. Those people in need can contact social workers around the country as well as the following executive members of Social Worker´s Association Nepal for Tele Socio-psychological counselling and further helps
- Trichandra Paudel – 9851191817
- Saroj Giri – 9851012249
- Sudeeep Lama Waiba – 9851192124
- Pratik Sharma Lamichhane – 9851197197
- Sukrita Rai – 9861178700
Krishna S. Khaitu
President, Social Worker´s Association Nepal