On this World Social Work Day, l’’Assnas shares and makes known all the wishes and expressions of solidarity and closeness that are coming from international organizations and Social Service Associations […]
On this World Social Work Day, l’’Assnas shares and makes known all the wishes and expressions of solidarity and closeness that are coming from international organizations and Social Service Associations […]
Dear IFSW Global and IFSW Europe, I write from Italy where there is a very dramatic situation: A shortage of essential life-saving medical and hygiene supplies. Now in Italy, and […]
Social workers in Italy have asked for urgent help and assistance in order to be able to continue their work and to keep people alive. As countries in the European […]
La planificación del Congreso International de Trabajo Social SWSD2020 se basó en una gran visión. El Secretario General de la Federación Internacional de Trabajadores Sociales (FITS), Dr. Rory Truell, afirmó […]
Die Planung für die SWSD-Konferenz basierte auf einer großen Vision. Rory Truell, IFSW-Generalsekretär, erklärt, dass die Konferenz “ein globaler Dialog sein sollte, welcher die Prioritäten für die Profession Soziale Arbeit […]
Comme l’explique Rory Truell, Secrétaire général de l’IFSW, « la conférence mondiale du travail social SWSD était un projet enthousiasmant qui devait fixer les priorités des travailleurs sociaux pour les dix […]
في مؤتمر صحفي اعلن الامين العام للاتحاد الدولي للاخصائيين الاجتماعيين الدكتور روري ترويل قرار الغاء المؤتمر الدولي SWSD2020، الخدمة الاجتماعية والتنمية. جاء هذا القرار مع ظهور ازمة تفشي مرض الكورونا […]
Dear All, Thanks for your support! In Italy the situation is so difficult! I live in the red zone, in the north of Italy, one of the most important virus […]
In many European countries, social services providers have created support services for people in quarantine or for people who are at home in self-isolation. It is necessary that social services […]
Our societies are changing and new challenges are emerging that require new or updated answers of social workers to set the proper measures and services that are in line with […]
This statement contains information on planned IFSW events and the role of social workers in the fight against the Corona Virus: Social workers are proactively supporting communities and societies in […]
The organizations and associations in the “Social Work in German-Speaking Regions and amongst German-Speaking Minorities” network have been engaged in a dialogue for a number of years already. An intensive […]
Social workers joined the 13 different organizations in the private care, health and social sector who demonstrated today in the street to reduce the working hours from 38,5 to 35 […]
Today, the UK formally leaves the EU political structures. This reality has significant implications for social work and for people in UK, some of which are still unknown as negotiations […]
IFSW Europe e.V. Delegates Meeting 2016 – Minutes IFSW Europe e.V. Delegates Meeting 2015 – Minutes IFSW Europe e.V. Delegates Meeting 2014 – Minutes IFSW Europe e.V. Delegates Meeting 2013 […]
A space to learn, to share, to reflect and to open up space for future collaboration https://www.basw.co.uk/events/international-social-work-possibilities-and-opportunities
On 25-27 June 2020 Russian Union of Social Workers and Social Pedagogues together with the Government of Yakutia will hold the First Arctic Forum of Social workers “The Arctic is […]
Association Nationale des Assistants de Service Social, France Paris, le 15 décembre 2019, La situation actuelle des étudiant·e·s en formation de travail social, et notamment celles et ceux en 3ème année, […]
Social workers from 35 welfare directorates across the country went on a one-hour strike on November 27. The Bulgarian Association of Social Workers expresses full support for the demands of […]
25 November is the UN International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women. Starting on this year’s International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women and for the […]