IFSW EuropeOur MembersAlbania Albania Association of Social Workers Albania Association of Social WorkersAndorra Andorra Association of Social Workers Andorra Association of Social WorkersArmenia Armenia Association of Social Workers – Հայաստանի սոցիալական աշխատողների ասոցիացիա Armenia Association of Social Workers – Հայաստանի սոցիալական աշխատողների ասոցիացիաAustria National Coordinating Body – Austria National Coordinating Body – AustriaAzerbaijan Azerbaijan Social Work Public Union || Azərbaycan Sosial İş İctimai Birliyi Azerbaijan Social Work Public Union || Azərbaycan Sosial İş İctimai BirliyiBelarus Belarussian Association of Social Workers || Общественная организация Belarussian Association of Social Workers || Общественная организацияBelgium Professional Union of French Social Workers Belgium || Union professionelle Francophone des Assistants Sociaux Professional Union of French Social Workers Belgium || Union professionelle Francophone des Assistants SociauxBosnia and Herzegovina Bosnia & Herzegovina Association of Social Workers Bosnia & Herzegovina Association of Social WorkersBulgaria Bulgarian Association of Social Workers | БЪЛГАРСКА АСОЦИАЦИЯ НА СОЦИАЛНИТЕ РАБОТНИЦИ Bulgarian Association of Social Workers | БЪЛГАРСКА АСОЦИАЦИЯ НА СОЦИАЛНИТЕ РАБОТНИЦИCroatia Croatian Association of Social Workers | Hrvatska udruga socijalnih radnika Croatian Association of Social Workers | Hrvatska udruga socijalnih radnikaCyprus Cyprus Association of Social Workers || Σύνδεσμος Κοινωνικών Λειτουργών Κύπρου Cyprus Association of Social Workers || Σύνδεσμος Κοινωνικών Λειτουργών ΚύπρουCzech Republic Association of Social Workers of the Czech Republic || SPOLEČNOST SOCIÁLNÍCH PRACOVNÍKŮ ČR Association of Social Workers of the Czech Republic || SPOLEČNOST SOCIÁLNÍCH PRACOVNÍKŮ ČRDenmark Danish Association of Social Workers | Dansk Socialrådgiverforening Danish Association of Social Workers | Dansk SocialrådgiverforeningEstonia Estonia Association of Social Workers Estonia Association of Social WorkersFaroe Islands Faroe Islands Association of Social Workers || Sosialráðgevarafelag Føroya Faroe Islands Association of Social Workers || Sosialráðgevarafelag FøroyaFinland Talentia Union of Professional Social Workers | Sosiaalialan korkeakoulutettujen ammattijärjestö Talentia ry Talentia Union of Professional Social Workers | Sosiaalialan korkeakoulutettujen ammattijärjestö Talentia ryFrance French National Association of Social Workers || Association Nationale des Assistants de Service Social French National Association of Social Workers || Association Nationale des Assistants de Service SocialGeorgia Georgian Association of Social Workers || საქართველოს სოციალურ მუშაკთა ასოციაცია Georgian Association of Social Workers || საქართველოს სოციალურ მუშაკთა ასოციაციაGermany German Professional Association for Social Work || Deutscher Berufsverband für Soziale Arbeit e.V. German Professional Association for Social Work || Deutscher Berufsverband für Soziale Arbeit e.V.Greece Hellenic Association of Social Workers | Σύνδεσμος Κοινωνικών Λειτουργών Ελλάδος (ΣΚΛΕ ΝΠΔΔ Hellenic Association of Social Workers | Σύνδεσμος Κοινωνικών Λειτουργών Ελλάδος (ΣΚΛΕ ΝΠΔΔHungary National Coordinating Body – Hungary National Coordinating Body – HungaryIceland Icelandic Association of Social Workers || Félagsráðgjafafélag Íslands Icelandic Association of Social Workers || Félagsráðgjafafélag ÍslandsIreland Irish Association of Social Workers Irish Association of Social WorkersIsrael Israel Union of Social Workers | איגוד העו”ס הו Israel Union of Social Workers | איגוד העו”ס הוItaly Italian Asociation of Social Workers || Associazione Nazionale Assistenti Sociali Italian Asociation of Social Workers || Associazione Nazionale Assistenti SocialiKosovo Social Workers Organization of Kosovo || Unioni Punetoreve Social te Kosoves Social Workers Organization of Kosovo || Unioni Punetoreve Social te KosovesLatvia Latvia Association of Social Workers Latvia Association of Social Workers Latvia Union of Social Workers Latvia Union of Social WorkersLithuania Lithuanian Association of Social Workers || Lietuvos socialiniu darbuotoju asociacija Lithuanian Association of Social Workers || Lietuvos socialiniu darbuotoju asociacijaLuxembourg National Association of Social Workers and Graduate Nurses of the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg National Association of Social Workers and Graduate Nurses of the Grand Duchy of LuxembourgMacedonia, Republic of North Associations of Social Workers of the city of Skopje Associations of Social Workers of the city of SkopjeMalta The Maltese Association of Social Workers The Maltese Association of Social WorkersMoldova National Association of Social Workers of Moldova || Asociația Națională a Experților și Asistenților Sociali din Moldova National Association of Social Workers of Moldova || Asociația Națională a Experților și Asistenților Sociali din MoldovaMonaco Monaco Association of Social Workers Monaco Association of Social WorkersMontenegro Montenegro Association of Social Workers Montenegro Association of Social WorkersNetherlands Dutch Association of Social Workers || Beroepsvereniging van Professionals in Sociaal Werk (BPSW) Dutch Association of Social Workers || Beroepsvereniging van Professionals in Sociaal Werk (BPSW)Norway The Norwegian Union of Social Educators and Social Workers (FO) || Fellesorganisasjonen The Norwegian Union of Social Educators and Social Workers (FO) || FellesorganisasjonenPoland Polish Federation of Social Workers and Social Service Employees Unions Polish Federation of Social Workers and Social Service Employees UnionsPortugal Portuguese Association of Social Workers || Associação de Profissionais de Serviço Social Portuguese Association of Social Workers || Associação de Profissionais de Serviço SocialRomania National Coordinating Body – Romania National Coordinating Body – RomaniaRussian Federation The Russian Union of Social Pedagogues and Social Workers The Russian Union of Social Pedagogues and Social WorkersSan Marino San Marino Association of Social Workers San Marino Association of Social WorkersSerbia Serbia Association of Social Workers Serbia Association of Social WorkersSlovakia Slovak chamber of social workers and social work assistants Slovak chamber of social workers and social work assistantsSlovenia Slovenian Association of Social Workers || Društvo socialnih delavk in delavcev Slovenije Slovenian Association of Social Workers || Društvo socialnih delavk in delavcev SlovenijeSpain Spanish General Council of Social Workers Spanish General Council of Social WorkersSweden The Swedish Union for Professionals || Akademikerförbundet SSR The Swedish Union for Professionals || Akademikerförbundet SSRSwitzerland AvenirSocial | Berufsverband Soziale Arbeit Schweiz | Association professionnelle suisse du travail social AvenirSocial | Berufsverband Soziale Arbeit Schweiz | Association professionnelle suisse du travail socialTurkey Turkish Association of Social Workers | Verband der Sozialarbeiterinnen und Sozialarbeitern der Türkei Turkish Association of Social Workers | Verband der Sozialarbeiterinnen und Sozialarbeitern der TürkeiUkraine Ukraine Association of Social Workers Ukraine Association of Social WorkersUnited Kingdom British Association of Social Workers British Association of Social Workers