The 2019 world social work day highlights ‘Promoting the Importance of Human Relationships’.
World Social Work Day is on the 19th March 2019. It is the key day in the year that social workers worldwide stand together to celebrate the achievements of the profession and take the theme message into their communities, workplaces and to their governments to raise awareness of the social work contributions and need for further action.
This year’s theme focusses on the social relationships between people’s essential relationships with each other, their environments and their futures. Dr Rory Truell, IFSW Secretary-General said:
‘There was a famous moment in recent history when politician Margaret Thatcher ushered-in the current global period of conservatism and the dismantling of state services when announcing: “there’s no such thing as society, there are individual men and women”. Thatcher’s view continues to have devastating effects as it remains dominant over many aspects of world and national politics. This 2019 World Social Work Day theme directly addresses this false and brutality conservative dogma. From the social work experience all people are bound together by social relationships that determine the quality and security of life. Worldwide the social work profession will unify in promoting the importance of building policies and practices that recognize, cultivate and enrich our interdependent relationships – for peace, the realization of all people’s equal rights and a sustainable world.’
All social work partners and members are welcome to co-brand the WSWD poster by adding their logo alongside the IFSW logo.
Interested in the history of World Social Work Day? Please click here
All social work partners and members are welcome to co-brand the WSWD poster by adding their logo alongside the IFSW logo.
Download the 2019 WSWD poster in English – horizontal version
Download the 2019 WSWD poster in English – vertical version
We also invite member organisations to translate the poster into their own languages. Last years poster was translated into 48 languages highlighting global professional unity and common action.
We hope that most organisations will be able to edit the poster for translation themselves, but if this is not possible, please copy the text below in bold, write your translation underneath, and email it to:
Thank you to all – it is a significant professional step forward that globally social workers promote the importance of human relationships! IFSW will post your translated poster on our website so that it can be shared across the world. (Please note that the IFSW relevant member organisation must approve the translation which may take a few days).
Chinese (simplified Chinese. Mainland)
Kikongo (Democratic Republic Congo)
Lingala (Democratic Republic Congo)
Mongolian (Horizontal) (Vertical)
Tshiluba (Democratic Republic Congo)
Xitsonga (South Africa_Southern)
(More language options will be posted here shortly)
IFSW President Silvana Martínez and IASSW President Annamaria Campanini‘s joint message for 2019 World Social Work Day.
Callum Lynch from the ‘Who Cares Scotland Collective’ talks to IFSW Secretary-General, Rory Truell on 2019 World Social Work Day about the Right for Every Child to be Loved and what social workers can do to support children and young people in care.
#WSWD2019 Message from IFSW Africa Region. Mr. Joachim Mumba, IFSW regional Vice-President
#WSWD2019 Celebrations in África
#WSWD2019 Message from IFSW Asia-Pacific Region. Mrs. Rose Henderson
#WSWD2019 Message from IFSW Europe Region. Mrs. Ana Radulesco, IFSW President
#WSWD2019 Message from IFSW Latin America and The Caribbean Region. Mr. Larry Alicea, IFSW President
(More videos will be posted here shortly)
Events on World Social Work Day 2019
IFSW organises events on World Social Work Day as part of its representation work at the United Nations offices in Geneva and New York. Please find below more information on these events.
March has been a very important month for all social workers in the world. The Armenian Association of Social Workers joint the social workers worldwide to celebrate the World Social Work Day on 19th of March.
The Armenian Association of Social Workers united social workers from in Armenia during a week (on March 18- 22) as well as representatives of state and non-state agencies, international organizations and donor society with the aim to promote the professionalization of social work services. In this regard a series of events started. In particular:
March 18th: AASW invited a round table meeting at the Yerevan State University with the professors of all universities in Armenia where social work is educated with the aim to promote the harmonization of educational programes, upgrading educational standards and bringing them into line with international standards.
Die öffentlichen Aktivitäten zum WSWD_19 erstreckten sich in Wien über einen Monat. Die Interviews, die Studierende mit Kolleg*innen aus unterschiedlichen Handlungsfeldern geführt haben, wurden in regelmäßigen Abständen auf
Zum Abschluss beteiligten wir uns als „Sozialarbeiterìnnen Block“ an der Donnerstag Demo gegen Rassismus, am 21.03.19
Unser Dank gilt den Studierenden und Lehrenden der FH Soziale Arbeit, die die Umsetzung mit ihrem Engagement ermöglicht haben, aber auch den Kolleg*innen, die durch ihre Interviewbereitschaft das Projekt mit Inhalten gefüllt haben
UFAS s’unit à ce mouvement mondial régénérateur
La journée mondiale du travail social 2019 met en lumière «Garantir L’importance Des Relations Humaines»
La Journée mondiale du travail social a lieu le 19 du mois de mars. C’est le jour clé de l’année au cours duquel les travailleurs sociaux du monde entier se mobilisent pour célébrer les réalisations de la profession et diffuser le message thématique dans leurs communautés, leurs lieux de travail et leurs gouvernements afin de mieux faire connaître les contributions du travail social et la nécessité de prendre des mesures supplémentaires.
Le thème de cette année met l’accent sur les relations sociales entre les relations essentielles des personnes les unes avec les autres, leur environnement et leur avenir.
Le Dr Rory Truell, Secrétaire général de l’IFSW, a déclaré:
«Il y a eu un moment célèbre de l’histoire récente lorsque la politicienne Margaret Thatcher a inauguré la période mondiale actuelle de conservatisme et de démantèlement des services de l’État en annonçant:« il n’y a pas de société, il y a des hommes et des femmes ». Le point de vue de Thatcher continue d’avoir des effets dévastateurs puisqu’il reste dominant sur de nombreux aspects de la politique mondiale et nationale.
Ce thème de la Journée mondiale du travail social 2019 aborde directement ce dogme conservateur faux et brutal.
À partir de l’expérience de travail social, toutes les personnes sont liées par des relations sociales qui déterminent la qualité et la sécurité de la vie.
Dans le monde entier, la profession de travailleur social s’unira pour promouvoir l’importance d’élaborer des politiques et des pratiques qui reconnaissent, développent et enrichissent nos relations interdépendantes – pour la paix, la réalisation des droits égaux de tous les peuples et un monde durable. “
WSWD2019 will be celebrating with 1 000 WSWD cakes around Finland offered by Talentia. The Finish Association of Social Workes will also organize an international evening in Helsinki. In the evening we shall discuss about the different possibilities of how our members can themselves be active internationally: CIF Finland ( and The Trade Union Solidarity Centre of Finland SASK (
March 19th 2019: Social Workers – standing up for Human Rights
Event co-organised with OHCHR and AvenirSocial
10-12h at Centre International de Conférences Genève
Please find the invitation letter with details here.
For enquiries, please contact Priska Fleischlin,
March 20th 2019: Social Work, Gender and Sexuality: Towards Empowerment, Equality and Inclusion
Please kindly save this date for the annual celebration of the World Social Work Day 2019 at the UN in Geneva (to be confirmed).
The event is aimed to Social Work’ students and practitioners, to scholars, to representatives of the civil society involved in the local governance, to members of NGOs, international organisations and permanent missions and to anyone interested.
Concept note
The program is under development and Registration starts at the beginning of 2019. We kindly ask you to save theses dates and share the information with your networks.
Mercredi 20 mars 2019: Travail social, genre et sexualité: vers plus d’inclusion et d’égalité
Réservez dès aujourd’hui cette date pour la célébration de la Journée internationale du travail social au Palais des Nations à Genève (lieu à confirmer).
La manifestation s’adresse aux étudiant-e-s et praticien-ne-s du travail social, aux universitaires, aux représentant-e-s de la société civile impliqué-e-s dans la gouvernance locale, aux membres d’ONG, d’organisations internationales et des missions permanentes à Genève ainsi qu’à toute personne intéressée.
Note conceptuelle
Le programme définitif vous parviendra prochainement et les inscriptions seront ouvertes début 2019. Nous vous invitons d’ores et déjà à réserver ces dates et à diffuser l’information dans vos réseaux.
Video Message from Calisha Purcell-Charles, President of Grenada Association of Professional Social Workers
In cooperation with the City of Athens / Social Solidarity Directorate and the Association of Social Workers of Cyprus, The National Association of Social Workers in Greece co-organizes a Scientific Conference on Friday and Saturday 05 and 06 April 2019 at the Amphitheater of the Ministry of Infrastructure, Transport and Networks
The main purpose of the event is to highlight the action of social workers not only in improving the quality of life of citizens but also in fostering the development of positive relationships by linking people with the local community and all protection networks in terms of justice and dignity and respect.
More information on this link
“To celebrate the WSWD 2018, the Hong Kong Social Workers Association had joined hand with totally 13 organizations including education institutes and professional bodies and held a series of event, including a long run campaign, dancing flash mob and sign language message conducted by social workers and service users. We wish to promote the participative or “working with” approach to the public.”
NAPSWI in association with Department of Social Work, University of Delhi has jointly organized a Round Table Discussion on “Council for Social Work Education: Challenges and Way Forward” on 16th March, 2019 at the Department of Social Work, University of Delhi. Many critical issues with respect to formulation of SW Council were discussed and an action plan for the future has also been formulated.
KAPSW a Network Member Association of INPSWA ( affiliated to IFSW- Geneva) is organising world social work day 2019 a day long event starting from 10.00 am onwards to include Student quiz and panel discussion . Join us let’s be a part of of worldwide celebrations of social work day.

For Free Registration & Participation Visit :
March 19th The Department of Social Work, University Post Graduate College, Osmania University, Hyderabad, India organizes the one-day seminar on World Social work Day in Contemporary & Modern Societies
29 – 30 March

An all-Ireland celebration of World Social Work Day 2019
Tuesday 19th March 10.30-3.30pm
IASW in partnership with BASW Northern Ireland and the social work regulation bodies willhost this year’s World Social Work Day celebration for social workers across the island of Ireland to meet and share their views on the importance of encouraging a professional social work identity.
The format will be interactive, with a series of informal workshops enabling attendees to discuss issues including: what it means to have a professional social work identity, professional relationships, the role of CPD in supporting identity, service users’ views on professionalism, and the impact of regulation for a professional group.
The programme will also explore how the professional bodies and regulators from both sides of the border can work together to better support social workers to grow in confidence in their professional identity.
March 18th. The Israel Union of Social Workers will celebrate World Social Work Day by organising a Social Work Happening on March 18, 2019.
The program will start with a seminar on the topic of, “The Future of the Welfare State/The Future of Social Work”. Since WSD coincides with the Jewish holiday of Purim (a school holiday) the union will hold a festive “happening” for social workers and their families in the spirit of the holiday followed by the outdoor screening of a film.
WSD is also recognised by the mayors of many towns who use the occasion to thank the social workers employed by the municipality.
March 19th. In WSWD 2019 social workers from Israel organize a seminar that will be held by the Ministry of Labor, Social Welfare and Social Services titled, “Proud of the past – Social work in the Future”.
The seminar will include a panel discussion on “The Future of Social Work from Different Viewpoints” and honoring social workers who made significant contributions to the profession and to the development of the welfare state in Israel. The President of Israel will honor the day with his welcoming remarks.
Assnas will participate in Italy at #WSWSD2019 in the following events:
On 19 March: in Napoli WSWSD2019 by the regional council, president Paola Pontarollo will have a report in a meeting.
On 22 March in Matera: with Cnoas (National Council s. W.), Union Of Italian Social Worker, foundation social worker, assnas, sociss (Italian association of prof. In social worker), Annamaria Campanini and assnas Paola Pontarollo, I will have a report in the conference.
On 19 March in Venice: regional secretary assnas will have a report in regional wswd at the University of Venice.
ON 19 Marchin Enna (Sicily), Assnas regional Sicily organize wswd
On 5 April Iran Teheran, Italian president Paola Pontarollo partecipate Iranian wswd and will have a small report in.
World Social Work Day 2019 Symposium Held in Tokyo
The Japanese Federation of Social Workers (JFSW) hosted a symposium on March 23rd (Sat) at the historical campus of Japan Women’s University in Tokyo to commemorate World Social Work Day 2019. The event was co-hosted by the Japanese Association for the Study of International Social Work. Rights of Migrant Workers and Social Work was chosen as the topic. The event was facilitated by Prof. Mariko Kimura of Japan Women’s University, Chairperson of the International Committee at JFSW, and four presenters were invited to the stage to speak and have a discussion.
Read the full article here.
The students of the Department of Social Work, Faculty of Human and Social Studies, Nagasaki International University, Kyushu Bunka Gakuen have prepared this video to celebrate #WSWD2019!
The National Association of Social Welfare is organising the conference The importance of Promoting human relationships “Celebrating International Women Days” on March 8th
Social workers from the Kenya National Association of Social Workers organize the Conference Promoting the Importance of Human Relationships on March 19th to celebrate, World Social Work Day
There will be several activities like tree planting, social work talk, children home visit, etc.
The association of social workers of Latvia co- organized with the Ministry of Welfare the conference “Social Resources” for social work specialists to be held in Riga, the National Library of Latvia on March 22, 2019.
The conference “Resources in Social Work” will emphasize the importance of resources in the process of social work, with particular emphasis on the four strands of resources – client, employee, approaches, and methods, as well as available services. This year’s conference, in addition to the Framework Program, will be an opportunity to visit the Resource Market, which will include more than 20 national, municipal and non-governmental organizations as well as social enterprises on their services, ideas and experiences.

Palestine Social Work organization will celebrate the World Social Work Day in cooperation with Bethlehem university and ministry of social development

- World Social Work Day was postponed in Palestine
- Poster designed by the UNRWA Relief and Social Services Department
EL Consejo Directivo del Colegio de Trabajadores Sociales del Perú Región III Lima, miembro oficial de la International Federation of Social Workers – IFSW y la Federación Internacional de Trabajo Social para America Latina y el Caribe FITS ALC celebra El Día Mundial del Trabajo Social, el 19 de marzo de 2019. Y esta institución a considerado realizar como actividad académica La Conferencia Conversatorio “Abordaje del Trabajo Social en las Comunidades Originarias y las Relaciones Humanas”

El Colegio de Profesionales del Trabajo Social de Puerto Rico junto a la Asociación Nacional de Escuelas de Trabajo Social de Puerto Rico organizó un conversatorio sobre violencias de género a trasmitirse por Facebook Life a las 10:00 am. Luego de este conversatorio con el tesorero de la FITS, Dr. Víctor I. García Toro y la Raquela Delgado Valentín, trabajadora social especialista en temas de género, las escuelas nacionales tendrán conversatorios sobre este tan importante día. Les invitamos a conectarse, un abrazo caribeño.
La Asociación de Trabajadores Sociales de Puerto Rico organiza junto con Departamento de Trabajo Social, UAGM Recinto de Carolina y el Conservatorio: Conservadurismo Político: Efectos en las relaciones con los grupos oprimidos
En la jornada participará la Vice-Presidenta de la FITS Region Latino America y Caribe, Dª Tania Ramos y la profesora de Ciencias Políticas Dª Melody Fonseca.
La sesión será retransmitida en vivo Por Facebook live y en las universidades se estará discutiendo el foro con los/as estudiantes. Y contestando preguntas con los que se conecten.
March 19th. The Liteni Gymnasium School, Iasi County, Romania and The House of Teachers, CCD Iași-România will celebrate World Social Work Day by organising a Social Work Happening on March 19, 2019.
Avem un seminar pe tema “Viitorul promovării relațiilor umane”. Deoarece WSD coincide cu luna în care sărbătorește sărbătoarea creștină, Bună Vestire dată de Arhanghelul Gabriel pentru Fecioara Maria (o sărbătoare creștină și comunitară), Școala Gimnaziului Liteni, județul Iași, România și Casa Profesorilor, CCD Iași -Romania va desfășura o activitate festivă pentru lucrătorii sociali și studenții și profesorii noștri în spiritul sărbătorii (folosim ocazia de a mulțumi asistenților sociali) urmată de o activitate veselă în aer liber cu numele de Sacred și Profan la început de primăvară boreală!

- Community engagement …enlisting community participation for the profession to thrive….focus group discussions , presentations hands on social work on the field with vulnerable populations
- Media engagement…. radio and television debates on the relevance of social work and the need for government to elevate the profession.
- March pass…Criss crossing the towns and cities with placards,banners and traditional African drumming to light the day…
The PSWA together with the Sri Lanka School of social Work decided to organize the following activities.
- Call all the social workers to gather and have a walk in Colombo city on the 19th of March 2019
- Display banners and posters on promoting the importance of human relationships and to demonstrate the value of social work in building a just society
- Conduct a media conference on the findings of studies on comparative social issues and do some presentations on successful social work interventions
- Conduct a seminar on the importance of making social work as a recognized profession in Sri Lanka.
In commemoration of the World Social Work Day 2019, the Community of Practice (Mental Health) team will be organising a symposium to promote mental wellness among social service practitioner with the support of Social Service Institute. In addition, Prof Fatimah Lateef, Member of Parliament for Marine Parade GRC, has accepted the invitation for this meaningful event on 16 March 2019 in Singapore.
Social Workers in Slovenia celebrate World Social Work Day
Association of Social Workers in Slovenia joined the events around the world related to the World Social Work Day, on 19 March 2019, by organizing the event under this year slogan: Promoting the importance of human relationships. The event brought together social workers, who are operating inside different fields; from practice, from institutions of social welfare, from faculty for social work, and from individual projects of social work. Event addressed various topics that are directly or indirectly linked to issue of human relationships, such coexistence between people in the perspective of social work, understanding of relationships as the key for good social work, personal relationship as a key element in co-creating a working relationship, the challenges of social work in dealing with families, and novelties in social work in Slovenia such as judicial expertise in social work.
Association of Social Workers in Slovenia has otherwise a long tradition in Slovenia. Its foundation goes back in 1957 when Slovenia was formally still part of the common state of Yugoslavia. Association has gone through a critical period of its existence after the economic crisis in 2008, while it succeeded to strengthen its operation in 2017 when its 60th anniversary took place.
The event on 19th of March has awarded prof. Dr.Sc. Gabi Čačinovič-Vogrinčič the honorary membership, for her lifelong efforts in advocating social work and developing the theory of social work from practice to practice. The event has also served for the election of new leadership; the new president of the Association has become M.Sc. Danica Hrovatič, who advocates for the recognition and increased enforcement of social work inside the social welfare system, and for strengthened cooperation of Association in the international arena.
Ljubljana, March 2019
Los galardonados son Ana I. Lima Fernández, Sandra Sabatés y Movimiento de Pensionistas del País Vasco.
La entrega de los Premios será el próximo 29 de marzo de 2019 en Donostia-San Sebastián en colaboración con el Colegio Oficial de Trabajo Social de Gipuzkoa (Gipuzkoako Gizarte Langintzaren Elkargo Ofiziala).
- Xornada Técnia “O Empoderamento da muller
- Entrega de Premios

The National Association of Social Welfare is organising the conference The art of being a Social Worker – the strength of human relationships in Stockholm on the 19 of March.
The conference will describe the theme from three perspectives: research, professional and service users perspectives. Jessica Sjögren Ph.D. in Social Work at the University of Linköping will talk about her research on the importance of relationships in social work.
Maria Thell coordinator for children’s rights issues at the organisation Dandelion and Matilda Karlsson former service user will talk about children’s experiences and thoughts on relations and participation in child protection.
A panel of social workers will reflect on the theme for the day and the different speakers.
The trade unions for social workers will reflect on the prerequisites for human relationships in social services today.
the Department of Social Work Faculty of Social Administration at Thammasat University Bangkok, Thailand. I would like to announce on The 2019 World Social Work Day seminar event in Thailand to cordially invite you to promote the seminar ‘Core Values in Social Work’ at Thammasat University on 19 March 2019. at the following detail.
1. Kittipat Nontapattamadul Ph.D., Professor, Faculty of Social Administration Thammasat University
2. Assist.Prof.Anyamanie Buranakanont, Social Work Profession Council, Thailand
3. Yaowaret Kammanat, President, The Thai Medical Social Workers Association
4. Anchalee Silaket, President, Psychiatric Social Workers Association
5. Tipaporn Pothitawin, Ph.D., Thailand Association of Social Workers
Kath Khangpiboon, Lecturer, Faculty of Social Administration Thammasat University
This panel taking place on this important day is a timely occasion to reaffirm our commitment to work together on social work and promote core values in all areas of our work and thinking. I hope to have members of the professional community, the academia, civil society organizations, and members of the social workers to participate in this dialogue.
In Turkey we’re going to celebrate the World Social Work Day with a panel on 19th of March. This will be an organisation of TASW. Please join us to highlight the importance of the human relations.
BASW UK Photo Campaign
Get involved in the celebrations and capture this year’s theme of ‘Human Relationships’ in a photo and tweet us your photo with #MyWSWDpic #WSWD19 and don’t forget to tag us @BASW_UK
There will be prizes for the best picture.
World Social Work Day: Promoting the Importance of Human Relationships.
19th March 2019. Kings College, London (KCL), England
A BASW event in association with Making Research Count which explores relationships in all aspects of social work practice
Featuring workshops by social workers and people that use services, on relationship-based practice in learning disability, social work practice with refugees and people experiencing poverty
The day will also see the formal launch of the Capabilities Statement and the CPD Pathway in social work with people with learning disabilities, which have been commissioned by the Department of Health and Social Care. This work is being led by BASW, with Support from Research in Practice for Adults (RiPfa).
Confirmed Speakers:
- Mark Trewin/Katie Weeks, Office of Lyn Romeo, Chief Social Worker for Adults
- Her Excellency Karen-Mae Hill, High Commissioner, Antigua and Barbuda
- Professor Gillian Ruch, University of Sussex
- Professor Gavin Davidson, Queens University Belfast
- Professor John Devaney, University of Edinburgh
Plus practice led workshops, coproduced with individuals that use services, to explore relationship-based practice:
- Social work in refugee camps and places of armed conflict led by West Nile Consortium;
- Learning disability – led and facilitated by people with lived experience of learning disability (and using statutory learning disability services)
- Anti-poverty practice – by social work students and registered social workers.
Celebrating with SASW – Scottish Association for Social Work
- 18th March: USA Student Visit – SASW are welcoming a group of American social work students from the University at Albany State, State University of New York
- 19th March: SASW Social Work Awards 2019 – The 12th annual SASW social work awards will be held on world social work day at the Ghillie Dhu in Edinburgh (flyer here)
- 20th March: Promoting Human Relationships in Children & Families Social Work: Learning together about the successes, challenges and barriers – This event will mark the first year of SASW’s Community of Practice for children and families social workers. It will also tie into the theme of World Social Work Day 2019 – ‘Promoting the Importance of Human Relationships’.
BASW Cymru social work awards
w/c 18th March 2019, Wales.
BASW Cymru plan to hold our social work awards during World Social Work Week, this is a perfect time to celebrate a workforce that is going above and beyond to build, strengthen and promote human relationships.
Universities event
The BASW Cymru team will be taking part in a collaborative event with Swansea, Cardiff and Houston Universities around the importance of professionalism in sustaining relationships in social work.
We will keep you posted on all these plans.
One day all-Ireland celebration of social work
19th March 2019. Dundalk, Northern Ireland
BASW Northern Ireland will be holding a one day all-Ireland celebration of social work with our colleagues from the IASW (Irish Association of Social Workers) in the Ballymascanlon Hotel, Dundalk.
The day will be around the theme of ‘Enabling Professionalism’ with Neil Thompson as the keynote speaker and will provide opportunities for workshop participation.
Celebrating the World Social Work Day with the Conference The “Power in Practice” at DMU organized at De Montfort University’s.
As our world becomes increasingly target-driven, outcome focused, and bureaucratic, how can social work not only maintain value based practice, and support socially just approaches? This is the central question that will be asked during the presentation from academics, practitioners, students and service-users, we will examine power in practice, and how radical social work can allow us to be more creative practitioners. By examining power, the day aims to identify how to promote service user views in practice, how to support newly qualified practitioners to develop into ethically minded professionals, and how to address the power imbalances inherent in social welfare.
Read more on this DMU WSWD Conference blurb 2019

Once again this year we are able to provide a Live webcast of the event for those of you who cannot make it to New York.
The program starts at 9:45 am. Go to this link: and look for the Social Work Day segment. If you go there today, you need to browse through the schedule and under April 1 you will see Social Work Day at the UN.
The webcast will remain up all day Monday and then after that you find it in the UN TV archives (on the same link as above).
For those of you coming to NY, PLEASE have all your students watch the SWDay video as it explains what to expect on Monday.
Also, please try to arrive at the UN between 8:30 and 9 am. The program will begin at 9:45 and we CANNOT ALLOW anyone in the room after this time.
We are in the ECOSOC Chamber this year, which is an impressive room.
If you want to know how Social Work Month is celebrated in the US please, click the following link to the website that contains a tool kit for celebration that might be helpful to our international colleagues.
Of particular note is the one-minute public service announcement that envisions a world without social workers. https://www.
Social Work Student Association – Department of Sociology, Social Work, and Criminal Justice
Lamar University.