IFSW Europe has started a new project funded by Volkshilfe Solidarität (VHSOL). The project objective is to provide dignified shelter solutions to IDPs in line with relevant national
and international standard.
This project supports local authorities in Kamjanez-Podilskyj to improve the conditions of designated collective sites accessible to vulnerable IDPs that are looking to live in collective sites. It does so by renovating two existing buildings that are owned by district authorities and running them as shelters/collective sites until 30 April 2024.
District authorities have committed by signing a contract to keep on running them as collective sites for social purposes after the end of the project period.
This project will be implemented by IFSW-E through its local member organisation in Ukraine, the National Professional Association of Social Workers of Ukraine.
The investments that will be made with funding from this project intervention are durable and stay after the lifetime of the intervention. The intervention will thus sustainably enhance the capacity of local authorities to provide adequate infrastructure for vulnerable persons.
Volkshilfe has been working since 1951 in the fields of development cooperation and humanitarian aid in Africa, Asia, Eastern Europe and South-Eastern Europe. The organisation does not implement projects through own country offices but through local partners. Those local partner organizations can be NGOs, civil society organizations, local governmental institutions or grass root organizations. A team of humanitarian and international development experts is based in Vienna to ensure monitoring, evaluation and compliance with international standards as well as donor rules and regulations. The Vienna-based team also provides capacity building support to its partner organisations as and when needed. Volkshilfe is member of AG Globale Verantwortung as well as an affiliate member of the international Solidar network.
Volkshilfe has been active in Ukraine since 1993 supporting vulnerable and crisis-affected people with humanitarian aid and development projects.
For more information, visit: https://www.ifsw.org/social-work-in-ukraine/