Ana Radulescu has been successfully nominated to the position of Vice President Europe by ASproAS an IFSW member in Romania.
IFSW President Ruth Stark said, “It will be wonderful to have Ana join the international Executive Committee. She has considerable skills and experience that will be invaluable as IFSW grows and expands social work influence”.
In addition to her 20 years of actively leading social work services Ana Radulescu has been a Senior Advisor to the Minister of Labour, Family and Social Protection in Romania; Professor at the Bucharest University and an Expert Advisor on Social Work and Social Services at the World Bank. Ana also brings a substantial history of working at IFSW including holding the post of IFSW Honorary Secretary and writing statements on behalf of the Federation.
Rory Truell, IFSW Secretary-General welcomed the successful nomination, “Dr Radulescu’s work in Romania has set a significant example demonstrating the power and essential contributions of the social work profession. She has worked successfully with the Romanian government to develop nationwide strategies that look beyond minimum social assistance too address the multiple causes and symptoms of poverty and marginalization. Her approach includes gender equality, ending family and community violence, development of community social services, access to education and the promotion of rights and dignity in all aspects of life. This holistic approach enables people to move out of trapped lives and to create new aspirations and opportunities. We very much look forward to her contributions at the global level”, he said.
Ana Radulescu said, “I am honoured to accept the position of European Vice President of International Federation of Social Workers (IFSW) and I am delighted that this appointment has been made on the Day of Europe. It will be a great privilege for me to support the IFSW in its mission to build up a better standing of social work profession and services, as well as to continue the process of making social work more visible for a better impact on the life of people in needs. Social workers are part of building up a better Europe! They are contributing to a better Europe by standing up for social values and rights and changing realities on the ground. And they are enriching the European Social Model through their significant input on social cohesion and social inclusion, by addressing inequalities and social disadvantage and by empowering people to use the resources and opportunities to become active participants in society and economy. I have great admiration for those social workers that bring a real change in their communities and make the difference. I would like to thank to IFSW for giving me the opportunity to work together with social workers all around the world and help grow an Europe that is a safe, inclusive and creative place to live and work.”