Since the end of March international media has reported repeatedly about the Swedish approach to Covid-19. Even if the Swedish government’s response is different than most ther countries it’s not […]
Since the end of March international media has reported repeatedly about the Swedish approach to Covid-19. Even if the Swedish government’s response is different than most ther countries it’s not […]
Since the end of March international media has reported repeatedly about the Swedish approach to Covid-19. Even if the Swedish government’s response is different than most other countries it’s not […]
W czasie, gdy dokładamy wszelkich starań, by niezbędne wsparcie płynnie docierało do potrzebujących, a na barkach pomocy społecznej spoczywa ciężar obecnych i przyszłych konsekwencji epidemii – Ministerstwo Rodziny zwleka z […]
The Israel Union of Social Work holds a virtual roundtable this coming Thursday to present the results of the survey Social Work Interventions During the Coronavirus Pandemic. During the event, we […]
W czasie, gdy dokładamy wszelkich starań, by niezbędne wsparcie płynnie docierało do potrzebujących, a na barkach pomocy społecznej spoczywa ciężar obecnych i przyszłych konsekwencji epidemii – Ministerstwo Rodziny zwleka z […]
The Czech Republic, like other countries in the world, has been facing a major test in recent weeks in connection with the spread of coronavirus infection, which none of us has […]
#SWreponds PLEASE SUPPORT THE REQUEST BY SIGNING THE PETITION The Association of Social Assistants of Romania (ASproAS) asks the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection and the Government of Romania FINANCIAL […]
L´Anasig salue et remercie tous les travailleurs sociaux et travailleurs de 1ère ligne mobilisés pendant cette crise du COVID19. Nous assistant(e)s socia(ux)ales sommes des travailleurs discrets, souvent des travailleurs de l’ombre […]
El Consejo General lanza la campaña #TrabajoSocialResponsable para visibilizar la intervención diaria de los y las trabajadoras sociales en la lucha contra el Covid19. Gracias a la participación de profesionales […]
La crise sanitaire déclenchée par la Covid-19 place les sociétés contemporaines dans une situation inédite. Alors que les habitudes tanguent et que les références s’estompent, la fragilité des d’organisations sociales […]
Our way of life has altered dramatically in these past weeks as more and more citizens go into ‘lockdown’ and more become ill across Europe. Aside from the widespread risk to […]
Social workers in Portugal celebrate World Social Work Day 2020 with the presentation of the book Social Work, Human Rights and Intercultural Relations last day published by Catholic University of […]
Komora sociálnych pracovníkov a asistentov sociálnej práce V Bratislave, 5.apríla 2020 Original version in Slovak here Milí sociálni pracovníci, kolegovia! V týchto dňoch na nás dolieha bremeno situácie okolo pandémie […]
The Norwegian Union of Social Workers would like to extend their thanks and honours to all social workers that are working during this pandemic. You all make tremendous contributions, and […]
The Covid 19 pandemic is an unprecedented event in the lives of most people today. It is an extreme challenge because its reach knows no boundaries and it does not […]
Nous vivons une situation inédite qui impacte les travailleurs mais aussi les bénéficiaires de l’intervention sociale. Certains travailleurs sociaux sont placés en télétravail ou au chômage partiel, d’autres sont soumis […]
BASW calls on the Prime Minister to provide essential PPE and guidance for social workers and include as priority group for testing. BASW Chair and CEO issue an open letter […]
“A warm soup in the morning against the cold of the night” Social workers in Germany supports vulnerable communities and work with food banks to guarantee that everyone has access […]
Au mois de juin 2018, la Commission Protection de l’Enfance s’est adressée aux adhérents de l’association au moyen d’un questionnaire. Il s’agissait de recueillir des informations afin de commencer un […]
La profesión de Trabajo Social está presente en diferentes ámbitos de actuación (salud, servicios sociales, educación, justicia, penitenciarias, tercer sector, adicciones..) espacios donde la población en situación de cierta vulnerabilidad […]