1. IFSW Global Commissions
1.1 The IFSW Global Executive in consultation with the IFSW Secretary General will appoint the Global Commissioner for each Commission.
1.2 The IFSW Global Executive, in consultation with the Global Commissioners, establishes the strategic goals for the Commissions. The IFSW Secretary General then oversees the carrying out of these strategic objectives.
1.3 The IFSW Global Commissions report into the IFSW Global Executive through the IFSW Secretary General, a minimum of annually. When budget allows the IFSW Global Commissioners will be invited to face to face executive meetings to participate in strategic discussions. On such occasions the Commissioners will report directly to the IFSW Executive. It is expected that Regional Leaders would then disseminate these reports across their region. These reports shall include responses to any specific requests from the Executive as they may arise.
1.4 The membership of the IFSW Global Commissions shall comprise the Global Commissioner and a regional representative from each region of IFSW.
1.5 The five regions of IFSW are Africa; Asia Pacific; Europe; Latin America and Caribbean; and North America. Each region will appoint a representative to the Commission as per Clause 2.5.
1.6 No person can be appointed as a Global or Regional Commissioner unless she or he is nominated by a current member of IFSW in good standing.
1.7 If the association that nominated a Global or Regional Commissioner falls out of good standing, it will be necessary to appoint a new commissioner to replace the current one.
2. Appointment and Terms of Office
2.1 The role of a Global Commissioner is reviewed every four years. Renewals will be contingent upon a performance evaluation. This system aims to ensure both stability within the commissions and the maintenance of high-quality work standards.
2.2. Selection of Global Commissioners follows an appointment process whereby potential candidates submit an expression of interest to the IFSW General Secretary for the role against a Role Description.
2.3 The successful applicant will be required to enter a memorandum of understanding (MOU) with the IFSW Secretary General to formalise operational and accountability arrangements. The Memorandum of Understanding between the IFSW Secretary General and the Commissioner regarding expectations of the Commissioner to deliver the key areas of activity against the Role Description and the respective Commission workplan. There will be a performance review between the IFSW Secretary General and the Global Commissioner. Should it be deemed beneficial, either party may extend an invitation to the Global President to attend the performance review.
2.4 If a post of Global Commissioner becomes vacant between routine appointments, the IFSW Global Executive will appoint a replacement to the relevant IFSW Global Commission in consultation with the IFSW Secretary General.
2.5 Applicants for the role of Regional Commissioner are required to complete an expression of interest , submit their CV and be supported by their member organisation which will confirm they have relevant knowledge and experience and the necessary support to fulfil the requirements of the role. The initial appointment is for four years, extendable by one further term. The renewal will be contingent upon a performance evaluation. This system aims to ensure both stability within the commissions and the maintenance of high-quality outcomes. Applicants will be jointly selected by the relevant regional president, the relevant global commissioner and Secretary General and if required, could further be finally endorsed by a regional member’s meeting.
2.6 The Regional Commissioner will be required to enter into an MOU with the Global Commissioner to confirm they are able to meet the requirements of the Commission’s workplan and attend Commission meetings, representing and reporting regional activity as it relates to their Commission. At least once a year, a performance review will be conducted between the Global Commissioner and the Regional Commissioner, followed by the distribution of a report to both the Regional President, Vice President and the Secretary General.
2.7 If a post of Regional Representative to the Commission becomes vacant between routine appointments, the Global Commissioner in consultation with the Regional President, Regional Vice President and IFSW Secretary General may appoint a replacement to the relevant IFSW Global Commission. Such replacement will serve for the remainder of the term of the person they are replacing. At the end of that term, she or he may stand for the next term..
2.8 The secretariat will maintain a register of length of service of all Global Commissioners and Regional Commissioners.
3. Purpose and Principles
3.1 The purpose of the Commissions is to operationalise the IFSW Global Executive’s Strategic plan in their respective areas of responsibility.
3.2 The values and principles of IFSW’s Commissions will promote IFSW Statement of Ethical Principles. The work of the Global Commissions will be underpinned by this value base and a commitment to
- act ethically,
- respect and promote equity and diversity,
- promote ecological, environmental, social and human rights,
- further social justice, professional discourse and excellence in social work education and practice.
The Global Commissioners will provide leadership of their Commission and demonstrate the values and principles of the Commission’s activity in all its relationships with IFSW members, external stakeholders and the wider social work community.
4. Aims and Objectives
The IFSW Commissions will:
4.1 Develop and implement a biennial (every two years) Operational Plan (based on the IFSW Global Executive’s Strategic plan) and contribute to the publication of the report of activity by the Commission in the IFSW reporting cycle.
4.2 Engage at a strategic level with relevant stakeholders, professional and other sector leaders.
4.3 Promote and support social work and social workers, and to further the interests and priorities of the IFSW.
4.4 Safeguard and promote the unique professional identity of social work and the best interests of the profession and communities to whom social workers provide a service for and with.
4.5 Support the production of high-quality research, practice and policy statements and guidance, and other products and initiatives to develop the profession and the standing of social work.
4.6 With pre-approval of the IFSW Secretary General, engage in work with the media to promote the profession, the work of the Commission and IFSW.
4.7 Encourage information sharing and communication between the Commissions, including joint work for maximum impact.
4.8 Co-operate with any other organisations and persons engaged in developing social work and social workers within the remit of each Commission.
4.9 Escalate significant membership concerns to IFSW Executive through the IFSW Secretary General as required or vice versa. (The Secretary General will initially discuss any such concerns with the relevant Regional President and Regional Vice President).
5. Composition
5.1 Each Commission shall comprise a minimum of 6 members.
5.2 Each Commission, in consultation with the IFSW Secretary General may also co-opt up to 5 social workers who are a member of an IFSW member organisation into the Commission, for the purposes of leading or delivering work within the annual workplan based on their specific expertise, skills and/or knowledge.
6. Meetings
6.1 Meetings of each Commissions will take place, online, at least 3 times a year.
6.2 The quorum shall be 4, one of whom shall be the IFSW Global Commissioner with at least 3 other regional representatives also present or making an active contribution. Any meeting that is not quorate will be reported to the IFSW Secretary General.
6.3 Approved non-sensitive minutes of meetings will be posted on the relevant page of the IFSW website within 28 days of the meeting. Confidential minutes will not be published on the website.
6.4 The IFSW Secretary General will convene at least 3 meetings a year with the Global Commissioners. One of these will be a face-to-face meeting biennially (every 2 years) unless prevented by extraordinary events or budgetary constraints. This will facilitate the continued development of the Commissions and enhance the opportunities for collaborations across Commissions.
6.5 The quorum of Global Commissioner meetings will be 4, one of whom shall be the IFSW Secretary General.
6.6 Approved non-sensitive minutes of meetings will be posted on the IFSW Website within 28 days of the meetings. Confidential minutes will not be published on the website.
7. Sub-Groups
7.1 In consultation with the IFSW Secretary General, the Commission may appoint a sub-committee, panel, policy group, forum, working party or any other group as it sees fit to deliver its work plan and the mission and aims of IFSW, with such terms of reference as it shall prescribe, and which have been agreed by the IFSW Secretary General.
8. Review
8.1 These Terms of Reference will be reviewed by IFSW Secretary General, Global Commissioners and the IFSW Global Executive every two years or as necessary to ensure they remain fit for purpose.
This Terms of Reference will affect:
- The Policy Manual for Executive members
- The Global Commissions Role Descriptions
- The Executive Strategic Plan
- The Commissioners Work Plan
To create:
- A MoU for the global and regional commissioner roles
- The Role descriptions
- Expression of interest forms for global and regional positions
- A place on the website for non-confidential Commission minutes
- A template for the Biennial Commissions Operational work plan
- A standardised way of describing the purpose of commissions on the website
- A template for the Reports to IFSW Global Executive.
- IFSW Statement of Ethical Principles
- The People’s Charter for an Eco-social World