IFSW has launched the 2020 Online Conference that will explore and discuss the strategy of the social work profession for the next 10 years. The Conference title is: 2020 – […]
IFSW has launched the 2020 Online Conference that will explore and discuss the strategy of the social work profession for the next 10 years. The Conference title is: 2020 – […]
Watch again the IV Webinar IFSW & Swan: Ethical Challenges for Social Workers during covid-19 This webinar has brought together Social work practitioners from USA, Romania, Sierra Leone and the […]
Seoul, Republic of Korea. 12th of May 2020 We would like to share the activities of the Korean social work related to Covid-19, which become pandemic all over the world. […]
In the context of the coronavirus pandemic (COVID-19), the National College of Social Workers in Romania – CNASR has initiated a series of sectoral recommendations for social workers working in […]
The Czech Republic, like other countries in the world, has been facing a major test in recent weeks in connection with the spread of coronavirus infection, which none of us […]
Last week IFSW invited social workers around the world to respond to a request for accounts of some of the ethical challenges they are facing during the COVID-19 pandemic. With […]
During the Chinese Association of Social Workers annual meeting held today video messages were conveyed to the meeting by Rory Truell, IFSW Secretary-General, Rose Henderson IFSW Asia-Pacific President and Irene […]
The current Covid-19 global pandemic, and lockdown with expectations that people work from or stay at home, has resulted in a worldwide surge in violence against women. This situation prompted […]
Since the end of March international media has reported repeatedly about the Swedish approach to Covid-19. Even if the Swedish government’s response is different than most ther countries it’s not […]
This request of the Philippine Association of Social Workers Association, Inc. (PASWI), represented y its President, Rosauro R. Luntayao, refers to the seeking the assistance of this Department relative to […]
YGUSSWP Has working hard in the first line to support quarantine centers by NFIs and conducted 5 RNA for the quarantine centers in Sana’a Gov. the NFIs provided by YGUSSWP […]
Jakarta, 20 April 2020 For the sake of our safety, the anniversary of World’s Social Work Day, which we had prepared, must eventually be canceled due to the spread of […]
W czasie, gdy dokładamy wszelkich starań, by niezbędne wsparcie płynnie docierało do potrzebujących, a na barkach pomocy społecznej spoczywa ciężar obecnych i przyszłych konsekwencji epidemii – Ministerstwo Rodziny zwleka z […]
IFSW and the Social Work Action Network organise the third webinar to discuss the role of social workers meeting the challenges of the Covid-19 crisis. This webinar will be organized […]
The consequences of pandemics such as COVID-19 are not only medical but also far more psychological, social and economic. The World Health Organization (WHO) recently released a document on psychosocial considerations […]
The Israel Union of Social Work holds a virtual roundtable this coming Thursday to present the results of the survey Social Work Interventions During the Coronavirus Pandemic. During the event, we […]
Palestinian Union of Social Workers and Psychologists (PUSWP) annd the International Federation of Social workers (IFSW) are gladly inviting all social workers to participate in the Zoom Conference entitled: Role […]
In a Skype interview with Rory Truell, George Mansaray, President of the Sierra Leone Association of Social Workers explains how social workers in Sierra Leone are responding to the COVID-19 […]
W czasie, gdy dokładamy wszelkich starań, by niezbędne wsparcie płynnie docierało do potrzebujących, a na barkach pomocy społecznej spoczywa ciężar obecnych i przyszłych konsekwencji epidemii – Ministerstwo Rodziny zwleka z […]
The Association of Social Workers in Malawi (ASWiM) is a registered membership-based organisation aimed at improving the delivery of social welfare services to vulnerable and disadvantaged groups of people. ASWiM […]