In the context of the coronavirus pandemic (COVID-19), the National College of Social Workers in Romania – CNASR has initiated a series of sectoral recommendations for social workers working in various sub-domains of social work. The recommendations can be found on our website here – https://cnasr.ro/2020-03-24-recomandari-sectoriale-pentru-asisten-ii-sociali-care-activeaza-in-diverse-sub-domenii-ale-asisten-ei-sociale.
Based on the information given by the World Health Organization, CNASR developed and disseminated among social workers a scheme with information related to COVID -19 and prevention methods. This scheme can be consulted on our website here: https://cnasr.ro/2020-03-13-anunt.
Also, statements of solidarity and social workers messages were sent to social workers. These can be viewed on our website here: https://cnasr.ro/2020-03-30-declaratie-de-solidaritate, https://cnasr.ro/2020-04-06-asistent-social-in-situatie-de-criza.
The National College of Social Workers, together with the representative federations of civil society in Romania, made a series of requests to the Romanian authorities through which we proposed a rapid intervention and a series of measures in the field of social work in pandemic time. These steps can be consulted on our website here: https://cnasr.ro/2020-04-07-scrisoare-catre-domnul-ludovic-orban, https://cnasr.ro/2020-04-10-propuneri-cnasr.
Another important step taken by CNASR was to support in front of the authorities the salaries of social workers who are now at the forefront of the fight against coronavirus. Information about this approach can be found here: https://cnasr.ro/2020-04-03-asistentul-social-este-una-din-categoriile-profesionale-importante-care-isi-desfasoara-activitatea-in-sistemul-sanitar.
With the support of students and teachers from the Faculty of Sociology and Social Work, University of Bucharest, various internationally specific articles during a pandemic were translated and then disseminated among social workers. These articles can be found on our website here: https://cnasr.ro/2020-04-02-recomandari-pentru-asistentii-sociali-in-timpul-pandemiei-de-covid-19, https://cnasr.ro/2020-04-02-asistenta-sociala-in-timp-de-pandemie.
AAlso, CNASR disseminated to social workers relevant information during this period, elaborated by national authorities and Unicef Romania, such
as the guide for social services employees in the context of the new coronavirus or the measures taken by the authorities regarding our beneficiaries, social services, etc. This information can be found here:
Thank you,
Aida Boldeanu
Colegiul National al Asistentilor Sociali Departamentul de Comunicare si Relatii Publice