The IFSW Asia Pacific Regional Executive Committee held its first virtual meeting using the IFSW Zoom platform on 22 April 2020. Access and connections all went smoothly and we were […]
The IFSW Asia Pacific Regional Executive Committee held its first virtual meeting using the IFSW Zoom platform on 22 April 2020. Access and connections all went smoothly and we were […]
The International Federation of Social Workers (IFSW) has formed a partnership with the Social Work Ethics Research Group (SWERG) to undertake rapid research on the ethical dilemmas that social workers […]
#SWreponds PLEASE SUPPORT THE REQUEST BY SIGNING THE PETITION The Association of Social Assistants of Romania (ASproAS) asks the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection and the Government of Romania FINANCIAL […]
IFSW Corona Virus Response Officer, Kathy Wehrman, has joined a taskforce to develop a mini Massive Open Online Course (MOOC) on «Adapting Case Management to COVID-19 Situation». This collaboration with […]
El Consejo General lanza la campaña #TrabajoSocialResponsable para visibilizar la intervención diaria de los y las trabajadoras sociales en la lucha contra el Covid19. Gracias a la participación de profesionales […]
La crise sanitaire déclenchée par la Covid-19 place les sociétés contemporaines dans une situation inédite. Alors que les habitudes tanguent et que les références s’estompent, la fragilité des d’organisations sociales […]
Frente a la más grande crisis sanitaria que se ha experimentado en el último siglo y que afecta también a nuestro país, la pandemia del COVID19, el Colegio de Trabajadoras […]
The International Federation of Social Workers and the Social Work Action Network have held the second webinar on Social Work Interventions for Social Change in the Time of Covid-19: International […]
From the very outset, the celebration for the ratification of the Social Workers Act was cut short by the ravaging COVID-19. Social workers respond to the rapidly emerging emergency in […]
Iran Association of Social Workers calls to join the international campaign of #I_have_good_news Life in every society is not always pleasant. Big or small economic, political, military, social, health, natural and […]
Komora sociálnych pracovníkov a asistentov sociálnej práce V Bratislave, 5.apríla 2020 Original version in Slovak here Milí sociálni pracovníci, kolegovia! V týchto dňoch na nás dolieha bremeno situácie okolo pandémie […]
The Norwegian Union of Social Workers would like to extend their thanks and honours to all social workers that are working during this pandemic. You all make tremendous contributions, and […]
The One Day One Donor Covid -19 programme was started in coordination with district administration under Kerala association of profesional social workers(KAPS) Palakkad chapter and district hospital blood bank. The […]
Sudden emergence/outbreak of Corona Virus calls for the attention of everyone but mostly the Medical and Paramedics, Epidemiologist, Pathologist, Clinical Psychologist and Social Workers. By Virtue of Social work profession, […]
Nous vivons une situation inédite qui impacte les travailleurs mais aussi les bénéficiaires de l’intervention sociale. Certains travailleurs sociaux sont placés en télétravail ou au chômage partiel, d’autres sont soumis […]
IFSW and the Social Work Action Network organised the first webinar to discuss the role of social workers meeting the challenges of the Covid-19 crisis. Professionals from the United States, […]
SOCIAL WORKES´ASSOCIATION, NEPAL Stay home and stay say. Let´s fight against Corona Virus. Corona virus and it effect became pandemic since couple of months. It has killed more than 18000 […]
The Ghana Association of Social Workers (GASOW) is calling on its members to support the measures initiated by the government of Ghana and the call by the International Federation of Social […]
BASW calls on the Prime Minister to provide essential PPE and guidance for social workers and include as priority group for testing. BASW Chair and CEO issue an open letter […]
“A warm soup in the morning against the cold of the night” Social workers in Germany supports vulnerable communities and work with food banks to guarantee that everyone has access […]