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- Dr Rory Truell
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- IFSW Seeks a Global Indigenous Commissioner and a Global Human Rights Commissioner
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- Invitation to Participate in the Consultation on the ‘Global Social Work Agenda: The Next Ten Years 2020-2030’
- Japanese Association of Social Workers || 日本ソーシャルワーカー協会
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- Launch and Implementation Strategy of the updated Global Standards for Social Work Education and Training
- Lucia Gandolfi
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- Pascal Rudin, PhD
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- Social Work Response to the Earthquakes in Syria and Turkey
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- Working Draft Role Description for: The Commissioner of the IFSW Interim Education Commission
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- COSW Newsletter Highlights Key Achievements in Social Work Across the Commonwealth
- Statement from the International Federation of Social Workers on USAID shutdown
- Building a Stronger Future: COSW Organises Webinar to Strengthen Health and Social Care Workforce
- Announcement: New Members of the IFSW Asia-Pacific UN Commission
- Strengthening Social Work in Africa: Navigating Progress and Challenges in Professional Regulation
- IFSW-AP Holds Successful Regional Annual General Meeting
- Announcement: New Members of the IFSW Asia-Pacific Education Commission
- Save the Date: CPD Course on Care and Support Systems for Social Workers
- Crisis in Democratic Republic of Congo, a Statement from IFSW Africa
- COSW Releases Activity Report Highlighting Key Achievements and Collaboration with IFSW
- Global Study Highlights Deteriorating Conditions for Social Workers and Opportunities for Advocacy
- Cross-border Collaboration: ASO and IRASW social workers workers unite to support Separated Children
- IFSW Executive Issues Censure Against The Israeli Union Of Social Workers for Not Acting to Promote Peace
- Join the Conversation: Social Workers Invited to Shape the Future of Social Development
- Special Release: IFSW Asia-Pacific Newsletter Vol.3
- IFSW statement on the 2024 International Human Rights Day by Hillary Weaver
- The 2025 World Social Work Day Theme Announced
- International Journal of Social Work Values and Ethics Volume 21, Number 2 Published
- World Health Organisation embraces social work in learning about community engagement
- Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women: Where are we in addressing this global epidemic?
- Korean Association of Social Workers exchange with Swiss and British Associations
- Terms of Reference: Global Commissions
- IFSW-AP and KASW Hold Productive Meeting in Tokyo
- Social Work’s Profound Impact at the Commonwealth Heads of Government Meeting in Samoa
- Social workers across the world experience chronically difficult working conditions, says new global research
- Launch of ‘Social Work as a Global Profession, Handbook for Teaching and Learning’
- UN Report Highlights Social Work’s Role in Advancing Buen Vivir and Eco-Social Justice for a Sustainable Future
- On-site Visit Report after the Türkiye-Syria Earthquake
- Social Work Voices Set to Shape CHOGM 2024 in Samoa
- “The Pact is an important step forward to reinvigorate action and commitments”: IFSW’s advocacy at the UN’s Summit of the Future
- New Webinar Series Focuses on Identity Rights and Access to Justice for Children
- The Association of Social Workers in The Gambia Unites with Care and Prevention Foundation to Strengthen Social Services
- L’Association des Travailleurs Sociaux de Gambie S’unit à la Fondation Care and Prevention pour Renforcer les Services Sociaux
- Older Adult Mental Health Awareness Week 1-10 October 2024
- Book Launch: Social Work as a Global Profession (online)
- Orange Shirt Day – Where do we go from here?
- International Workshop and International Conference Held in Colombo, Sri Lanka
- It was harrowing being a social worker in Gaza before, but now….
- 24 September: Social Work Histories of Complicity and Resistance (online)
- International Study Exchange Seminar Series aims to foster cross-cultural knowledge exchange
- Alarming Gaps Revealed in Romania’s Social Service Workforce Census
- Swiss Association of Social Workers focuses on People’s Charter
- Indonesia: Over 125 Social Workers Take Professional Oath – Commitment to Quality Service
- Global Standards for Education in Social Work Now Available in Indonesian
- Burundi: ‘We must work together to ensure that social workers receive the necessary support, training, and recognition they deserve’
- Burundi : « Nous devons travailler ensemble pour garantir que les travailleurs et travailleuses sociaux reçoivent le soutien, la formation et la reconnaissance qu’ils et elles méritent »
- Indonesia: World Social Work Day 2024 Report Released with Focus on ‘Buen Vivir’
- Call for Applications: IFSW Africa Representative to ANESW (Africa Network for Environmental Social Work and Disaster)
- NASWU’s Transformative Journey in Elevating the Social Work Profession: Celebrating Milestones and Charting the Future
- 1 October: Join the IFSW Europe Webinar on Social Work and Ageing
- Social Workers Champion Children’s Identity Rights in New Submission and Webinar Series
- Call for Applications: IFSW Africa – Regional Representatives to the UN Office
- IFSW Advocacy at the UN’s Summit of the Future
- Nordic Social Workers Urge their Governments to Demand International Law is Upheld in Gaza
- Protecting the Rights of Indigenous Peoples in Voluntary Isolation and Initial Contact: Statement on International Indigenous Peoples’ Day
- West African Social Work Associations Convene in Togo to Drive Regional Progress
- CASW and NASW Renew Memorandum of Understanding
- Abib Ndiaye, du Sénégal, élu nouveau vice-président de la FITS pour l’Afrique
- Abib Ndiaye from Senegal Elected as New IFSW Africa Vice President
- Social Work Recognised at the Commonwealth Heads of Government Meeting 2024
- IFSW Side-event at the UN High Level Political Forum on Sustainable Development
- Commonwealth Health Ministers Commit to Tackling Global Workforce Challenges in Health and Social Services
- Successful seminar on eco-social work In Rotterdam, Netherlands
- Social Work Works! The Mukuru Kaiyaba Story
- Meeting in Kenya for the 2026 ‘SWSD’ Conference Takes Place
- Upholding Human Rights: Social Work’s Commitment to Internally Displaced People on International Refugee Day
- Guinea-Bissau Hosts Successful First National Conference of Social Workers
- Sierra Leone National Social Work Conference 2024 Concludes with a Focus on Regulation and Ethical Standards
- Social Workers for a Free Palestine: Report on the World Social Work Day Online Event
- Response to the PUSWP call for the expulsion of the IUSW
- IFSW-AP Newsletter Issue 2 is now available!
- Commonwealth Young Carers Urge Heads of Government to Support the Young Carers Charter
- Indonesian and Malaysian Social Worker Associations Strengthen Ties
- IFSW policy singled out in the UN General Assembly 77th Session report from the Secretary-General
- “Harambee!”: Social Workers Unite for Sustainable Shared Futures at 2026 Global Conference
- Save the date SWSD2026
- Maltese Association of Social Workers 30th anniversary
- IFSW works with WHO on Transforming Health Policy and Practice
- IFSW / UN OHCHR CPD Course Finishes with Renewed Commitments
- IFSW Represented at Global UN Civil Society Conference
- IFSW Longstanding Leader Honoured with a ‘Lifetime Achievement Award for Services to Social Care’
- Successful lobbying leads to payments for social work students on placement
- Responding to Nature’s Call for Change: A statement on the role of social work in the context of catastrophic weather traumatising communities around the world
- IFSW Stands in Support of Pro-Peace Students in Universities Across the USA
- Report on World Social Work Day commemorative events in Japan
- Iranian Social Workers Celebrate World Social Work Month
- IFSW Announces New Members and New Executive Committee
- Social Work Social Development (SWSD2024) Conference Celebrates Success in Panama!
- IFSW at 68th session of the Commission on the Status of Women
- Joint SWSD2024 Panama conference starts
- IFSW CPD: Connecting Social Work Practitioner with The UN Human Rights Mechanisms and the OHCHR
- IFSW Europe elects Dr Ruth Allen as new president
- The renovation project in Svancek is completed
- The Palestinian Union of Social Workers and Psychologists Statement on the Suspension of a Social Worker who Advocated Against the Gaza Invasion
- IFSW CPD on Collaborating with the UN’s Human Rights Mechanisms
- IFSW Europe implements sustainable small-scale farming initiative in the new renovated social centres in Ukraine
- Reminder: Your chance to take part in the biggest global study of challenging working conditions of social workers
- New Special Issue Published on the Global Agenda for Social Work and Social Development
- Goma Refugee Camp Project Update
- Declaración de Rory Truell, Secretario General de la Federación Internacional de Trabajadores Sociales:
- World Social Work Day Statement from IFSW Secretary-General
- IFSW President’s World Social Day Message
- Running between classrooms and bunkers, Ukraine’s social work students show resilience and dedication!
- New Leadership and Critical Discussions in Latest Issue of International Journal of Social Work Values and Ethics
- The Training for Social Workers to Respond to Emergencies and Long-Term Response in Turkey Was Successfully accomplished
- Unconditional humanitarian aid to Gaza Now
- “Investing In Women: Empowering Social Workers To Address Crises And Accelerate Progress” A Call To Government, Donor Agencies And Stakeholders On International Day Of Women Celebration 2024
- ONLINE Side Event – 67th Session of the Commission on Narcotic Drugs (CND) Side Event: Injectable Opioid Agonist Therapy (OAT) with Hydromorphone in Austria – a new perspective? Wednesday, 20th March 2024, 9:00 – 9:50 CET
- Secretary-General’s Back to Office Message
- The Nordic-Baltic Doctoral Network in Social Work is inviting doctoral students from Nordic, Baltic and countries beyond to participate in the XV Summer School, August 19-23, 2024 at Aalborg University, Denmark
- Webinar on Children’s Rights in the context of Cross Border Family Connections
- WEBINAR: Innovation in Social Services in Ukraine, March 7, 2024, 18:00 CET
- Empowering Voices for Global Change: The Critical Role of Social Workers in Shaping UN Processes and Eco-Social Contracts
- IFSW Supports Global Statement of Humanitarian Leaders Calling For An Immediate Ceasefire In Gaza
- 7 March: Commonwealth Civil Society Health and Wellbeing Policy Forum 2024
- New article explores the Path to an Eco-Social World after the pandemic
- 14 March: Webinar on Transformative Gender-responsive Social Protections in an Eco-social World
- 28 February: Webinar on Navigating Conflict with Global Social Work Insights
- The Association of Social Workers from Bulgaria is working with the Ministry of Health to create a strategy to facilitate the employment of social workers in hospitals
- Fostering Collective Growth for Social Workers: Highlights from the International Social Work Week 2024 at HAN University
- 2 March: International Seminar on Social Welfare in Asia and the Pacific Rim
- Turkish Social Workers Association Addresses Ongoing Psychosocial Challenges One Year After Earthquakes: Join Them in the Continuing Effort!
- Empowering Voices, Shaping Futures: A Call to African Social Workers on International Day of Zero Tolerance for FGM
- 7 February: Join us for a Webinar on Zero Tolerance for FGM
- Embracing Human Fraternity: The Vital Role of Social Work in Cultivating Global Peace and Unity
- Building Bridges to Peace: Social Workers’ Crucial Role in the DRC Amid Escalating Violence
- Iranian National Social Worker’s Day Conference: Mediation as a Pathway to Peace
- IFSW to Host Panel on Eco-Social Justice at 62nd Social Development Session
- 6th COSW Newsletter: A Journey Through Social Work’s Advances and Inspirations
- Nairobi, Kenya to Host 2026 World Conference on Social Work and Social Development
- Empowering Peace and Justice through Social Work Education
- IFSW Leadership Engages in Nairobi for 2026 World Conference Bid Evaluation
- Call for expression of interest to host the 2025 IFSW – Africa Region Hybrid Conference
- IFSW 2023 End of Year Report Now Available
- Malawi Social Workers Reflect on 2023 Achievements and Look Forward to 2024
- Uganda Social Workers Reflect on 2023 Achievements and Set Goals for 2024
- Call for papers: Responsive social services: strengthening the impact of user participation, Bucharest, 22-23 April 2024
- Shaping the Future: Conference on Ecosocial Work | SAVE THE DATE
- Expressing Gratitude for John Brennan’s Service as Vice President of IFSW Europe
- IFSW Statement on the Earthquake in Japan: “As social workers, our role in supporting the recovery and rebuilding efforts is crucial”
- The Austrian Association of Social Workers has taken significant steps to safeguard the title of SOCIAL WORK through legislative measures in Austria
- UPDATE on Arrest of Munther Amira
- Honoring the Contributions of Migrants and Respecting their Rights
- Empowerment Starts Here Project supports refugees, vulnerable local people and communities, frontline practitioners and local decision makers in Bulgaria
- Young African Social Workers Network commemorate the International Human Rights day
- Invitation to Social Workers: Seminar Marking the 75th Anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights
- Freedom, Equality, and Justice for All: The Essential Role of Social Work in Advancing Human Rights
- Invitation to Social Workers Worldwide: Share Your Expertise to Improve Global Social Security Systems
- The commitment of our volunteers to creating positive change is a testament to the power of collective action
- IFSW Representatives at the UN in New York Call for Social Justice and Sustainable Development
- Urgent Call for Transformative Action at COP28 to Address the Climate Crisis
- United in action to rescue and achieve the SDGs for, with and by persons with disabilities
- Paving the way for a safer and more secure future for children in Uganda
- IFSW Europe Webinar to mark Human Rights Day 2023 – Social Work Practice and the Protection of Human Rights in Europe: freedom, equality and human rights for all
- Africa’s Crucial Contribution to a Sustainable and Equitable Global Future
- A testament to the vital role of social work in societies: Former IFSW President David Jones receives honorary doctorate
- Lisbon Declaration for the development of Social Work and Humanitarian Action
- ‘Empowering the Next Generation: Upholding Every Child’s Rights Through Social Work and Positive Parenting
- Danish Association of Social Workers Celebrates Successful Social Worker Days 2023
- Celebrating 35 years of activity of the Hungarian Federation of Social Workers
- Celebrating Two Decades of Social Work Excellence in Malta: Reflections on the 20th Anniversary of the Department of Social Work, University of Malta
- Social Workers’ Day in Ukraine, November 5, 2023
- Celebrating a Legacy of Compassion and Service: PASWI Marks Its 75th Jubilee
- SDGs Halfway Point: Social Work for Transformative Change
- Bridging Gaps and Creating Change: The Imperative for Social Workers Worldwide to Attend the IFSW African Region Conference in Lagos, Nigeria
- We are delighted to launch the 2024 World Social Work Day Poster
- OBDS Austria: Alternative budget speech to Parliament
- Launch of Global Agenda Theme 4: “Buen Vivir: Shared Future for Transformative Change”
- Israel / Palestine: IFSW calls for immediate ceasefire and to address the root causes of the conflict
- The second Issue of the International Journal of Social Work Values and Ethics for 2023 has just been published!
- Commonwealth celebrates ‘Crucial Role of Social Workers’
- NASW-DRC: Sustainable Change Through Agricultural Empowerment
- Your chance to take part in the biggest global study of challenging working conditions of social workers
- A Childhood for Life. Social workers recommendations to improve the living conditions of children in low-income families and prevent the transmission of poverty in Norway
- International Professional Exchange Programs of the Council of International Fellowship
- 26 October: Annual Global Social Service Workforce Alliance Symposium
- International Day for the Eradication of Poverty Message from Africa
- IFSW North America: Solidarity with Social Workers in Israel and Palestine
- 21 October: Online COSW Policy Forum
- Statement on the earthquake in Afghanistan
- Solidarity with social workers in Israel and Palestine
- The Aegean Declaration on Climate Justice and Social Work
- International Day Of The Girl Child: Let Us Renew Our Commitment To Investing In Girls’ Rights
- World Mental Health Day: The Crucial Role of Social Work in Advancing Mental Well-Being
- We stand in solidarity with Afghanistan: IFSW statement on the earthquake in Herat region
- Challenges and Commitment: Insights from Social Workers in Bosnia and Herzegovina
- 28 November: Symposium on Addressing the Lack of Access to Education for Children Without Legal Identity
- IFSW Statement on World Habitat Day 2023
- IFSW UN Representatives attend United Nations Sustainable Development Goals Summit
- Resident resettlement and community support in Tomashivka – Ukraine
- Acknowledging the Impact of Indigenous Residential Schools: Commemorating Orange Shirt Day
- Rehabilitation of Zhvanchyk Refugee Center in Ukraine with International Support
- Actions for peace: Our ambition for the #GlobalGoals
- Call for Expressions of Interest to host the SWSD 2026 Conference
- IFSW statement on the situation in Nagorno-Karabakh
- Th Voices of Social Work Practitioners in Ukraine
- Social work responds to crises and challenges that threaten the well-being and life of people and communities
- Report on one year of partnership and shared efforts strengthening the field of social work in Ukraine and foster resilience during the most challenging times of war
- One-Year Celebration: Ukraine Marks Milestones in Social Support Building
- Turkish Association of Social Workers Stands in Solidarity with Morocco After Devastating Earthquake
- Statement on the Social Work Response to the Earthquake in Morocco
- Social workers in Afghanistan demonstrate a commitment to supporting people and communities
- IFSW hosts side-event during the 2023 UN High Level Political Forum on Sustainable Development
- 25 de Julio: Trabajo Social y ámbitos de intervención: retos del TS contemporáneo
- IFSW Asia-Pacific Newsletter Issue 1 2023
- Cross- Learning between Israeli and Ugandan Social Workers
- IFSW mourns the loss of Mit Joyner
- Invitation to share social work resources and experiences: OHCHR and Human Rights 75
- July 11: UN HLPF Side Event “Co-building an Eco-Social World for Sustainable Development”
- Public service day 2023
- “Social Work Gives Us All Hope”, say UN Officials
- Social workers in Malta unite to advocate for their profession
- Swedish Social Workers Take a Stand Against Mandatory Reporting
- 5 June – International Webinar: Uncovering the History of Social Work
- Improvement of shelter conditions for internally displaced people in the district of Kamjanez-Podilskyj, Khmelntytskyj Ukraine
- Global organisations promote the redesign of health and social systems from the ground-up
- 10 June: Historical Development of Indigenous Social Work and Evolving Practice Models in Canada
- 8-9 June 2023: Young Carers Voices – International perspectives
- Statement on the crisis of Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women
- IFSW Statement on the War in Sudan
- ‘Social workers endure some of the most challenging working environments of any profession’ says IFSW president on world day for safety and health at work 2023
- IFSW Statement on the Security Situation in the Eastern DRC
- World Social Work Day India
- New partnership to share research and knowledge about the global working environments of social workers
- IFSW UN Commission Geneva team news 2023
- Sierra Leone Social Workers WSWD2023 report
- Registration for 2024 World Social Work Conference Now Open
- Afghanistan Organisation of Social Work Joins IFSW
- International Journal of Social Work Ethics and Values Volume 20, Issue 1 now available!
- Gifts from around the world on WSWD 2023: From Finland
- Podcast on Social Work’s ‘Constant Stream of Development’: IFSW Representatives Visit The Norwegian Association of Social Workers
- The Climate Justice Program of IFSW JAM Podcast
- New book explores Ubuntu from a Social Work perspective
- March 28: IFSW North America Conference
- COSW Highlights the Need to Respond to the Voices of Young Carers
- IFSW presents civil society submission to the 52nd session of the United Nations Human Rights Council
- Webinar 14 March: Migration of Social Workers – Experience and Learning
- International solidarity provides support for social workers in Turkey and Syria
- Statement by the IFSW Asia-Pacific Regional President on the Turkey-Syria Earthquake
- Economic and Social Development- #February 11 Women & Girls in Science
- Update on Syrian Social Workers’ Actions following the Earthquakes
- IFSW North America statement on the Turkey and Syria earthquakes
- Update from the Turkish Association of Social Workers
- Press release from the Afghanistan Minister Of Labour And Social Affairs
- Social Workers and Women’s Cooperatives Working Together in Afghanistan to Rebuild Local Economies
- Towards Peace and Self-determination in Israel and Palestine: A Statement from IFSW
- Social work is recognised as essential to Afghanistan’s development
- Social Work in Afghanistan
- IFSW to visit the Afghanistan Social Workers Organisation
- Podcast on Social Work in Ukraine
- 2022 End of Year Report has just been published
- Social Work in Ukraine: January Update on the Partnership between IFSW and the Kamianets-Podilskyi District
- IFSW Conferences on Social Work
- Save the Date: WSWD 2023 at the United Nations Geneva
- Three New IFSW Member Organisations Announced
- IFSW UN Commission in New York prepares for the Commission on Social Development (CSocD)
- LAC Statement on Human Rights Day
- Declaración de ALC sobre el Día de los Derechos Humanos
- Indigenous Commission Statement on Human Rights Day 2022
- IFSW Representative calls for Greater Climate Action at the UN
- Día Internacional para poner fin a la Violencia contra las mujeres y las Niñas
- LAC Statement on the International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women
- Malaysian Social Work Association Champions New Law
- International Journal of Social Work Ethics and Values Volume 19, Issue 3 now available!
- IFSW is delighted to launch the 2023 World Social Work Day poster
- Australian Social Work Association’s Statement on Climate Action
- New global research highlights negative working environment for most social workers
- A Social Investment Partnership launched today in the Kamenets Podisk district of Ukraine
- National Association of Social Workers Launched in Ukraine
- Iran Association of Social Workers Speaks on the Countries Challenges
- National Associations International Cooperation
- 1-10 October is Older Adult Mental Health Awareness Week – Social work plays a vital part in advocating for older people’s rights and opportunities to thrive in later life
- The Community Social Work Centre in Ukraine Provides Essential First Aid Training so the Community can better respond to risks and dangers
- Meeting organised with the representatives of the Pension Fund of Ukraine
- Barbados Association of Social Workers awards students who overcame serious challenges
- IFSW-AP UN Representative Addresses UN-ESCAP Committee on Social Development
- IFSW Europe takes part in discussion on the development of social policies to support Ukrainian refugees
- IFSW Europe New Social Workers International Exchange Webinar, 31st August 2022 at 5pm CEST
- On Ukranie National Day: Honouring The Women Behind the Frontlines
- Beyond the pandemic: Exploring social work ethics and values as a contribution to a new eco-social world
- We started Mapping the Support Services in Ukraine
- Special issue of IJSWVE Journal on Intercultural Relations published
- International Youth Day 2022 Message
- The Community Social Work Centre in Ukraine moves Forward
- World Indigenous Peoples Day message
- Israeli Union of Social Workers Invites Palestinian Union to build communication and cooperation
- IFSW Europe invites social workers and their associations in EUROPE to contribute to the IFSW Europe Poverty Watch Report 2022
- International Exchange Webinar: IFSW Europe NEW SOCIAL WORKERS Project Friday 29th July 2022 at 5pm CEST
- Groundbreaking Partnership in Ukraine Begins
- IFSW Asia-Pacific Supports Sri Lankan Social Workers
- Migrants Murdered at Spain-Morocco Border
- Hyperinflation affecting lives and futures
- Virtual Event: Social Workers as Stakeholders in Co-Building, Promoting and Sustaining an Eco-Social World
- Youth and the Mystery Wall paperback now available
- Social work has a critical role to play in transformational change in co-building our shared futures
- Tragedy for displaced peoples in North African highlights urgent need for new structures
- IFSW Africa Publishes 2021 Conference Abstract Book
- IFSW Statement on World Refugee Day 2022
- International Exchange Webinar: IFSW Europe New Social Workers Project – Portuguese Social Work Student Movement – Friday 17th June 2022 at 5pm CET
- Update: Ukraine and the Social Work Response
- IFSW-AP UN Representatives at the 78th Session UN ESCAP in Bangkok
- Executive Censure of the Israeli Union of Social Workers withdrawn
- New Policy: The Role of Social Workers in Advancing a New Eco-Social World
- The Role of Social Workers in Advancing a New Eco-Social World
- Award of the IfSW Andrew Mouravieff-Apostol Medal 2022
- International Exchange Webinar: IFSW Europe NEW SOCIAL WORKERS Project
- New IFSW Global President Elected
- IFSW Europe – WEBINAR – Developing eco-wisdom – leave no one behind! May 24th 2022, 18.00 – 19.30 CET
- Dutch association opens file on refugees from Ukraine
- Lessons From the Frontline of the Ukraine Refugee Crisis
- Improving The Poor Working Conditions Of Social Workers – Last Chance To Contribute To Workforce Survey – Now Closes On 19 April 2022
- Global Social Work: Working with the displaced communities from Ukraine
- IFSW General Meeting 2022 – Relevant informatiom
- Global public health week 2022
- World Social Work Day 2022 Asia and the Pacific Region news
- India: Professional Social Work Response to COVID–19 Affected Families
- Continuous Professional Development. International Short Course
- International social work in Education and training
- Beyond the pandemic: Exploring social work ethics and values as a contribution to a new eco-social world, Arabic Nations
- IFSW Africa: Beyond the pandemic: Exploring social work ethics and values as a contribution to a new eco-social world
- IPA Statement on Ukraine
- Sei Azioni Che Possiamo Fare Insieme Per Co – Costruire Un Mondo Sostenibile Ed Equo
- North America region news on Ukraine
- The IFSW statement to the UN 66TH session of the Commission on the Status of Women under the Economic and Social Council
- IFSW Action on Ukraine Crisis
- IFSW North America – Beyond the pandemic: Exploring social work ethics and values as a contribution to a new eco-social world
- IFSW EUROPE – Beyond the pandemic: Exploring social work ethics and values as a contribution to a new eco-social world
- New Issue of IJSWVE comes with a number of new exciting features!
- Social Workers Stands Together Against War
- International Women’s Day 2022
- Call to support social workers!
- WEBINAR: Voices from the Borders: Social Work responds to the humanitarian crisis in Ukraine
- Panamanian Social Work and Public Health professional associations address gaps between health and social services
- The Irish Association of Social Workers (IASW) – Crisis in Ukraine highlights social and racial inequalities among ethnic minority groups fleeing for their lives from the warzone
- Webinar series: Beyond the pandemic: Exploring social work ethics and values as a contribution to a new eco-social world
- Age with Rights: IFSW Europe supports the Global Rally on 3 March 2022
- New Book: Youth and The Mystery Wall by Phil Frampton
- Military Aggression in Ukraine
- The deadline for contribution submission has been extended until March 31st!
- International Social Work Programme in the Netherlands Endorsed by IFSW
- Statement of the IFSW – Asia Pacific Regional Commission to the United Nations on Afghanistan
- IFSW secretariat introduces internship program
- Social Workers in the DRC Building Community Centre
- IJSWVE Journal: Call for Papers
- Seis acciones que podemos hacer para construir juntos y juntas un mundo sostenible y justo
- The IFSW 2021 End of Year Report highlights the need for new partnersips to champion change
- Six actions que nous pouvons faire pour construire ensemble un monde durable et équitable
- Human rights state in Africa Region
- A call for contributions on book chapters “The Ubuntu Practitioner: Social Work Perspectives”
- Six Actions We Can Do Together to Co-Build a Sustainable and Fair World
- IFSW President presents The People´s Global Summit
- IFSW wish all Social Workers worldwide a Happy New year
- IFSW Climate Justice Program Statement on COP26: A Commitment to Ongoing Action and Accountability
- Join the Peoples Summit and submit your contribution for a #NewEcoSocialWorld
- Improving civil dialogue in the European Semester process
- Social workers across Europe speak up against the destruction of human and civil rights
- IFSW HUMAN RIGHTS COMMISSION STATEMENT: “EQUALITY: Reducing inequalities, promoting human rights “
- Establishment of the IFSW Social Work at the United Nations Initiative at Monmouth University
- IFSW Launches First Global Survey of Working Conditions of Social Workers
- Human Rights Day Joint Statement by IFSW and the WFPHA
- Social workers write to Priti Patel opposing inhumane Police Bill that discriminates against Romani and Traveller families
- Registration is now open to The People’s Global Summit.!
- Advocacy policy brief on social Work regulation in Africa
- The 2022 World Social Work Day Poster Launched
- IFSW Statement of the Political Crisis at the Belarus / Polish Borders
- IFSW Human Right Commision – Europe Statement on the Refugee Crisis at the Belarus / Polish Borders
- The IFSW statement to the UN 60th Session of the Commission for Social Development
- The Role of the Social Work Profession in ´Co-Building a New Eco-Social World: Leaving No One Behind´
- World Leaders Invited to Join Global Mass Movement for Eco-Social Change
- Essential chat with Mit on Breast cancer awareness
- IFSW is delighted to be the new publisher for The International Journal of Social Work Values and Ethics (IJSWVE)
- “Mental Health in an Unequal World.” The International Federation of Social Workers is calling for greater equality.
- 1-10 October 2021 – Older Adult Mental Health Awareness Week
- Online Event,15 September: The social service workforce in and beyond the pandemic – A global conversation
- Registrations Now Open – The 26th Asia-Pacific Regional Social Work Conference 2021
- New Free Publication: “Pandemic ethics: A resource for social work students, educators and practitioners”
- The Kerala Association of Professional Social Workers Newsletter
- BASW statement on the situation in Afghanistan
- IFSW Statement on Afghanistan: Beyond the Humanitarian Crisis
- IFSW Statement on the Draft Convention on the Right to Development
- IFSW Climate Justice Program: Statement on IPCC Climate Report “Encouragement as we collectively continue co-building a new ecosocial world with a sustainable future for all”
- Commonwealth Organisation for Social Work Joins Partnership Organising New Format Global Social Summit
- Long-term care report – trends, challenges and opportunities in an ageing society
- Ubuntu and its Potential Impact on the International Social Work Profession
- Deadline Extension: Submit your Abstract for IFSW Africa Region conference 2021❗
- ‘Co-building a New Eco-Social World: Leaving No One Behind’ People’s Summit
- The 26th Asia-Pacific Regional Social Work Conference: IMPORTANT UPDATE
- Uganda Association Publishes Annual Report
- Webinar marking the Launch of East African Regional Resource Center
- WSWD2021 Project by JFSW: Training Program on Social Work Practice during the COVID-19 Pandemic
- IFSW Indigenous Commissioner and Human Rights Commissioner Appointed
- G7’s pledge to provide 1 billion vaccines `is positive, but don’t stop there’ says IFSW
- Iran Association’s Activities for World Social Work Day 2021
- ПРОГРАММА Международной федерации социальных работников (МФСР): Цели устойчивого развития (ЦУР) социальной работы и Организации объединенных наций (ООН)
- Employee Assistance Program (EAP) interest group formed
- The Korean 15th Social Worker’s day Ceremony
- Urgent: IFSW Call for Action On Equal Access To Vaccines
- New Policy Paper: Social Work and the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)
- Barbados, Gambia and Suriname Join IFSW
- IFSW research partners win European award for social work research
- Webinar – IFSW Europe work at Council of Europe’s INGO – 25 May 2021, 18.30 CET Time
- Terror in Gaza: Requires Solutions that Address the Underlying Problems
- Starting a conversation to build peace: IFSW Secretary-General reflects on Palestine and Israel
- IFSW freut sich, dass das Buch “Zurück auf die Spitze der Klippe. Wie sich Soziale Arbeit durch COVID-19 veränderte” nun auf Deutsch erhältlich ist
- Online Symposium: Mō tātou, ā, mō kā uri ā muri ake nei For us and our children after us
- In memory of Terry Bamford: We invite you to join family, friends and colleagues in remembering Terry’s life, his work and the impact he had
- A la FITS le complace anunciar que el libro “Hacia la cima del acantilado. Cómo se transformó el Trabajo Social a partir de la COVID-19” ya está disponible en español
- IFSW May 1st Statement
- Swiss and Sierra Leone Associations form Collaboration
- Co-building a New Eco-Social World: Leaving No One Behind. 160 Million Social Work and Health Workers Collaborate for a New World Future
- Irish Association of Social Workers – Celebrating 50 Years in 2021
- Watch the Video Summarising the Success of World Social Work Day 2021
- Recommendations to guarantee adequate minimum wages
- World social work day 2021
- El Trabajo Social y los Objetivos de Desarrollo Sostenible (ODS) de la Organización de las Naciones Unidas
- Social Work and the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)
- World Social Work Day 2021 at KSH Munich
- Webinar 29 March 2021: Commonwealth History of Social Work
- Leadership Development Opportunities with Funding
- World social work day 2021
- The Young Researchers Network of the International Psychogeriatric Association (IPA) EVENT
- World Social Work Day 2021 – Macau celebrations
- New Social Contract Needed says UN and Social Work Forum
- World Social Work Day 2021
- World Social Work Day 2021
- Social Work’s Constant Stream of Development: 2021 WSWD Message from the IFSW Secretary-General
- In Defence of Democracy in Myanmar – A Statement from IFSW Asia Pacific Region
- IFSW Africa’s Message on Ubuntu for WSWD
- 90 Days Free Access to the Journal of International Social Work for World Social Work Day
- World Social Work Day 2021
- The impact of COVID-19 on the mental health of professional care workers and strategies to address these needs – IPA Webinar 11 March 2021
- WSWD @ UN Geneva – Community Engagement for Social Justice
- WSWD 2021 Event – “The Young Social Workers Agenda for the Future of Social Work”
- Iran Conference highlights Social Work, Social Observation and Social Solidarity
- IFSW President’s Statement on International Women’s Day 2021
- Watch the recording: IFSW North American Region Facebook Live Event – March 22, 2021
- Se forma una Coalición de Profesiones Internacionales de la Salud y el Trabajo Social para abogar por el acceso equitativo a las vacunas en todo el mundo y para aumentar el personal sanitario y de protección social
- Coalition of Health and Social Work International Professions Formed to Advocate for Global Equitable Access for Vaccine and to Increase health and Social Protection Workforce
- BASW: World Social Work Day becomes World Social Work Month!
- 37th Annual Social Work Day at the United Nations in New York
- Open letter on an ambitious and comprehensive Action Plan for the European Pillar of Social Rights
- World Social Work Day 2021 Video Message by IFSW President
- ‘World NGO Day’ and the ‘Challenges Facing NGOs in Conflict and Post-Conflict Situations’
- Save the Date: 2021 AASW IFSW Asia Pacific Regional Social Work Conference
- IFSW Rights Commission Highlight Concerns for LGBTQI People
- Cypriot Social Workers Bridging Divides and Healing Open Wounds
- IFSW HRC Highlights Concerns on Increasing Islamophobia
- Call to Action on Sustainable Urbanisation
- The IFSW 2020 End of Year Report highlights the many challenges and successes for the international social work profession faced in 2020
- COVID-19 supercharging poverty – data and experiences from the ground
- Final Run: MOOC on Children Moving Alone in Times of Covid-19
- Recognition of Social Workers: WHO declares 2021 the International Year of Health and Care Workers
- IFSW Europe: Survey for Young Social Workers across Europe
- One Belt and One Road Forum
- IFSW African Region Issues Awards for Work on Eliminating Gender-based Violence.
- IFSW Statement on International Migrants Day
- IFSW calls for urgent climate action at the UN ESCAP
- IFSW Statement on the United Nations Human Rights Day
- IFSW Africa Region Statement on the Occasion of the 2020 16 Days of Activism Against Gender-Based Violence
- Human Rights and Mental Health of Older Adults – 10 December
- IFSW Europe Position Paper on the European Pillar of Social Rights’ Action Plan
- The World Social Work Day poster for 2021 is now available
- Global Strategy for the Advancement of Social Work Education
- IFSW Statement on the United Nations International Day of Solidarity with the Palestinian People
- IFSW Forms Partnership with Local 2030 Recognising Social Work Contributions to the SDGs
- Social Work in Action Series: New Free Book Available!
- Practising during pandemic conditions: Ethical guidance for social workers
- To the Top of the Cliff: How social work changed with COVID-19
- IFSW Europe Project: A social Europe is possible! The young generation of social workers are the spearhead of change
- 2020 to 2030 Global Agenda for Social Work and Social Development Framework: ‘Co-building inclusive social transformation’
- Free Course on Children Moving Alone – Now Accounting for Covid-19
- Proposed Social Work Doctorate in Human Rights Leadership
- IFSW addressing the UN ESCAP Committee for Social Development
- WEBINAR: Social workers working in the conflict and war zones in Europe
- Transformative Social Protection Systems are an Essential Element to Eradicating Poverty
- IFSW Europe Poverty Watch Report 2020
- On World Mental Health Day, the International Federation of Social Workers calls for Mental Health for All
- Popular Free Training for Social Workers on Alternative Care now touches on Covid-19
- Commonwealth Organisation for Social Work Board Meeting and Virtual General Meeting
- High-Level Meeting Between IFSW and United Nations on Advancing Social Development
- Global Social Work Community Morns the Passing of Conny Nxumalo
- Belarus Association of Social Workers Calls for the Respect of the Principles of Humanity and Social Justice
- Republic of Congo, Jordan and Mexico join IFSW
- Social Workers in Lebanon Respond After Explosion
- Statement on the Human Rights Violations in Zimbabwe
- République Démocratique du Congo. Rapport de l’Activite de Strategie d’Actions de Proximite ‘SAP’ Pour la Lutte Contre le Covid-19
- Global Standards for Social Work Education and Training
- IFSW Conference Concludes: A New Era For Social Work
- IFSW Conference Exceeds 18´000 Registrations
- Global Agenda 4th Report Published
- Social Work Conference Registers 15´000 Participants: Abstract Book Published
- The social work profession celebrates inclusive and united General Meeting
- IFSW Asia pacific Newsletter July 2020
- IFSW Europe Webinar, 10 July 2020 @ 12.00 – 13.30 (CEST)
- Study Of The Ethical Challenges Faced By Social Workers During The Covid-19 Pandemic Published
- The Social Work Response to COVID-19 – Six Months On: Championing changes in services and preparing for long-term consequences
- IFSW Europe Webinar, 3 July 2020 @ 12.00 – 13.30 (CEST) – The Social Work responses to the needs of homeless people in context of COVID-19
- Welcome – Video to IFSW Online Global Conference
- Hong Kong Association of Social Workers Issue Statement on Arrest of Social Worker
- New Free Online Course: Child Protection Case Management in Times of Covid-19
- Irish Association of Social Workers Statement on Racism
- Covid-19 Italian Experience Report
- The Italian Association of Social Work thanks IFSW for their support during Covid-19
- IFSW Europe WEBINAR – 26 June 2020 @ 12.00 CEST – Mental Health Social Work and the psychosocial impact of Covid-19 on adults
- Grenada Association of Social Workers Statement on Black Lives Matter
- World Elder Abuse Awareness Day
- “Meet the Authors” – IFSW Global Online Conference
- #IFSW2020conference – Registration is open
- Hungary. Open letter to Prime Minister to support social workers during COVID19
- The Tanzania Association of Social Workers (TASWO) responds to Covid19
- IFSW Africa´s note of condolences to Social Workers in the DRC following the death of a social worker whilst on duty responding to COVID-19.
- FITS ALC América Latina y el Caribe
- IFSW Africa Webinar: No To Racism
- BPSW – The Netherlands supports social workers with online lunchtime reflection
- The Liaison Social Work Role in Nursing Homes and Residential Settings: A Model for Practice
- Yakutia, the coldest place in the world, is celebrating today the Day of Social Workers
- Twinning as a concept to cooperate – the Moroccan-Dutch case
- Danish Association of Social Worker message to the government
- Ireland’s Social Work Response to Covid-19
- Conversatorio Abierto “Retos de las Organizaciones de Trabajo Social: Una mirada desde lo Nacional e Internacional
- Le temps est venu pour une nouvelle révolution des droits sociaux
- Iran. Second report from Iran Association of Social Workers on COVID-19 activities
- Time for a New Social Rights Revolution
- IFSW AFrica Webinar Réponse au Covdi19: pratique du travail social pendant la pandémie
- Putting Social Rights and Poverty reduction at the heart of EU’s COVID-19 response
- NASW-DRC are working in Uvira , located in the south-Kivu region of the DRC, which has recently sustained heavy rains.
- Israel Promotes International Learning from the Corona Pandemic
- “The Role of Social Workers across ASEAN Countries in Response to COVID-19 Pandemic”
- COVID-19: La lucha, el éxito y la expansión del Trabajo Social
- Philippines. PASW responses to Covid-19
- Message from IFSW Africa President, Mr. Noel Muridzo on African Freedom Day
- 10th (2020) Chinese Annual Conference
- Covid-19: The struggle, success and expansion of social work
- Dr. Esther Utjiua Muinjangue , Deputy Minister of Health and Social Services in Namibia participates in the III Africa Webinar
- IFSW 2020 Online Conference Launched
- IV Webinar: Ethical Challenges for Social Workers during Covid-19
- South Korea. Sharing Social Work activities to intervent during Covid-19
- Romania. Social Workers fight Covid-19
- Czech Republic – Declaration of the Society of Social Workers of the Czech Republic
- Survey on Social Work Ethical Challenges Under COVID-19 Provides Invaluable Information: One More Week to Participate
- II IFSW Africa Webinar COVID -19: Social Work practice, Ethical dilemmas and Human Rights concerns
- Chinese Association of Social Workers Acknowledged for their role in the fight Against COVID-19
- Violence against women must end.
- Morocco. Le Travail Soçial International À Une Heure De Pandémie: tensions, contradictions, défis, et opportunités
- Sweden. Support to Swedish social workers in times of Covid-19
- Support to Swedish social workers in times of Covid-19
- Important information regarding to the 2020 IFSW Online General Meeting
- Philippines. Request of the PASW to the Department of Interior and Local Government
- Radio New Zealand interview with Rory Truell: social work through the pandemic
- Yemen. The working paper about the role of YGUSSWP to confront of COVID-19
- social service workforce safety and wellbeing during the COVID-19 Response. Recommendation Actions
- Invitación a participar en la investigación sobre los Desafíos éticos para los y las trabajadoras sociales durante COVID-19
- Declaración de la FITS sobre el Día Internacional del Trabajo, 1 de mayo de 2020
- Implementing International Labour Rights need to be at the forefront in the recovery of COVID-19
- COVID-19 Response from Singapore Association of Social Workers
- Asia Pacific Social Work Conference 2019 Report
- The IFSW Africa Region is calling upon Governments across Africa to recognize the vital role that social workers play in the fight against COVID-19 pandemic.
- Iran. A research during COVID-19 pandemic in Iran
- Invitation to participate in research on Ethical Challenges for Social Workers During COVID-19
- Indonesia. Indonesian update on response to the COVID-19 Pandemic
- Poland. The uncertain fate of changes for social workers
- Indonesian update on response to the COVID-19 Pandemic
- III Webinar IFSW & SWAN: Social Work and Social Transformation in the time of Covid 19
- Iran. Research leaded by Iran Association of Social Workers board member, suggested women and young adults feel more anxious during COVID-19 outbreak
- ICSW Announcement – Executive Director
- Israel. International roundtable on Social Work in Times of Crisis.
- عنوان المؤتمر دور الأخصائيين الأجتماعيين العرب في مواجهة فايروس كورونا
- Zoom Conference entitled: Role of Arab social workers in Facing COVID 19
- IFSW Africa – Webinar on COVID-19 response in Africa.
- The Western Models Don’t Work Here’: George Mansaray talks about the Social Work Response to COVID-19
- Malawi. ASWIM Statement on Covid-19
- IFSW Asia Pacific Regional Executive Committee – Virtual Meeting
- Statement by the Association of Social Workers of the Czech Republic – COVID-19
- IFSW forms Partnership to Research the Ethical Challenges facing social workers during COVID-19
- Romania. ASproAS asks the Government of Romania for financial compensation for social assistance staff forced to isolate themselves at work
- Weekly report from IFSW on the Social Work Response to COVID-19: Number 5
- 5ª Informe semanal de la FITS: Respuesta del Trabajo Social frente a la COVID-19.
- MOOC: Adapting Case Management to COVID-19 Situation
- Luxembourg. Déclaration de l’ANASIG sur la crise COVID19
- IFSW Asia Pacific Human Rights Report
- Spain. Campaña #TrabajoSocialResponsable
- France. A tou·te·s les professionnel·le·s du social
- In the International day of Social Work: Social Workers Fighting Covid-19 Virus in Palestine and in the world.
- Decisiones éticas en el contexto del Covid-19
- Social workers work with the Commonwealth Secretariat: Social work responds to Covid-19
- Chile. Declaración Covid19
- El Salvador. Pronunciamiento de la Asociación de trabajadores y Trabajadoras Sociales
- Social workers’ response to COVID-19 in Europe
- Message from IFSW United Nations Commissioner on the crisis of Covid19
- II Webinar IFSW & SWAN : Social Work Interventions for Social Change in the Time of Covid-19: International Perspectives
- Indonesia. Social work actions in response to COVID-19.
- Conversatorio sobre el Trabajo Social y su acción contra el Covid19
- Declaración y llamada de acción de la FITS LAC
- IFSW LAC – Declaration and Call for Action on the Crisis of Covid-19.
- Message from IFSW President LAC, Dr. Larry Alicea
- Femicides: When you live with the murderer. A reading in times of Compulsory Social Isolation
- It is the time to replace models of nationalism and charity with new global ethical foundations: What the World Can Learn from International Social Work
- Message from IFSW Africa President, Dr. Noel Muridzo
- WSWD 2020 in Portugal – Social Work, Human Rights and Intercultural Relations.
- Zambia. Social workers ready to response to COVID-19
- Ethical Decision-making in the face of COVID-19
- Iran. Social Workers call to join the international campaign of #I_have_good_news
- Puerto Rico. Trabajadores sociales piden “task force” social para atender crisis
- Slovakia. Open letter to thank you all social works
- Norway. Fellesorganisasjonen (FO), The Norwegian Union of Social Workers – response to the covid-19 crisis
- India, Kerala. One Day – One Donor Covid-19 programme
- Nigeria. Covid 19: Call for sober reflections and calmness
- IFSW UN Asia Pacific Representatives call for greater action on the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals
- IFSW Europe Statement on Covid 19
- Philippines. The National Association launches the campaing “Connect with respect”
- France. Appel à contribution pour la revue – Le coronavirus, un an après – Les enseignements du travail social en temps de confinement
- Meeting of IFSW Asia Pacific representatives to the UN in Bangkok
- I Webinar IFSW & SWAN : Almost 20’000 social workers were engaged in a webinar on the Social Work Response to the Covid-19 crisis
- Nepal. The National Association provides Tele Socio-psychological counselling
- The IFSW’s Asia Pacific Representatives to the UN in Bangkok have come together calling for immediate and urgent action from governments across the region to meet the 2030 Sustainable Development Goals.
- Ghana. GASWO calls on its members to support the measures initiated by the government and by IFSW
- United Kingdom. Open letter to Prime Minister to support social workers
- Germany. Social workers work with food banks “A warm soup in the morning against the cold of the night”
- New Zealand. ANZASW – Response to Covid-19
- Social Work Responds to Covid 19 – Report 3
- Statistics in Social Work: An Introduction to Practical Application
- Questionnaire protection de l’enfance juin 2018 : état des lieux des préoccupations des assistant-e-s de service social
- Human Rights report, North America Region
- Webinar ‘Social work and the Covid 19 Crisis: international perspectives
- Celebration of World Social Work Day in Sierra Leone
- #WSWD2020 message from Human Rights Commissioner, Colleen Lundy
- Humanitarian Request to Telecommunication Business Owners
- Pedido Humanitario a Los Empresarios de las Telecomunicaciones
- Australia. Social workers respond to COVID-19 pandemic
- Social workers: we see you – Joint Statement of Solidarity
- History World Social Work Day
- Recomendaciones del Consejo General del Trabajo Social a los y las trabajadoras sociales ante la situación del Covid-19
- As social workers work through the Covid 19 crisis we work towards a better world
- IFSW Ethics Commission meets to respond on a wide range of ethical dilemmas consequence of Covid19
- IFSW message from Interim Education Commission on #WSWD2020
- Uganda. Social Workers Urged on Psychosocial Support
- South Korean Social Workers Share Their Experience in Fighting Covid-19
- IFSW mourns the passing of a social worker who died while waiting to have a corona virus test
- The Kerala Association of Professional Social Workers celebrates #WSWD2020 in India
- Iranian Association of Social Workers Calls for Lifting the Trade Sanctions on Medical Supplies
- Message from The italian Association of Social Workers on #WSWD200
- An Urgent Message from Paola Pontarollo, President of the Italian Association of Social Workers
- Social workers from Italy ask European countries – do not give up on helping us!
- Happy World Social Work Day!, Message from IFSW Asia Pacific President
- El Congreso SWSD 2020 se Cancela, la Agenda Global Para el Trabajo Social 2020 – 2030 Continua
- SWSD 2020 Konferenz abgesagt, Globale Agenda für Soziale Arbeit 2020 bis 2030 wird fortgesetzt
- Annulation de la conférence mondiale du travail social SWSD 2020, poursuite de l’agenda mondial pour le travail social 2020-2030
- الاعلان عن الغاء المؤتمر الدولي للخدمة الاجتماعية والتنمية 2020 SWSD في مقاطعة كالغاري في كندا
- SWSD 2020 Conference Cancelled, Global Agenda for Social Work 2020 to 2030 Continues
- BBC World News Covers World Social Work Day Updated Poster
- Message of Iran Association of Social Workers for WSWD 2020 – “The world is thirsty for peace and humanity”
- Report from the President of the Italian Association of Social Workers on Covid-19
- Message from IFSW Asia Pacific Regional President for WSWD2020
- World Social Work Day Poster has been adapted to reflect the practice realities
- Ideas and suggestions on Social Work Teaching and Learning in the context of social distancing
- Call to authorities and service providers – social workers are on the front line in the assistance of people affected by COVID 19 – you have to ensure them the necessary equipment!
- An open letter to The International Council of Nurses and the World Medical Association
- Zimbabwe Social Workers: International Women´s Day
- Zimbabwe Association of Social Workers: Corona Virus, a Call for Social Workers and the World to unite and escalate the fight
- Statement on IFSW and Covid-19
- International Woman’s Day 2020
- South Korea National Associacion of Social Workers: Report on Social Work and the Corona Virus
- Celebrating #WSWD2020 with Japanese social work students, volunteers, and graduated social work.
- Call to nominate young social workers for the IFSW Europe project: A social Europe is possible! The young generation of social workers are the spearhead of change
- Update on the Corona Virus for IFSW Members
- The Japanese Federation of Social Workers celebrates WSWD 2020 with the presence of Silvana Martinez, IFSW President
- IFSW 2019 End of Year Report
- Network “Social Work in German-Speaking Regions and amongst German-Speaking Minorities”
- Chinese social workers actively engaged in the fight against the corona virus
- Social workers in Austria went on strike demanding a reduction of working hours to 35-hour/week to prevent burnout
- Social Work and Social Development Tripartite Meeting 2020
- IFSW President celebrate #wswd2020 with the Japanese Federation of Social Workers
- Worldwide tributes recognise international social worker Terry Bamford following his sudden death on Sunday
- IFSW participates in the 10th World Urban Forum
- International Workshop on Strengthening Families: Role of Social Workers
- IFSW celebrates #WSWD2020 at the UN Geneva
- Dear social workers in UK, you are leaving the EU but you will always be part of IFSW Europe. Nothing changed here!
- NASW-Democratic Republic of Congo Working to Build the Profession’s Visibility and Impact
- Social Workers’ Syndicate-Lebanon Press release
- #swsd2020 Solidarity Scholarship application is now open!
- IFSW European Delegates Meeting
- Delegate registration for SWSD2020 Global Conference in Social Work is now open!
- Journée Mondiale du Travail Social 2020
- IFSW Statement on Australian Fires
- Mobilisation des étudiants en travail social pour obtenir leur diplôme : une démonstration grandeur nature de leurs compétences professionnelles !
- IFSW Statement – International Migrants Day December 18.
- Second National Social Workers Conference in Malawi
- IFSW United Nations Commission – Statement “Women 2000: gender equality, development and peace for the twenty-first century”
- World Social Work Day 2020 poster is out!
- Reconciliation after genocide: the impact of social work in Rwanda
- Educating for Human Rights: IFSW’s interim Global Education Commission calls for the inclusion of Human Rights principles in all social work curricula.
- IFSW Human Rights Commission Statement Regarding International Human Rights Day
- Social Work Promoting Community and Environmental Sustainability Volume 3
- #SWSD2020 IFSW World Conference on Social Work, Solidarity Scholarships
- IFSW Statement on International Day of Persons with Disabilities
- Classic Chinese version of the Global Social Work Statement of Ethical Principles
- IFSW Statement on International Day of Solidarity with the Palestinian People
- Social workers from Bulgaria on strike for “ЕDUCATION-SALARY-RESPECT”
- Professionalisation of Social Work in Malawi
- Pronunciamiento de la FITS en el Día Internacional contra la Violencia hacia las Mujeres
- #SWSD2020 Conference, submit your abstract by Dec. 13
- IFSW Europe calls on social work schools to incorporate women’s rights and domestic violence in their curriculum and all social workers to respond the needs of women in risk or disadvantaged situations – Orange the World
- Registration are open for the 4th Summer Camp on “climate change, social work and social development”, Turkey in 2020
- Call for IFSW UN Commission Representative in Nairobi, Africa
- Reflections on the Next Global Agenda
- Manifiesto de la FITS sobre Violencia y Conflicto
- IFSW Statement on Violence and Conflict
- IFSW UN Commission submits an statement to ECOSOC on Affordable housing and social protection system
- Social Workers Call for International Solidarity as Violence Escalates in Hong Kong
- Declaración de IFSW sobre golpe de Estado en Bolivia
- Eurasia Forum as a mechanism of international cooperation
- Letter sent to the Prime Minister Boris Johnson and to the Taoiseach Leo Varadkar by IFSW Europe to support the colleagues from UK and Ireland in their fight against Brexit
- Social workers from Armenia are celebrating a milestone in the development of the social work profession and services
- Northern and Southern Ireland Social Workers launch research project exploring professional identity
- 1st international conference of social work in Greece: “Social Deprivation, Child Protection and Human Rights
- Statement by the Latin American and Caribbean Region of the International Federation of Social Workers FITS-LAC for the murder of Social Worker Colleague Cristina Bautista and other community leaders in Colombia
- Pronunciamiento de la Región de América Latina y el Caribe de la Federación Internacional de Trabajadores Sociales FITS-LAC por el asesinato de la Colega trabajadora Social Cristina Bautista y otros líderes comunitarios en Colombia
- The IFSW African Regional Conference ‘Dignified the social work profession’
- IFSW Africa commits to action
- IFSW African Regional Conference in the media
- Handbook of Social Work with Refugee Children and Families
- IFSW Africa Members Meeting 2019
- Pronunciamiento de la Región de América Latina y el Caribe de la Federación Internacional de Trabajadores Sociales (FITS-LAC) sobre la situación de Haití
- Democratic Republic of Congo and Togo Join IFSW
- Submit your abstract to the IFSW International Conference #CalgarySWSD2020
- Pronunciamiento Región ALC sobre situación de Chile
- Social Workers Support Protest for Human Rights in Lebanon
- Apoyo a los Trabajadores Sociales del Servicio Penitenciario de Rio Negro, Argentina
- The Togo Professional Association of Social Development celebrates the II Social Summit!
- IFSW ex-President crowned a Chief in Sierra Leone
- Uganda set to host the IFSW African Regional Conference
- Social Work and International Day for the Eradication of Poverty
- International Day for the Eradication of Poverty
- Manifiesto de la FITS sobre la situación en Ecuador
- IFSW Statement on the Situation in Ecuador
- Survey regarding the salaries of social workers in Europe
- ‘Closing orphanages isn’t enough’: the centres supporting children and families in Uganda
- On World Mental Health Day IFSW calls for the Transformation of Mental Health Services
- IFSW European Human Rights Commission survey on Human Right in Social Work practice
- Recommendations of the 2nd Social Platform Flagship Conference in Helsinki
- IFSW Indigenous Committee Builds Framework for the Future
- IFSW President, Dr. Silvana Martinez, meets with Dr. Alicia Kirchner, Governor of the Argentine Province of Santa Cruz
- First IFSW Indigenous Committee Meeting to be held next week in Calgary
- La Presidenta de la FITS, Dra. Silvana Martinez se reune con la Dra. Alicia Kirchner, Gobernadora de la Provincia Argentina de Santa Cruz
- A social Europe is possible! The young generation of social workers are the spearhead of change!
- Social workers worldwide declare: The Climate Crisis is an Emergency
- IFSW Statement on the 2019 International Day of Peace
- STATEMENTS ON BREXIT – British Association and Irish Association of Social Workers
- Nueva Reglamentación de la Profesión de Trabajo Social/Servicio Social Uruguayo.
- Asia Pacific Social Work Conference 2019
- IFSW Europe steps-up action following social worker deaths
- Hong Kong Social Workers Association Condemns Arrests
- Social workers respond to the growing social crisis in Europe
- Building Social Europe Flagship Conference – Helsinki, 16-18 September 2019
- IFSW Statement on Amazon Fires
- United Nations Representatives for IFSW – Asia Pacific – Volunteer Positions
- “A social Europe is possible!” – Symposium- Vienna Austria – 8th September 2019
- IFSW Statement Regarding Trafficking and Exploitation
- Carta a los trabajadores sociales de Puerto Rico, “Un pueblo que hizo historia”
- IFSW Europe joins the EAPN call to Members of the European Parliament to make a Social Europe Free of Poverty
- IFSW Europe Survey – What are the challenges and opportunities for social workers in applying ethical principles to practice?
- Declaración de la FITS América Latina sobre la crisis en Puerto Rico
- Report on the Learning Session on High Level Political Forum 2019
- World Social Work Day in Palestine
- CALL TO ACTION – Proper public funds for social services in Poland
- 5,000 Korean Social Workers Take Action
- IFSW Executive Meeting 2019
- IFSW is contributing to the SDGs/ HLPF: The High Level Political Forum
- IFSW Human Rights Commission and Social Workers World-Wide Take Action on US Mexico Border
- Pronunciamiento de la FITS-LAC por la crisis humanitaria en la frontera de México con Estados Unidos
- Statement of IFSW-LAC for the humanitarian crisis on the border of Mexico with the United States
- NASW Statement: Trump Administration’s proposed mass raids on migrant families misguided, harmful
- Exchanging Practices, Knowledge and Cooperation between Europe and Africa
- Manifiesto por los ataques de las políticas del Presidente Bolsonaro contra la educación universitaria y el desarrollo de la pesquisa y la ciencia en Brasil
- IFSW European Delegates Meeting 2020 will take place on 24-26 April 2020 in Birmingham (UK)
- Early Bird Registration extended for APSWC2019 to 30 June 2019
- Hong Kong Social Workers Association Statement on Extradition Bill
- IFSW Europe is strongly engaged in securing and shaping the social protection and inclusion in today’s and future Europe!
- IFSW European Representative to IFSW Global Human Rights Commission
- Time to submit your registration for the IFSW EUROPEAN CONFERENCE – Early Bird Registration extended to 30 June 2019!
- IFSW Asia Pacific Region Newsletter – June 2019
- WSWD 2019 in Iran
- IFSW European Executive Meeting on 1st -2nd of June 2019, Vienna
- Introducing our new IFSW European Honorary Secretary
- IFSW Climate Justice Program Launched
- IFSW Europe is looking for inspiring projects of social workers to participate in the Social Platform’s ‘Made in Social Europe’ exhibition!
- Social Work in Kosovo, Training on “The Role of Custodian Body”
- IFSW Represented in Conference on Dialogue of Asia Civilisations
- Call for Expressions of Interest to Host the 2022 Joint World Conference
- Free Online Course: Caring For Children Moving Alone
- Twinning contract between AMAS Morocco and BPSW The Netherlands
- Europe Day is about creating a truly inclusive and sustainable Social Europe for all
- Video highlights effort and passion of social workers around the world on WSWD
- International Workers Day: Solidarity and the Search for Global Social Justice
- Sri Lanka Association of Professional Social Workers Condemns Terror Attacks
- Social workers behind the front lines providing solutions for internally displaced persons
- New developments in the global agenda and world social work conferences
- World Social Work Day in Armenia
- Seminario de lanzamiento de la Ley de Trabajo Social en Paraguay
- Entrevista a la Presidenta de la FITS, Dª Silvana Martinez, y al Presidente Regional LAC, D. Larry Alicea
- World Social Work Day Postponed in Palestine
- Conferencia Regional de la FITS Latino América y El Caribe
- Make social workers voices heard in the EU Parliamentary Elections
- IFSW Secretary-General Highlights ‘Working Beyond Services’ in Social Work Day Message
- IFSW celebrates WSWD highlighting the interlinkages between human rights and social work in the promotion Human Relationships
- WSWD 2019 in Ghana
- Human relationships are a fundamental approach in social work for creating change and improve people’s lives
- IASSW / IFSW to update Global Standards for Social Work Education and Training
- Celebración Del Día Mundial Del Trabajo Social En Perú – V Congreso Internacional de Trabajo Social
- ANZASW Statement on Terror Attacks in New Zealand
- 2019 World Social Work Day poster in Te Reo Māori, Aotearoa
- 2019 World Social Work Day video from Japan
- IFSW President on International Woman’s Day
- David Drucker Papers presented to IFSW Archives
- IFSW Statement on International Women’s Day 8 March 2019
- Encuentro Estratégico para el Desarrollo del Trabajo Social en La República Dominicana
- Seeing into the future of long-term care: what will tomorrow’s older adults need and demand?
- Significant moment for Social Work in Aotearoa New Zealand
- IFSW Statement for ‘World Social Justice Day’ – Justice Requires the Participation of all Peoples
- Early Bird Registration extended for APSWC2019 to 30 June 2019
- Australian social workers welcome the Victorian Government’s plan to ban ‘conversion therapy’
- An Interview with the Deputy High Commissioner (OHCHR) on ‘Social Workers Standing Up for Human Rights’
- Ground-breaking research shines light on the role of social workers during The Troubles
- Essex University Issues Honorary Professorship to IFSW Secretary-General
- For Democracy, Social Justice and The End of International Manipulation in Venezuela
- Policy and Guiding Principles for International Social Work assessment of children
- Policy for Socially Just, Fair and Sustainable World Trade Agreements
- Social Workers in Korea rose up to solve the budget crisis of the local children’s centres
- International Social Work Congress of Social Work in Siberia
- First International Social Work Congress in Siberia
- New IFSW European Vice-President
- Global Initiative to End Violence Against Children
- Update from Zimbabwe and IFSW African Region
- Acuerdo entre el Colegio de Trabajadores Sociales Región III Lima del Perú y la Facultad de Ciencias de la Salud y Trabajo Social
- IFSW Human Rights Commission – Statement Regarding the Deepening Crisis and Human Rights Violations in Zimbabwe
- Final Call for Abstract submission- International Conference on Change & Innovation for a Better World 31 January 2019
- IFSW Secretary-General’s New Year Message
- New Year Message from IFSW European President
- Paraguay National Association of Social Workers Joins IFSW
- End of Year Messages from the IFSW President and Secretary-General
- Georgian Association of social workers – The attributes and practices of alumni associations that advance social change
- The Mana Whānau Programme
- La Región de América Latina y el Caribe reconoce el avance en el derecho a la educación en México
- An Interview with IFSW Secretary-General on Human Rights Day
- IFSW UN Commission – Statement on Human Rights Day
- IFSW Human Right Commission – Statement on Human Rights Day
- The 2nd “Belt and Road” Initiatives Social Work Cooperation and Development Forum
- Registrations Commence 25 February 2019- International Conference on Change and Innovation for a Better World – June 27-28 2019 -HONG KONG
- Call for expression of interest to host IFSW European Conference 2021
- IFSW Asia-Pacific Vice President Elected
- IFSW Europe at the most remote area of Europe – Vladivostok city on Pacific Ocean
- World Social Work Day Poster for 2019
- IFSW UN and interim Education Commissioners Announced
- Social Workers in Puerto Rico Join Campaign of Activism Against Gender Violence
- IFSW Africa Region: Call For nominations to serve on Commissions
- La Région de l’Amérique du Nord de la FITS dénonce la discrimination
- IFSW North American Region speaks out on discrimination
- Comunicado da FIAS sobre a Caravana de Migrantes Centro-Americanos
- International Conference on Child Development Accounts held in Baku, Azerbaijan
- Manifiesto de la FITS sobre la Caravana de Migrantes de Centroamérica
- IFSW Statement on the Central American Caravan
- IFSW Asia Pacific Regional Office – News from IFSW AP President – Rose Henderson – October 2018
- Social workers in Poland fighting for better conditions for professional social work
- Ana Radulesco, new IFSW European President
- Celebración del Día del Trabajo Social en Puerto Rico: Entrevista al Presidente de la FITS LAC
- IASSW – World Census of Social Work Education Programs – 2020 Directory
- Social workers in Iceland are part of the protest regarding the wage gap and other issues that specifically affect women in Iceland
- Manifiesto sobre las elecciones en Brasil
- IFSW Statement on the Elections in Brazil
- Statement in Support of Social Work Student Elin Ersson
- ‘New Era’ as Service-User and Indigenous Representatives Join IFSW World Conference Planning
- Social Workers in Iceland spread out against Poverty
- International Day for the Eradication of Poverty
- Pronunciamiento y llamado a la movilización de las y los profesionales del trabajo social en América Latina y el Caribe
- Social Work Responds to Authoritarianism
- IFSW European President Ana Lima appointed as Secretary of State for Social Services in Spain
- International Day of Peace 21st September: Acknowledging the Social Work Contributions
- IFSW Representative to the UN Criticises Medicalisation of Social Problems
- IFSW African Region Issues Statement on Human Rights Violations in Cameroon
- IFSW Launches Consultation Process on the Global Agenda 2020 to 2030
- The 2019 Asia-Pacific Regional Social Work Conference Announced
- IFSW Selects New Human Rights Commissioner
- Texas social workers act against the separation of immigrant families
- Palestinian Social Workers Oppose Cuts to UNRWA
- Declaración Global de los Principios Éticos del Trabajo Social
- Message from IFSW President to Hellenic Association of Social Workers
- IFSW at the United Nations High Level Political Forum 2018
- Launch of Major Global Report on Social Work and Social Development
- 70 country-level members participate in the 2018 IFSW General Meeting
- Global Social Work Statement of Ethical Principles
- SWSD Book Launch
- IFSW is delighted to launch a new website
- Spanish social workers have offered to collaborate in the welcoming to the people who have arrived to Valencia inside the ‘Aquarius’
- COSW Ensures Social Work Voice and Concerns are Heard During Commonwealth Summit
- Pronunciamiento De Regíon América Latina y El Caribe De La FITS, COLACATS y ALAIETS Sobre Política Migratoria De Cero Tolerancia De Estados Unidos De Norte América
- United States withdraws from UNHRC: IFSW HRC Statement
- World Refugee Day: Message from IFSW President Ruth Stark
- UN Special Rapporteur Thanks IFSW for Support of Palestinian Social Worker
- Social Work in Latin America
- Social Work and Non-Violent Resistance
- Declaración De FITS-ALC y Colacats Por Acontecimientos En Nicaragua
- “Today, social workers from BASW became our common voice on making visible the impact of austerity”
- IFSW European President Participates in the III International Seminar on Unaccompanied Minors, in Melilla (Spain)
- The School Services Sourcebook
- Environmental Social Work
- Social and Caring Professions in European Welfare States
- Social Change And Social Work: The changing societal conditions of social work in time and place
- IFSW Regional President Awarded Honorary Doctorate
- Pronunciamiento De La Región América Latina y El Caribe De La FITS y Colacats Por Acontecimentos En Puerto Rico
- International Labour Day Message from the PUSWP
- IFSW Emphasises ‘Social Rights for Dignity’ at Italian Conference
- Pronunciamiento Ante Las Muertes De Inmigrantes En El Mediterráneo
- IFSW European Vice President encourages social workers to take part on the debates organised during the EMIN Bus Journey
- Ana Lima visits APSS in Lisbon
- ‘Social work in New Zealand under attack’
- An open letter to the Israeli Union of Social Workers from British Association of Social Workers
- Argentina y “los desaparecidos”
- Argentina and “los desaparecidos”
- Message from IFSW President Ruth Stark
- Statement from the Palestinian Union of Social Workers and Psychologists
- IFSW Calls for the Joining of the Professional Global Social Work Organisations
- IFSW Executive Censures the Israeli Union of Social Workers
- United Nation Geneva Celebration of World Social Work Day
- Social workers for transformational and sustainable social protection in Europe
- IFSW Human Rights Commission: Concern on Imprisonment of Social Worker
- IFSW Representative to the UN Geneva, Priska Fleischlin on 2018 International Women’s Day
- IFSW Meets with UN Office for Human Rights
- Código Deontológico de la Profesión de Diplomado en Trabajo Social
- International Social Work Journal Looking for New Editor(s)
- IFSW joins in drafting recommendations for UNHCR on the needs of older refugees
- Grenada Association of Professional Social Workers Congratulates Mrs. Ann Greaves in Receiving the Queen’s Award
- New Zealand Social Workers Express Solidarity with Colleagues in Malta
- Update concerning detention of Munther Amira 15th January 2018
- More Social Workers Arrested in Palestine: Statement by the PUSWP
- Freedom For Munther Amira: Reflections From The Social Work
- Turkish Association of Social Workers Statement on the Arrest of Munther Amira
- Statement by the Palestinian Union of Social Workers on the Arrest of Munther Amira
- Aotearoa New Zealand Association of Social Workers Condemns the Arrest of Palestinian Social Worker
- La Comisión de Derechos Humanos de FITS pide la liberación inmediata de Munther Amira
- BASW calls for the Immediate and Unconditional Release of Munther Amira
- Release Social Worker Munther Amira Immediately! Statement by IFSW Human Rights Commission
- Pouvoir, politique et action sociale : la nécessité de réinventer le travail Social dans le monde entier – Contributions des travailleurs sociaux latino-Américains
- Poder, Política Y Trabajo Social: La necesidad de reinventar el Trabajo Social a nivel Mundial
- Power, Politics and Social Work: The Need to Reinvent Social Work Worldwide – Contributions from Latin American Thought
- Newsletters 1962 – 2002
- Guinean Association of Social Workers Joins IFSW
- JFSW Statement on the Rohingya People
- Statement on World Human Rights Day by IFSW Human Rights Commission
- Declaración en el Día Mundial de los Derechos Humanos realizada por la Comisión de Derechos Humanos de IFSW
- The 2018 World Social Work Day Poster Now Available
- IFSW-AP Logo Contest (Extended)
- IFSW-AP Workshop In Nepal
- IFSW-AP Workshop In Vietnam
- New Book on Global Mental Health
- New Book: ‘Social Work & Social Development in Botswana. Issues, Challenges & Prospects’
- Statement on unaccompanied minors – from the French Association of Social Work Assistants
- Meeting IFSW Europe President – ANAS
- IFSW Member in the UK: ‘Austerity’s effects are driving social workers to tears – it’s why we must protest’
- Social Welfare in East Asia and the Pacific
- Breaking The Poverty Cycle
- Familia- Escuela –Comunidad
- Projects
- Survey – Encuesta
- Invitation to Participate in a Survey Aimed at Bridging Gaps Between Social Work Education and Practice
- Invitación Para Participar en la Encuesta Cuya Finalidad es la de Cerrar la Brecha Entre la Educación y la Práctica del Trabajo Social
- IFSW Europe will Represent Social Work at the signing of the proclamation of the European Social Pillar during the Social Summit 2017
- IFSW Human Rights Commission Supports Yemeni Social Workers
- Letter of invitation and support to attend Social Work Conference in Iran
- International Day for the Eradication of Poverty
- There is enough for everybody – it’s about sharing! Social worker’s engagement in fighting poverty
- Call For Papers: 2018 European Conference for Social Work Research
- Closing the Gaps between Education and Practice: Creating Dialogue, Increasing Knowledge Transfer in Social Work Curricula
- Social Workers Voice Opposition to Universal Credit Cap and Rape Clause
- Social Workers in Aotearoa New Zealand March to Highlight the Growing Impact of Inequality
- IFSW Europe announces that its Regional Conference 2019 will be held in Austria
- IFSW Website Redevelopment
- Social Workers for Transformational and Sustainable Social Protection in Europe
- Commonwealth Organisation for Social Work Represented at Youth Ministers Meeting in Uganda
- 2020 World Social Work Conference, The Global Social Work Agenda: The Next Ten Years
- High Level Political Forum 2017, United Nations, New York Workshop to promote Social Workers Role for reaching the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)
- Social Work with Sex Offenders: Making a difference
- Eradicating Female Genital Mutilation: A UK Perspective
- IFSW mourns loss of six social workers in Sierra Leone
- What is the potential of global social work solidarity to change the world?
- Social Services for Unaccompanied Minor Refugees in Vienna
- Social Work and the Terror Attacks in Spain
- Global problems, local solutions – the role of social workers: Lessons from Africa
- Vacancy: English to French Translations for International Social Work
- Social Workers in Aotearoa / New Zealand Take Action
- IFSW Secretary-General and LAC Regional President Visit Cuba
- IFSW Latin American & Caribbean and African Regional Conferences
- IFSW Europe Regional Conference, Iceland
- Call for papers is now live for the 2018 World Conference for Social Work and Social Development.
- Promoting Community and Environmental Sustainability Volume 2: Call for Chapter Proposals
- Elections For the Guinean Association of Social Workers Application for IFSW Membership
- Grenfell Tower Fire and Inequality: Statement from IFSW Human Rights Commission
- Yemen Social Worker’s Provide Support for Children Affected by War
- 2017 IFSW European Conference in Iceland “A great success in building the unity and focus of the profession”
- London attack victim Christine Archibald leaves a legacy for social workers
- Representative from the Iranian Association of Social Workers visits IFSW Secretariat
- Slovakia and El Salvador join IFSW
- IFSW Europe Statements
- President IFSW Europe, Ana Lima, welcome speech at European Conference of Social Work
- General Assembly Social Platform, Brussels
- UK Social Workers Organise for Next Month’s General Elections
- Archival visit to Germany
- New IFSW Vice President for Europe
- Social Workers March Against Austerity!
- IFSW Europe Regional Conference – Denifity program
- Social Science Department – Bethlehem University Scientific Meeting On Special Policies To Protect Children
- 2017 Postal Elections For Slovakia and El Salvador
- Why social workers are marching 100 miles in protest against austerity
- IFSW Europe President, Ana Lima, on WSW Day at the UN – Geneve
- World Social Work Day 2017 A Massive Success
- MOU between PUSWP Palestine and FO Norway
- World Social Work Day 21 March 2017
- WSWD Launch -Social Work Promoting Community and Environmental Sustainability: A Workbook for Global Social Workers and Educators
- Happy Social Workers Day 2017
- World Social Work Day 2017 Related Event: The Japanese Association For The Study Of International Social Work Launched
- MASW/IFSW-AP Disaster Workshop In Malaysia
- Social Workers Organise Disaster Response Training in Asia Pacific
- IFSW Latin America and the Caribbean Region Statement on International Women’s Day
- IFSW Statement on International Women’s Day
- Palestinian Union Of Social Workers And Psychologists General Secretary Meet With The General Union Of Palestinian Teachers In Ramallha
- Commission Prepare A Law Career Social And Psychological Specialists Palestine
- World Day of Social Justice – “Preventing conflict and sustaining peace through decent work”
- Statement in Favour of Gender Perspective
- Pronunciamiento a Favor de la Perspectiva de Género
- Palestinian Social Workers Meet With Minister to Discuss the Creation of a New Law Supporting Social Work
- Nominations for the IFSW European Vice President
- Trump interfiere en los Derechos Humanos y Sociales
- Trump’s Interference with Human and Social Rights
- New IFSW Vice President for the African Region
- Australian government must increase refugee intake
- Statement from the International Association of Schools of Social Work (IASSW)
- Statement about Business Group Excellentia
- Major Development in The IFSW African Region
- Declaración de solidaridad a la Presidenta de la Asociación de Trabajadores Sociales de Panamá
- Vulnerable women and children, Trump and the withdrawal of funding for NGOs outside the USA
- Message from the IFSW Latin American Region to the Zambian Association
- MLA becomes a Social Worker for a day
- Malawi, The Netherlands and Sierra Leone Join IFSW
- Declaración de la IFSW Región Latinoamericana y del Caribe sobre el Triunfo del Trabajo Social en Colombia
- Statement from IFSW Latin American and Caribbean Region on the Triumph Of Social Work In Colombia
- Social Workers support civil action against homelessness
- Call for contributions to an IFSW book on ‘Promoting Community and Environmental Sustainability’
- Professional Social Work in East Africa: Towards Social Development, Poverty Reduction and Gender Equality
- U.S. Public Policy in an International Context
- Hacia un marco de derechos de trabajo social
- World Social Work Day 2017
- World Social Work Day Poster 2017
- Towards a Social Work Rights Framework
- Social Worker Killed in Aleppo
- NASW (US) supports Standing Rock Sioux Tribe’s protest against pipeline project
- In Memory of Heinrich Schiller (1925-2016)
- Social Workers Stand In Solidarity With Indigenous Communities And Protestors Protecting Their Environments From Exploitation.
- Violence against Women and Girls is Not Inevitable
- Social workers help Romania’s abandoned children off the streets
- Los representantes de la FITS en la ONU cuestionan la Clasificación de Educación del Trabajo Social de las Naciones Unidas
- IFSW Joins Celebrations of Universal Children’s Day, But Says There is Much More To Do
- El papel del trabajo social en la construcción de la democracia real
- IFSW UN Team Challenges UN Classification of Social Work Education
- The Social Work Role in Building Real Democracy
- Social workers from Grenada appalled at death of another person with mental health issues
- IFSW European Conference 2017 keynote speakers
- Bangladesh Association of Social Workers Call For Solidarity
- “Sin trabajadores sociales, un país no puede progresar” El gobierno reconoce las contribuciones clave de los trabajadores sociales para eliminar la pobreza
- “بدون الاخصائيين الإجتماعيين لا يمكن لبلد أن تلحق ركب التقدم” الحكومة تعترف بالمساهمات الرئيسية للاخصائيين الإجتماعيين في القضاء على الفقر
- “Without Social Workers a Country Cannot Progress” Government Recognises Social Workers Key Contributions to Eliminating Poverty
- Scholarship fund for IFSW European Conference 2017
- Challenges for Social Work in Turkey
- Refugee children arriving in the UK need warm support – not cold bureaucracy
- 2016 Postal Elections For Malawi, Sierra Leone and The Netherlands
- Unaccompanied children, age assessment and social protection systems
- Video: 25th Anniversary Celebrations In Far East Russia
- Coming Together For Child Protection In India
- Elections for the position of the IFSW African Vice President
- Celebrating 25 Years of Social Work in Russia
- Child Protection Rapid Assessment Report From Yemen
- The Role of Social Work in Social Protection Systems: The Universal Right to Social Protection
- Campaign for better working conditions for Social Workers
- National Social Work Day 2016 In Aotearoa New Zealand
- Call for Expressions of Interest to host the SWSD2020 Conference
- Registration opens for IFSW European Conference 2017
- 2017 World Social Work Day Poster Competition
- Bangladesh Social Workers Demand Justice, Pay and Compensation for Accident Victims
- Anniversary of IFSW Refugee Ticker
- iNPSWA/IFSW-AP Child Labor & Trafficking Workshop In India
- Global Agenda Progress Report From The Asia-Pacific Region
- Asia-Pacific Joint Regional Social Work Conference
- IFSW-AP Logo Contest
- Regional Meeting Held At SWSD2016
- New IFSW Archives Page
- Reconocimiento Malvina Ponce de León
- New IFSW Executive Committee
- Green Social Work – From Environmental Crises to Environmental Justice.
- CASW Commends Decision to Adopt UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples
- IFSW Members Meeting on the Global Agenda 2016
- IFSW Europe Newsletter – The European Social Worker
- Amendements proposés aux articles de la constitution de la FITS
- Resumen De Enmiendas Propuestas Al Documento Constitutivo De La FITS
- IFSW European Conference 2017 announcement
- Social Work Responding to The Political Crisis Forcing People into Displacement and Refugee Status
- Celebrating World Social Work Day in Belgium – 14th March 2016
- Pressekonferenz: Menschen auf der Flucht – Berichte aus vorderster Front
- 2016 IFSW Constitutional Review – Final Draft
- PASWI/IFSW-AP Disaster Workshop In The Philippines
- CASW Lauds Restoration of Refugee Health Care Program
- L’ACTS salue le rétablissement du Programme de soins de santé à l’intention des réfugiés
- New Swedish Code of Social Work Ethics
- Tolérance zéro pour les mutilations sexuelles imposées aux femmes… Une prise de position de la Fédération Internationale du Travail Social (IFSW)
- Annual Report by the IFSW-AP President and Member-at-Large (2015)
- A Letter On The Crisis In Yemen
- IPSPI /IFSW-AP Disaster Workshop In Indonesia
- IFSW-AP/APASWE Regional Conference (APC23)
- IFSW-AP Newsletter
- Minutes from IFSW General Meeting 2014 in Melbourne
- IFSW supports the United Nations in ending Female Genital Mutilation (FGM)
- Constitutional Review 2016
- Revisión Constitucional 2016
- General Meeting 2016
- Déclaration de l’IFSW à l’occasion du colloque de solidarité sur le travail social face à l’austérité
- IFSW supports Turkish social work academic facing detention
- Learning Forum on Psychosocial Support in Disaster Situations: The Roles and Skills of Social Workers in Asia-Pacific
- IFSW Statement from The Solidarity Symposium on Social Work and Austerity
- Palestinian Social Workers Stand Against Child Detention
- Social Work Symposium Responding to the Refugee Crisis
- IFSW Asia-Pacific Region Announces Forum on Psychosocial Support in Disaster Situations
- Seasons Greetings from the Icelandic Association of Social Workers and IFSW European Conference 2017
- A statement of the Association of Social Workers of the Czech republic in the matter of so called migrant crisis
- Palestinian Social Work Led Programme ‘From Peace on the Home to Peace in the World’
- 50 Years of IFSW Europe (1965-2015)
- Employees in Norway get better protection against violence
- Moroccan Social Workers Organise Communication Strategy Bringing Together the Profession, Government and Civil Society
- Social Worker honoured by the Austrian Trade Union Federation
- Canadian Association of Social Workers Statement on The Refugee Crisis
- IFSW Launches Global Online Social Work Bookshop
- IFSW Secretary-General Recognised with Title of Honorary Professor
- Joint open letter to the European Council – Time to act to ensure children’s rights in the EU’s migration policy: 10 action points
- The Refugee Crisis: Social Workers at the Forefront of Finding Solutions
- Social Workers Respond to the Bombing in Turkey
- India Joins IFSW
- Global Agenda for Social Work and Social Development: African Region Plans Second Report
- HRC Side Event Promoting the Need to Prevent Unnecessary Family Separation
- HRC Side Event Promoting the Need to Prevent Unnecessary Family Separation
- Open Ended intergovernmental Working Group (OEiWG) on Transnational Corporations and Other Business Enterprises with Respect to Human Rights
- Social Work Platform for Exchanging Information on the Refugee Crisis
- Anti-austerity action plan to be formulated by social workers
- The World Needs Good Global Governance not TPP, TTIP and TISA (in Arabic)
- El mundo necesita buena gobernanza global y no TPP, TTIP y TISA
- The World Needs Good Global Governance not TPP, TTIP and TISA
- Haiti, Panama and Greece Join IFSW
- Latest Newsletter from the IFSW Asia-Pacific Region
- WhiteFlowers’ Lobby at the Houses of Parliament, London
- Social workers in Iceland fight for better wages
- IFSW European Conference & Social Services Expo 2015
- Nepalese Social Work Students Take Action
- Botswana: Social Workers Agents of Change
- 2nd Annual Global Social Service Workforce Alliance Symposium
- Nepal: Social Workers at Frontline – Update
- Feliz Dia Del Trabajador!
- Social Workers in Nepal Earthquake Rescue
- UN Women flagship report
- Trabajo Social en América Latina y el Caribe
- IFSW Statement on the Deaths of Immigrants in the Mediterranean
- Calling for good practices for the European Observatory
- 2015 Postal Elections for Greece, Haiti and Panama
- Call for Abstracts – 2016 Joint World Conference on Social Work and Social Development
- Popular Scottish rock band surprises social workers at World Social Work Day celebration in Edinburgh
- World Social Day at the United Nations New York
- IFSW on BBC World
- Total Success on 2015 World Social Work Day
- 2015 World Social Work Day: ‘Promoting the Dignity and Worth of Peoples’
- Repensando la protección social como plataforma para la dignidad, los derechos y el empoderamiento: Mensaje del día mundial del trabajo social 2015
- إعادة التفكير في الحماية الاجتماعية باعتبارها قاعدة للكرامة ، الحقوق و التقوية: رسالة يوم العمل الاجتماعي العالمي لعام 2015
- Statement from the Human Rights Commission of IFSW on World Social Work Day 2015
- 2015 Social Work Day Videos
- رسالة من الاتحاد الدولي لأخصائي العمل الاجتماعي في اليوم العالمي للمرأة
- IFSW Regions Launch New Facebook Sites
- Global events for 2015 ‘World Social Day’ and Upcoming Conferences
- Social Work Growing in Nepal
- Social Work with the Wastepickers of Dhaka
- UN Representation Team New York prepares for 2015 Commission on Social Development
- Bangladeshi Social Workers Supporting Survivors of the Rana Plaza Building Collapse
- Message from IFSW Asia-Pacific Regional President: Priorities for the Region
- IFSW Asia –Pacific Statement on the Japanese hostages in Syria
- Historic Achievement for Social Work in Argentina
- IFSW Asia Pacific Report – July – December 2014
- IFSW Europe Newsletter
- From IFSW President: Child Sex Abuse Inquiry Time 4 Action & Justice
- 2015 New Years Day Message from IFSW President
- IFSW Asia-Pacific Regional Newsletter
- IFSW European President Presents on ‘The Best Interests of the Child’ in Brussels
- ‘My Country, ‘Tis of Thee’… and Then There Was Ferguson… and Staten Island
- Spanish Social Workers and People That Use Social Work Services Stand Together Against Austerity
- A Bullet Through the Heart of a Social Worker
- First Palestinian International Social Work Conference
- IFSW Intern Participates in 25th Anniversary of the Adoption of the CRC at UN Headquarters
- World AIDS Day: HIV /AIDS & Social Protection
- Nigerian Social Workers Act on Global Agenda
- Sharing the challenges of social work education and practice in Nepal
- African Journal of Social Work
- IFSW celebrates 25 Years of the UNCRC
- IFSW Makes Social Work Representation to the United Nations More Visible
- IFSW Welcomes the Guardian & UN Campaign to promote awareness of the effects of FGM
- An open letter to the Israeli Association of Social Workers
- Report: Work at the Conference of NGOs in Consultative Status with the UN (CoNGO)
- Consejo General del Trabajo Social Wins Social Journalism Award
- Nepal joins IFSW
- Guiding Principles for Social Workers Working with Others to Identify and Protect Children From all Forms of Sexual Abuse
- Sexual Orientation and Gender Expression
- NGO Statement to the 59th Session of the Commission on the Status of Women
- Report: Work at the World Health Organization (WHO)
- Tributes to Ellen Mouravieff Apostol (Died 30 September 2014 aged 89, Geneva)
- Work at the UN
- Social work in Myanmar: a slow and difficult birth
- A history of social work in Botswana – and the challenges ahead
- Statement by the North American Region of IFSW on the Israeli/Palestinian Conflict
- Statement of IFSW Europe: Social Work for Peace and Self-Determination – Peace is the way
- Public statement by the Japanese Coordinating Body for IFSW, concerning the humanitarian disaster currently taking place in Gaza
- L’ACTS prône la paix et l’autodétermination
- CASW for Peace and Self-Determination
- Public statement by IFSW Asia Pacific Regional President and Member-at-Large concerning the humanitarian disaster currently taking place in Gaza
- Statement of the Israeli Union of Social Workers – Histadrut on the situation in Gaza
- The National Association of Social Workers – USA briefing paper on the implications for local social worker of the Global Agenda
- Sosyal hizmet nedir?
- Statement of Latin American and Caribbean IFSW about the killing of civilians in the Gaza Strip
- Global Definition of Social Work
- Social Work for Peace and Self-Determination
- International Surrogacy – meeting the needs of children or adults? A call for international action to safeguard children’s best interest
- Public statement by the British Association of Social Workers, concerning the humanitarian disaster currently taking place in Gaza
- An open letter from the Association of Social Workers in Iceland to the Icelandic government concerning human rights violations in Palestine
- Social Work for Peace and Self-determination in Palestine and Israel
- Globalisation and the environment
- Social Worker Shot in West Bank
- IFSW supports UN call for an immediate ceasefire and recommencing of negotiations of a peace settlement that removes the blockade of Gaza and the occupation of all Palestine
- IFSW statement on the MH17 and other aircraft tragedies
- IFSW Statement on Palestine / Israel
- The First Global Report on Social Work and Social Development: Promoting Social and Economic Equalities
- World Social Work Day: calling for a fair and just global economy
- African social workers say growth has not improved social conditions
- IFSW New Global President
- Making International Best Practice Visible
- Joint oral Statement on the Term ‘Family’ from a CRC Perspective
- Human Rights Commission call for action Finnish artist takes a stand against the persecution of the homeless in Hungary
- Report: Work at the Conference of NGOs in Consultative Status with the UN (CoNGO)
- Report: Work at the UN in Nairobi
- Report: Work at the UN in New York
- Report: Work at the UN in Geneva
- IFSW Historical Documents on Setting up the International Permanent Secretariat of Social Work in 1932
- IFSW Historical Documents on Setting up the International Permanent Secretariat of Social Work in 1932
- 2014 Nominations for Executive Positions
- The Orange Tide: “Best example of social work led social-action in the world right now”
- Statement of IFSW Europe e.V. supporting the people of Turkey following the Coal Mine Tragedy
- Los trabajadores sociales exigen al nuevo Parlamento Europeo que gobierne para las personas y no para el mercado
- Los trabajadores sociales exigen a la UE que gobierne para las personas
- Se dispara la demanda de ayudas sociales en España
- Cuts in expenditure on social services constitute false economy
- IFSW Statement on the Kidnapping of Girls and Young Women in Nigeria:
- 40 years of Old IFSW Newsletters now On-line: 1962 – 2002
- IFSW Secretary-General, Rory Truell’s 1st of May 2014 Message:
- Translations of the Proposed Global Definition of Social Work
- An Open Letter to The Prime Minister of Greece on Maintaining Social Work Services
- Applications are invited for the post of Editorial Board Member for International Social Work
- IFSW 2014 Executive Elections
- Democracy – a Real Right or reserved for the few?
- Social Worker Takes a Stand on the Overuse of Medication
- On World Social Work Day, Call for the Unconditional Release of Social Worker Abdulwahab Hussain
- Celebrations of 2014 World Social Work Day
- World Social Work Day Messages from IFSW Global President and Executive Members
- Social Workers Making Contributions of Consequence
- Social Work Day Celebrated in Egypt
- Greece: Social Work Day of Action
- IFSW Supports: A Social Protection Floor for Everyone
- Estudio sobre las condiciones laborales de los y las Profesionales de Trabajo Social/Servicio Social en América Latina y Caribe Study on working conditions and Professional Social Work or Social Service in Latin America and Caribbean
- Social Work in Yemen – from Strength to Strength
- IFSW Endorses: Statement on Gender, Economic, Social and Ecological Justice for Sustainable Development A Feminist Declaration for Post 2015
- UN invites articles from young scholars
- Statement of IFSW Europe e.V. in Support of Ukrainian People Struggle for Better Future
- United Nations Global Compact 2014-16 strategy for engagement with the private sector
- Canadians troubled by ‘less fair’ society
- Focus on growing inequality at opening of UN Commission on Social Development
- Humanity Divided: Confronting Inequality in Developing Countries
- Report on World Social Situation 2013: Inequality Matters
- Update on the Review of The Global Definition of Social Work
- Moroccan Social Workers Hold Training Workshop
- Video from a Social Worker in Kazakhstan
- More Translations for 2014 World Social Work Day Poster
- 2016 Joint World Conference Social Work, Education and Social Development will be held in Seoul, Korea
- Social Work in the Typhoon Affected Areas of the Philippines: A Call to the International Social Work Community
- 2014 World Social Work Day Poster Translations
- IFSW Writes to Ugandan Government on Anti-homosexuality Law
- Newsletter from the Asia-Pacific Region
- Overwhelming demands on social workers highlighted in report
- Global Social Work a Year in Review
- Social Work on Human Rights Day 10th December 2013
- IFSW President Gary Bailey’s tribute to Nelson Mandela
- Taking the IFSW Policy on International Surrogacy (2008) forward -seeking social workers views
- IFSW Takes A Stand On Birth Registration – What’s In A Piece Of Paper?
- Report: Work 2013 at UNHCR, Geneva
- Social Workers at the forefront of Philippine recovery
- Message from IFSW President Gary Bailey on occasion of World AIDS Day
- ‘Social Intervention in Troubled Times’ – 1,300 Spanish social workers attend national congress
- Message from President Gary Bailey on the devastation in the Philippines
- Extreme weather can be the ‘most important cause of poverty’: Cause or the inflammation of symptoms?
- European Court of Justice decided that being gay or lesbian is reason to grant asylum in the European Union
- Extreme weather can be the ‘most important cause of poverty’
- Impact of financial and political crisis in Madagascar – Social workers speak out
- Voices for Development – Outcomes from African Region conference
- IFSW Connect, International Social Work and the Global Agenda: What’s it all about?
- General Meeting 2014
- Milestones in the Early History of the IFSW
- European profile of prevention and promotion of mental health (EuroPoPP-MH) published by European Commission
- Tribute to Anthony Tan (Malaysia) – international social worker and inspiration behind COSW
- UK Prime Minister applauds “noble and vital” social work
- Global hunger down, but millions still chronically hungry
- New UN website for research on social development
- Global Social Service Workforce Alliance to address key social service workforce issues
- Government thanks social workers on Social Work Day in Aotearoa New Zealand
- Distinguished women in the social sciences honour awarded to Social Work Professor
- Never ‘JUST a social worker’ says Deputy Minister
- Why can’t we use our experience of fighting colonialism and apartheid to fight poverty?
- Social workers urged to make a difference in the broader pursuit of human dignity and social justice
- UN Secretary General sends personal message to social workers in Africa
- Voices for Development being heard in Johannesburg Social Work Conference
- UN Millennium Development Goal review summit opens in New York – 23 September 2013
- Social Work growing in Laos
- Google pays tribute to the pioneering social work of Jane Addams and Hull House in Chicago
- United Nations calls for a more sustainable, just and prosperous world for all
- Voices for Development – the African Regional Social Work Conference 2013
- Exciting “discovery” of historical documents
- Centre for Post-crisis Leadership and Development
- China has 300,000 social workers, government reports
- Social Workers at the Alter Summit in Greece calling for an End of European Austerity Policies
- Respect and implement treaties with indigenous peoples, says UN human rights chief Navi Pillay
- Social worker uses inter-personal skills to survive long hostage ordeal
- Macau continues legislative debate on registration of social workers
- Podcasts start the countdown to Melbourne 2014
- IFSW Global President Gary Bailey Describes The Social Work Response To The Boston Marathon Bombing
- Overwhelmed young carers face the same issues worldwide
- Colegio Trabajadores Sociales de Puerto Rico en ONU reclamando por la desconolización de Puerto Rico
- IFSW Human Rights Commissioner receives award from Queen Elizabeth II
- June 2013 Newsletter from the Asia-Pacific Region
- IFSW Campaign for Real Rights
- From strength to strength: Social Work in Azerbaijan
- IFSW’s Turkish Members Makes Statement on Protests
- Sanchez hit Cumberland for 24 showrooms on first down
- Youth unemployment in Europe threatens a social crisis
- Electronic Launch of the Global Social Service Workforce Alliance
- IFSW President Gary Bailey and Dr. Lyudmila Harutyunyan recognized with Doctor of Humane Letters Degrees
- 15 de Mayo Día del Trabajo Social
- United Nations approves a global plan to end gender-based violence
- Changing children’s chances: new findings on child policy worldwide
- Compiling an international picture of the state of social work
- Tribute to Joe Mathe
- SocialPlatform, Platform of European Social NGOs, publishes its Annual Report 2012
- Austria: SozialMarie – Award for Social Innovation
- 1º de Mayo Día de los Trabajadores/ Workers Day/ Dia dos Trabalhadores
- 14º Congreso Brasilero de Asistentes Sociales- 14 al 18 octubre 2013
- 7º Encontro Gaúcho de Assistentes Sociais; Porto Alegre, Brasil
- IX Congreso Nacional de Trabajo Social en Costa Rica
- World Social Work Day Celebrations in Zimbabwe
- El Trabajo Social Boliviano se reúne en su XVII Congreso Ordinario Nacional
- III Encuentro de la Región América Latina y Caribe
- Launch of European Observatory for Social Work and Social Development – A New Outlook on Social Action in Europe
- Botswana Association of Social Workers’ Annual Meeting held under the theme of “Indigenising Social Work”
- World Social Work Day in Northern Ireland
- El Trabajo Social uruguayo se moviliza para obtener la reglamentación legal del ejercicio de la profesión
- World Social Work Celebrations in Laos
- IFSW Human Rights Statement for G8 Foreign Ministers Meeting in London
- Update on the review process of the Definition of Social Work
- “Voices for Development” Conference in South Africa
- Integrating human development and environmental sustainability in a new global agenda
- III Encuentro de la Región América Latina y Caribe “Estado y Políticas Sociales. Desafíos y oportunidades para el Trabajo Social latinoamericano y caribeño”
- UN presents first result from the “global conversation” about post-MDG priorities
- Nepal School of Social Work Celebrates World Social Work Day 2013
- World Social Work Day in European schools of social work
- World Social Work Day: Social work is a good preparation for Parliament
- World Social Work Day: It’s time to re-engage with communities
- World Social Work Day in Jamaica
- Rory Truell’s World Social Work Day message: unequal, fluctuating societies and weak communities undermine health, wellbeing and positive futures
- Publishers recognise World Social Work Day with free access to articles
- World Social Work Day in the United Kingdom
- Why it is good to be a social worker – WSWD 2013
- Message from European President on World Social Work Day 2013
- Gary Bailey, President of IFSW shares his 2013 World Social Work Day Message
- Message from Regional President for Africa on World Social Work Day 2013
- Mensaje de la Presidenta Regional por Latino América y el Caribe en ocasión del Día Mundial del Trabajo Social
- Social Workers from Austerity Affected Countries Deliver Message to the European Union on World Social Work Day
- World Social Work Day in Jordan
- New Chief Executive Officer for the National Association of Social Workers (USA)
- Social Work Month in Canada – Social workers defending social programs for a stronger Canada
- Social Work Month in the United States of America
- World Social Work Day – Video by President of IASSW
- World Social Work Day in Bosnia Herzegovina
- What sort of world do we want to create? United Nations launches global consultation website
- Voices for development conference
- EU supports development plan that aims for poverty reduction through sustainable growth
- “Austerity is Devastating for the World’s Poorest” says the UN special rapporteur on extreme poverty and human rights
- Millennium Development Goals – what next? A conversation with Helen Clark (UNDP)
- Registration open for the conference “Global Health and Well-Being”
- IFSW Statement on state legislation discriminating against LGBT People
- International Social Work – The Journal – Call for Papers
- Call for Papers for a Special Edition of International Social Work Journal
- Children and young people call for an end to violence in custody
- Tanzania: New Social Work Curriculum introduced
- Poster for World Social Work Day 2013
- IFSW President Gary Bailey to be awarded Doctor of Humane Letters, honoris causa
- New Draft Global Definition of Social Work for your feedback
- East African Young Carers Forum in Nairobi, Kenya: “Determined to achieve and shine”
- Social Work Action in Spain
- IFSW supports Kyoto extension
- Frontline social workers in Gaza: ‘We want only peace’
- IFSW Statement on Discrimination in Uganda and Other Countries Discriminating Against LGBT People
- Charter of Rights for Social Workers
- Creating an effective and ethical environment for social work in child protection
- IFSW makes statement to the UN on the prevention and elimination of all forms of violence against women and girls
- Social Work Is (DVD)
- How are Portugal’s cuts affecting social workers?
- Social workers find it difficult to challenge unsafe practice in the UK
- Growing number of countries prohibiting corporal punishment of children
- IFSW and NGOs successful in supporting the UN to adopt Guiding Principles on Extreme Poverty and Human Rights
- World Disasters Report 2012 – Focus on forced migration and displacement
- European Union Member States urged to cooperate in eradicating human trafficking
- Tanzanian government supports social workers campaign for a Social Work Bill
- Portugal: Social Work Association takes position on EU austerity measures
- The wife of the 47th Vice President of the United States, Dr. Jill Biden, speaks at the NASW-USA practice conference – July 2012
- Tanzanian social workers meet in Dar es Salaam
- Social Workers Support The International Day for the Eradication of Poverty
- Unprotected: a novel about social work
- New Acting Chief Executive of BASW explains why she chose to be a social worker
- Statement of the IFSW Human Rights Commissioner on Organ Harvesting – Online Petition
- International Day of the Girl Child
- IFSW celebrates World Habitat Day 2012 – Changing Cities, Building Opportunities
- “Social workers play a key role in supporting the rapidly ageing world population” – IFSW
- Canadian Social Workers support Mental Illness Awareness Week
- Secretary-General’s Message to New Zealand Social Work Day
- “Governments must keep their promises on the Right to Food” says the UN Special Rapporteur
- Social Good Summit
- Changes in the regulation of social workers in England
- Malaysia: Social Workers Bill
- Paralympic Games opens with a celebration of human rights and diversity
- China: Keswick Foundation Best Article Award
- Rapid rise in food prices and food insecurity predicted to lead to social upheaval in 2013
- Day in the life of IFSW Europe President
- Effective and ethical working environments for social work: the responsibilities of employers of social workers
- World Humanitarian Day – Sunday 19 August 2012
- Gendered impacts of globalization: employment and social protection
- International Youth Day – 12 August 2012
- The global history of humanitarian action
- The Child Development index 2012: Progress, challenges and inequality
- Social workers are prepared for the Olympic Games in London
- Winners of the 2012 Photo Competition
- More reports about the Stockholm 2012 conference and themes
- Social workers reaffirm commitment to confront child sexual abuse
- Effective and ethical working environments for social work – The responsibilities of employers of social workers
- Social workers personally affected by austerity and financial cuts
- World Conference on Social Work and Social Development – see what happened
- Social Work a Growing Profession
- Why I’m going to the social work conference in Stockholm
- European Union announces new action to end human trafficking
- Child poverty is “high” on the agenda of the incoming EU Council Presidency
- Stockholm 2012: Strengthening the voice of social work and giving it new direction
- Role of the social worker is more essential now than ever
- Journal article on ‘Global Agenda for Social Work and Social Development’ available free for a short time
- 1.45 Million Social Workers in China by 2020
- Korean Association of Social Workers, holding a commemorative ceremony the “2012 World Social Work Day”
- Debate por la Definición de Trabajo Social a nivel Internacional
- IFSW supports campaign against the criminalisation of homelessness
- New book on Social Determinants and Mental Health
- Historia de la FITS a nivel mundial
- World health statistics 2012 – maternal and child deaths down
- On anti-homophobia day, UN calling for repeal of discriminatory laws
- Global Agenda presented to the Platform of European Social NGO’s (Social Platform)
- World Social Work Day Celebration in Zimbabwe
- Indian Social Work Education: Quality enhancement network launched
- Documento de política
- Earth Day 2012: “Mobilize the Earth”
- Asamblea General 2012
- Commonwealth Organisation for Social Work signs up to The Global Agenda
- Article on the Global Agenda in the Journal “International Social Work”
- United Nations Receives The Global Agenda For Social Work and Social Development
- Social Workers bill to be tabled in Malaysia
- Strengthening Social Work Leadership in Africa
- Launch of Global Agenda for Social Work and Social Development: Commitments to Action
- Ghana celebrates World Social Work Day
- World Social Work Day in Laos
- World Social Work Day in Nepal
- IFSW Europe Blog and Facebook
- Japan National Code of Ethics
- Code of Professional Ethics Of The Social Workers In Israel
- Code de déontologie
- Voices of Social Work
- Life as a social worker in Cambridgeshire, England
- Key documents
- Scholarship to attend the 2012 General Meeting
- Minutes of the IFSW General Meeting 2004
- 2012 Joint World Conference
- Global standards
- Social work manifesto on HIV and AIDS
- IFSW supports Singapore’s campaign to attract and retain 200 more social workers
- Minutes of the IFSW General Meeting 2010
- Minutes of the IFSW General Meeting 2008
- Minutes of the IFSW General Meeting 2006
- Minutes of the IFSW General Meeting 2002
- Minutes of the IFSW General Meeting 2000
- General meeting 2012
- DASW Code of Ethics
- Women
- Human rights
- Globalisation
- Ageing
- Sudan
- Kampala declaration
- Victims of violent conflicts
- Scholarship to attend the 2012 IFSW General Meeting
- 2012 World Social Work Photo Competition
- Call for action to support Hungarian social workers
- World AIDS Day 2011
- Report: Work 2011 at UNHCR, Geneva
- IFSW writes to the Hungarian Government
- New UN Representative Team in Bangkok, Thailand
- Rights of indigenous people
- Europe: Charter of Rights for Social Workers
- Obituary – Christopher Chitereka
- Request for articles for Social Work around the World V
- Bravo to our Japanese colleagues!
- 18 July 2011: Nelson Mandela International Day
- IFSW announces appointment of Dr. Rory G. Truell as its new Secretary-General
- The International Federation of Social Workers (IFSW) Announces Appointment of Dr. Rory G. Truell as its New Secretary-General, effective July, 2011
- 22 April – International Mother Earth Day
- IFSW President Gary Bailey among the 20 most influential social work professors
- World Conference on Social Work and Social Development
- Open letter of the IFSW President on the earthquake and the tsunami in Japan
- IFSW Statement on International Women’s day
- IFSW condemns the killing of Ugandan gay activist and human rights defender David Kato
- Haïti – Je souviens
- Discrimination and sexual orientation
- Mine desaster in New Zealand: Blog from IFSW Treasurer Fiona Robertson
- In Memory of Catherine Chuard (1931 – 2010)
- World Day to Overcome Extreme Poverty (October 17)
- World Day Against the Death Penalty: IFSW Statement
- Blog from the New Zealand earth quake by IFSW Treasurer Fiona Robertson
- IFSW joins in celebrating the centennial of Katherine Kendall
- Have a wonderful celebration of Chuseok (September 21 – 23, 2010)
- 21 September – World Alzheimer’s Day – It’s time for action!
- IFSW Statement on the UN Summit on the Millennium Development Goals (MDG)
- Have an easy Fast
- Rights of older women
- Vietnam: Decision to establish professional social work
- L’SHANA TOVAH : Happy 5771 :: Have a sweet New Year!
- IFSW joins in wishing a Happy Ramadan
- International Day of the World’s Indigenous People
- IFSW President Gary Bailey appointed as a member of the Commission on Global Social Work Education (CSWE)
- Poverty eradication and the role for social workers
- People with disabilities
- IFSW updates Policy on Women as the UN creates new body on Women and Gender equality
- IFSW endorses the 2010 Vienna declaration out of the International AIDS Conference in Vienna
- Statement on Kampala bombings
- IFSW past President and social worker Imelda Dodds, appointed new Chief Executive Officer of the New South Wales(NSW) Trustee and Guardian
- Photo competition
- IFSW General Meeting lays foundation for active two year programme to support and promote social work across the world
- Ambitious global Agenda to promote social work and social development was welcomed by the world conference in Hong Kong
- Human Rights Website release
- Global Agenda to strengthen Social Work and Social Development to emerge from World Conference in Hong Kong – 10 – 14 June 2010
- IFSW highlights the crucial role of the International Criminal Court in promoting human rights
- IFSW welcomes new UN online discussion forum
- Golden Jubilee
- IFSW Representative to the UN in New York honoured
- IFSW President visits China to prepare for the Hong Kong 2010 Conference
- Chair of ethics committee comments on debate about homosexuality, human rights and social justice
- United Nations Social Work Day – 28 March 2010
- IFSW Statement – Human Rights and Social Work in Uganda
- IFSW Message on the earthquake in Chile – Mensaje de la FITS sobre el terremoto en Chile
- Statement on the Earth quake in Haiti – Communiqué sur le séisme en Haïti – Declaración sobre el terremoto en Haití
- Eileen McGowan Kelly Scholarship
- December 10, Human Rights Day
- IFSW Secretary General Tom Johannesen leaves to take early retirement – Départ en retraite anticipée du Secrétaire général de la FITS, Tom Johannesen – El Secretario General de la FITS, Tom Johannesen, se retira para tomar una jubilación anticipada
- 1st December – World AIDS Day
- Busy planning for Hong Kong 2010
- XV National Social Work Congress in Santiago de Chile – XV Congreso Nacional del Colegio de Asistentes Sociales en Santiago de Chile
- Greetings on the Aotearoa New Zealand Social Workers’ Day from the IFSW President
- Murder of former PASWI President and Philippine Welfare Attaché
- IFSW President is awarded doctorate in Social Work
- Message from President Dr David N Jones on the Japanese Social Work Day
- IFSW call for UN action on social impact of climate change
- IFSW welcome Special Representative on Violence Against Children (SRSG)
- IFSW statement on the developing swine flu: vulnerable populations at increased risk
- IFSW statement on the earthquake in Italy
- IFSW Statement on World Health Day April 7, 2009
- IFSW President addresses Talentia 60th birthday conference
- IFSW President Dr David N Jones takes temporary role at inspectorate
- The best interest of the child
- Extreme Poverty and Human Rights: the Rights of the Poor
- IFSW presenting statement to the UN Committee on the Rights of the Child
- IFSW Statement on the Gaza conflict
- IFSW at the UN Celebration of the International Day of Persons with Disabilities
- IFSW Statement to the UN Commission for Social Development
- IFSW Participation at the World Urban Forum
- IFSW Statement on the 60th Anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights December 10, 2008
- IFSW Statement on the International Day of Persons With Disabilities, December 3
- Message from IFSW to social workers in Vietnam
- IFSW welcomes WHO’s World Health Report’s focus on equity and social justice
- IFSW Statement on international adoptions
- IFSW General Meeting and World Conference 2008
- Health
- Ageing and older adults
- Genocide
- Cross border reproductive services
- Andrew Mouravieff-Apostol medal to Argentina and UK
- Gayle Gilchrist James 1940 – 2008
- IFSW Message on the Earthquake in China
- Social Work Day at the United Nations 31 March 2008
- 25th Annual Social Work Day at the United Nations
- IFSW Statement on Kenya
- IFSW meets the UN Committee on the Rights of the Child
- IFSW active on Women’s issues at the UN
- The new international agendas: what role for social work
- HIV and AIDS
- Death sentence in Singapore
- Citizenship and Social Work Education in a Globalising World
- Letter to the Australian Association of Social Workers after the killings in Bali
- Urgently needed: Multi-faceted, non-violent approach to resolving world conflict
- Statement on the attack on the UN, Baghad
- Social workers seeking justice, but not revenge
- Social Work Day at the UN, 7 April 2003
- NGO Joint Statement on the war in Iraq to the UN Commission on Human Rights
- Madrid – 11 May
- Letter to the British Association of Social Workers after the killings in Bali
- Terror hitting the USA
- Middle East
- Bali
- IFSW appeal for support for the establishment of an independent and effective international criminal court
- Displacement, forced migration, and the effects of war
- Childrens right to education
- Indigenous peoples
- Resolution on Administrative Detentions
- The UN day of the elimination of violence against women
- Letter of sympathy Sweden’s Foreign Minister Anna Lindh
- Ensure that the needs of the poorest are not forgotten in Cancun
- Post War Iraq
- Go on using your voice for peace
- Appeal to the UN Security Council on the Iraq Crisis
- The Iraq Crisis – A Peaceful Approach is Brave, Forward-looking and Wise
- Letters to Bush, Blair and Howard
- Displaced persons
- Report of assessment mission to East Timor
- Refugees
- Human rights