Conferring with psychiatrist regarding initial assessment of survivors brought to their attention by social workers.
After the recent catastrophe in the Philippines, the IFSW Secretariat spoke with the Philippine Association of Social Workers, Inc (PASWI) and asked how can the International Social Work Community assist them in responding to the trauma and the many challenges ahead. Subsequently Eva Ponce de Leon, President of PASWI, has written to IFSW providing an update of the social work response and made a request for your support. Please find the letter below.
IFSW Secretary-General Dr Rory Truell commented that “IFSW and the international community of social workers with stand alongside the social workers of the Philippines over the long-term, as they rebuild communities, facilitate social networks and assist people to find new ways to cope against the background of this horrific event. It is important that international social work extends solidarity beyond the initial phase of responding to the emergency conditions, as the increased trauma, poverty and breakdown of social structures will make many people vulnerable over the years ahead.” Dr Truell encourages all social work associations to find ways to support their colleagues who are at the forefront of this crisis.
Letter with information on PASWI’s response on the disaster
Traduction en français de l’appel (traduit par l’Association Nationale des Assistants de Service Social)
Please contact them directly through the President of PASWI, Eva Ponce de Leon (). To make donations please find the PASWI’s bank account details as follows:
Acct Name ……Philippine Association of Social Workers Inc.
Bank …………… Bank of Philippine Island (BPI)
Branch. ……….U.P. Techno Hub Branch
Postal address..U.P. Ayala Land Techno Hub
Commonwealth Avenue, Diliman, Quezon City
1101 Philippines
Account Number..2284-1028-03