Photo: Ana Radulescu is welcomed by the children of the Kamenets Podisk District “Friends you are incredible We admire your warm hearts and openness to our people every day. Your […]
Photo: Ana Radulescu is welcomed by the children of the Kamenets Podisk District “Friends you are incredible We admire your warm hearts and openness to our people every day. Your […]
International Exchange Webinar: IFSW Europe NEW SOCIAL WORKERS Project Veerle Meijer – The Netherlands Friday 27th May 2022 at 5pm CET THIS REGISTRATION FORM Please join us for a meeting […]
IFSW Europe – WEBINAR – Developing eco-wisdom – leave no one behind! Platform: ZOOM / English language May 24th 2022, 18.00 – 19.30 hrs CET Dear social workers, social services staff […]
The Dutch Association BPSW placed a special file on the refugee crisis on their website. There is information about the work social workers fulfil in the border areas in the […]
In 2020, IFSW Europe established a project to support and involve social workers who are new to the profession. This focused on students in their final year of studies and […]
Two members of the IFSW education commission will take part in a workshops funded and supported by the European Association of Schools of Social Work (EASSW) inviting social work academics, students […]
The International Psychogeriatric Association (IPA) and World Psychiatric Association (WPA) come together in support of protections of Older Persons’ Human Rights in times of crisis. The unprecedented and escalating conflict […]
“IFSW Europe has organised coordination of professions and community’s responses to the needs of refugees as they flee Ukraine. Additionally, they are delivering assistance to people who remain in the […]
Download: IFSWE_SWREG webinar flyer 01.03.22 The IFSW and Social Work Ethics Research Group (SWERG) would like to warmly invite Social Workers around the world, from different backgrounds, to join us […]
Social workers stands together against war # StandsTogetherAgainstWar IFSW Europe call social workers and social work organisations in Europe to join our World Social Work Day Campaign: SOCIAL WORKERS STANDS […]
#Social Work # Refugees #Ukraine In Ukraine, almost everyone is on the run. Those who are most resourceful will get by on their own or with the help of others. […]
IFSW Europe hosts a webinar on the 15 March 2022, World Social Work Day, at 18.00 CET REGISTRATION IS NOW CLOSED The link for the webinar has been sent to […]
Press Release: Crisis in Ukraine highlights social and racial inequalities among ethnic minority groups fleeing for their lives from the warzone The Irish Association of Social Workers (IASW) Anti-Racism Advisory […]
Age with Rights: IFSW Europe supports the Global Rally on 3 March 2022 On Thursday, 3 March 2022, the Global Alliance for the Rights of Older People (GAROP) is holding […]
IFSW Europe, member of Social Platform, promotes the civil dialogue in the European Semester process. We propose you the Social Platform guidance document to EU Member States on improving civil […]
Several European countries have seen the growth of political groups advocating discrimination against minoritised communities or groups, such as women, LGBTQIA+ people, people who are unemployed or homeless, Roma people […]
The British Association of Social Workers, Social Workers Union, Gypsy, Roma and Traveller Social Work Association and several partner organisations have co-signed a letter to the Home Secretary, Priti Patel, opposing inhumane and unlawful draft guidance recently published in support of […]
The 2022 World Social Work Day Poster Launched The 2022 World Social Work Day Poster was launched today. It highlights the theme ´Co-building a New Eco-Social World: Leaving No One […]
The images broadcast from Belarus mirror many other horrific situations around the world where the abuse of people is a product of failed political processes. It is illustrated by nation-states […]
On the Polish-Belarusian border, human rights are violated, as well as conventions signed by the Polish government, such as the European Convention on Human Rights, the United Nations Convention on […]