Please find below the current IFSW Policies.
- November 18, 20241. IFSW Global Commissions1.1 The IFSW Global Executive in consultation with the IFSW Secretary General will appoint the Global Commissioner for each Commission.
- May 24, 2022Update: Following the adoption of this policy in May 2022, IFSW has in July 2022 developed in partnership: The People's Charter for a New Eco-Social World.
- June 12, 20211. ПроблемаЦели устойчивого развития были определены в 2015.
- April 1, 2021PreocupaciónLos Objetivos de Desarrollo Sostenible (ODS) fueron establecidos en 2015.
- April 1, 20211. ConcernThe Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) were established in 2015.
- August 1, 2020Indonesian TranslationJapanese TranslationLatvian TranslationSpanish TranslationContents:PREAMBLERATIONALETHE SCHOOL 1.
- February 1, 2019Approved by the IFSW Executive 2019Definitions‘Home’ social worker – the social worker in the place where the request for an assessment has been made.
- February 1, 2019Approved by the IFSW ExecutivePolicyIFSW promotes the need for international trade agreements to be socially just, fair and sustainable as measured against the World Fair Trade Organisation’s principles, the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals and the standards of the International Labour Organisation and consistent with the IFSW Ethical principles.
- August 2, 2018Traducción: Lola Casal-SánchezDeclaración Global de Principios Éticos del Trabajo SocialEsta Declaración de Principios Éticos (de aquí en adelante referida como la Declaración) sirve como marco general para que los trabajadores sociales trabajen en pos de los más altos estándares con respecto a su integridad profesional.
- July 2, 2018Global Social Work Statement of Ethical Principles: This Statement of Ethical Principles (hereafter referred to as the Statement) serves as an overarching framework for social workers to work towards the highest possible standards of professional integrity.
- October 3, 2016Adopted at the IFSW General Meeting 2016, Seoul, Korea.
- October 31, 2014People whose sexual identity, sexual orientation or gender expression differs from the norm are vulnerable to oppression and marginalization to differing degrees in all nations of the world.
- October 31, 2014This policy statement has been drafted in response to the following resolution of the General Meeting 2012:That this General Meeting:Acknowledges that in every sector of society in all corners of the world significant numbers of children are sexually abused, that the majority of such children go unrecognised as they are too frightened, unable, not listened to or prevented from revealing what is happening to them and that such an experience is likely to affect their health and well-being for the rest of their lives.
- August 6, 2014The following definition was approved by the IFSW General Meeting and the IASSW General Assembly in July 2014:Global Definition of the Social Work Profession“Social work is a practice-based profession and an academic discipline that promotes social change and development, social cohesion, and the empowerment and liberation of people.
- August 1, 2014IntroductionGlobalisation is the process by which all peoples and communities come to experience an increasingly common economic, social and cultural environment.
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